A Hemp Solution To Plastic

in hemp •  8 years ago 

It's said that there are something like 50,000 different possible uses for hemp and one of the areas where the crop could play a big role is in replacing many plastic products in our market today.

The Ford Motor Company was allegedly the first company to build a car using hemp plastic. And a growing number of scientists are looking at the potential of how hemp could be used to replace plastic.

One company from Buffalo, NY, is specifically looking to find different ways to use hemp to solve many problems that we have today that we've been using plastic to solve. The company, Buffalo Hemp Co., is strictly dedicated to using hemp in order to create products that would traditionally have been created with plastic.

The company was founded by 24-year-old Denver Mackintosh, and he like many others today cannot understand why we aren't using hemp for more products in the market.

There is a lot of wealth that could be produced, jobs to be created, and a higher standard of living to ultimately be achieved, if lawmakers would embrace this crop rather than look to prohibit it.

One of their big plans, for Buffalo Hemp Co., is to start building many tiny homes by using hempcrete and they want to eventually donate those homes to homeless veterans.

When it comes to replacing plastic products, they've come up with things like hemp flower pots and trays. They are looking to target everyday items, and hopefully will get to creating things like hemp pill bottles and hemp single-use utensils.

At the moment it's still illegal to produce hemp crops in the U.S. unless you are doing so under very strict conditions. So there are some individuals who are engaged in growing the crop in the U.S. at the moment and there are also a number of universities who have been growing it for research purposes.

There is still a lot of room for growth in the way of exploring the possibility of replacing many plastic items that we use today with hemp.

And Buffalo Hemp Co, isn't only working with companies in the U.S. to create and distribute these products, but they are also working with others around the world to bring them a hemp solution as well.

hemp inc


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People should be able to do whatever they want with this plant. I am sure it will happen eventually and we wont have to hear about this non-issue in the news anymore.

I thought along the same lines and then I had to consider a very potent reality when I heard "real power never changes hands", so don't be so sure that change is gonna happen with time, it requires a perseverance of monumental proportion, because otherwise it's far more likely you'll be saying the same optimistic thing in 2030.

Top Article

You know what's interesting? God created the marijuana plant. Not saying anything, it's just interesting.

Great post!

Excellent post and article!!

Thanks for this nice article! Resteemed ;)

Great post as usual, and I'm completely agree.
I'm waiting for freedom here in Italy too.

You see weed has been deemed as being a drug for so many years so it's hard to show the good uses of it based on it's currant negative ideology.. An also the way it's used among the wrong person gives the impression that marijuana is bad for us but in fact it's a life saving herb. I my self grow weed for medicinal purposes an trust me it works ,this plant is such a beauty.

companies like Dupont, and Exon were instrumental in making Marijuana illegal. They touted the psycho-active properties as dangerous, but in reality they were very aware of the threat hemp posed to the plastic industry. In a humorous note. Cheech and Chongs movie, "Up in smoke" involved a utility van made of hemp resin. So the idea has been out there for decades. Hemp fiber is also among the strongest natural fibers.

Good article. In Iowa, hemp used to be a valuable crop. When they got around to making it illegal there was quite a bit of it growing wild in the ditches, hence the name "ditch-weed" in this state as Im sure it was called in other states. You used to see it growing along fence rows etc.. It is not a prevalent as it used to be.
There used to be a plant in the area that processed it, i'm guessing mostly for rope. That plant was eventually turned into a Maytag plant.

Hemp seed for consumption has just been legalised here in New Zealand last week.

I agree completely but @wakeupsheeps has a good point about why this is still not a reality and until things really shake down, may never be.

I recall being involved in campaigns to allow farms to produce good long-stock hemp plants, researching the machinery used in the Ukraine where they already had combines specific to hemp plant cultivation in order to use those amazing fibres to build strong, durable building materials, make fuel etc. That was 20 year ago and how have we progressed? Well somewhat, I suppose; we can buy hemp seeds to put on our salads. But the conversation is ongoing and reaching a wider audience and that is certainly a step in the right direction.

Legal Industrial Hemp Farming would be near death to many of the world's Multinationals, unless they were 100% in charge of it's production. It's a near limitless commodity that was made illegal by Big Oil, Big Plastic, Big Pharma, Big Timber, Big Construction... It goes on and on.

Prior to WWII, farmers were encouraged to plant Hemp for the war effort. Then, made illegal.

It's a magic plant.

I've been saying this for years! If we truly had a free market, oil would slowly be phased out by the demand of the people for hemp. No rug would be pulled out from underneath anyone and the markets would grow in size and scope.
Would be great to be on the ground floor of the hemp industry. :) It's set to explode over the next ten years.

Yeah that would be wonderful but the pressure against this movement is immense. Hemp would take over because of it's numerous uses, resistance to fungus,insects, drought, cold, wind, and bad, stripped soil, in return for innumerable uses.

give the people what they want! :)

Exchellent post dear @doitvoluntarily!!
Re - steem this post_)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Only place where hemp is "problem" is...

great article!! Everyone should have freedom to grow! #freetheleaf

Crystal clear upvote and resteem :-)



Without doing a research on the subject, I can remember in very recent years, that Kentucky was looking for a way to legalize hemp. Reason?
To replace the tobacco crops that Kentucky has been so famous for over the years. Not to belabor the subject anymore. Just ask "why not?"

Interesting and informative article @doitvoluntarily.

I think the answer is simple: only once all the profit from oil is extracted, we will see hemp plastic and more electric and hydrogen cars. Would you agree?

@doitvoluntarily - Great article! Cannabis should be decriminalized. The reefer madness and scare tactics no longer work, especially in the information age. The tradition of growing cannabis is thousands of years old. It is our duty to keep it alive.
Image of Bill Murray

Great article. The gov puts up so much unnecessary red tape just so they can import it from china. Times are changing though and thankful to experience it with you all ✌