in high •  2 years ago  (edited)

For the record. Am hereditery High Priest of the House of Israel. After finding out about the Moseretic heresy, started by heretic king Akhenaten of the ill fated 18th dynasty, with subsequent possession of the Jews by the unholy QLIPHOTH of the Demiurge, aka the adversary, who has corrupted and coerced the hearts and minds of Moses and his flock to lead their souls astray from the true Creator and the Covenant.

Finding myself standing alone in the desolated Temple of our Creator while the rest of the Jews, so it appears, have congregated in the dark basement of the Sheol, hell that is, where they idol worshipping the Evil, wrathful, war loving, blood thirsty, human sacrifice demanding Demiurge, aka the blind idiot god of the old, the fallen from Grace Cherub.

The original father's Abrahamic bloodline is now forgotten, by the sabotage of the Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical apostates, and ignored completely with only mother's mother line being recognized as Jewish, which is not how the House of Israel was found and actually functions, not while am still alive and in power. So, long story short, I have thereby excommunicated them all from the House of Israel of which am now the Patriarch leaving only myself as part of it and thus am the last High Priest of Israel on the books until I decide who is welcome back into the original Covenant.

Call yourself Jew all you want but you are Israel no more. Satanic whores you are. Have a blast in Sheol, say hello to your idiot Moses. I will not tolerate any of such heresy. We have laws of our Creator and Consciousness to determine the right from wrong, to hell with the man made laws. They don't know up from down, think that they live on a spinning ball and have evolved from the apes, and yet are confident about their law making abilities, such as do not smoke that herb then ok now you can. Get lost bloody inbread loosers.

If your Demiurge wasn't the beast that he is and is true Creator of Creation, as you fraudulently claim with you being his chosen ones, then you wouldn't live and look like shit, and everything you touch wouldn't turn to shit and stink to high Heavens. The proof is in the pudding. Judge a tree by it's fruit and yours is rotten to the core. All of it is garbage. The hell creatures you truly are from whence yee came and there yee shalt return. And guess what bitches, am god of Hell, so I will sure see you all on the flipside. Your sweet Demiurge is imprisoned there for all eternity with you for a company. There is only one I am and that is We Are. Muahaha 3:)

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