RE: SLC S21 Week 1 - A Comprehensive guide to Herbal Medicines

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SLC S21 Week 1 - A Comprehensive guide to Herbal Medicines

in herbalmed-s21w1 •  4 months ago  (edited)

Nice write-up I'm excited that you specified your culture and region, as cultures and countries differ's l, so as tradition differ's too as well, in our day to day activities we need medication's to keep us moving in right direction, just as they say Health is wealth conclusively good lecture I will attend to it, God bless you and have a great weekend...

I'm your question 3 can't other herbs be chosen to perform the task???

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Thank you very much for liking my article and for using other herbs with similar benefits in this place.

You can use any herbs from your kitchen.

And also "GOD" Blessings on you always.