The folks at the tippy top of the wealth and power pyramid have been interbreeding and canoodling together for centuries. Those "who must not be named" have so much money and power that they employ legions of think tanks all over the world, through which they garner the demographic and psychological tools to continue to scheme and plan and maneuver "the masses", via all media, and most politicians, that they have learned how to control by whatever means necessary, and there are a myriad.
Far as they are concerned, now with AI and robotics, there are way too many wage slaves on the planet, except for the vast numbers of adults and children trafficked every day across our southern border as work and sex slaves. They no longer need the work and tax class. They need to get rid of literally billions of us. And don't forget, "they" are psychopaths.
If one looks at every new mandate, new law, any new and more oppressive and fascist laws, the divisiveness which is insidious in social media, etc., consider the real source. And then, refuse. I am seeing this happening across the globe, but until the problem is recognized, there can be no solution.
I actually had a few sheep, and they definitely had unique personalities and we gave them each individual names (in Zulu), and recognized one from the other. But they were definitely herd animals, and always clustered together when feeling threatened (like gun shots or lightning) and seemed at those times, even the Ram was not willing to be the leader.
Doesn't make sheep stupid. Just reminds us of how much we are like them, until we are not.