The shame of every country...

in highwayoftears •  7 years ago 

Lastnight, after our duo show in Germany a man came up to tell me how deeply he was affected by the song "Highway of Tears". This is an original song I wrote about the missing and murdered indigenous women of Canada. I had mentioned on stage before we started the song that this was a difficult subject to talk about, and that I wanted to bring the conversation to light by writing a song that could touch on some feelings and open the conversation. I also mentioned that in my opinion this issue was a great shame of my country. The man spoke about the shame that Germany still feels, and how each country needs to heal these personal tragedies. These are the moments that give back so much to my heart and soul. Art should touch people, bring up emotions, turn the walking dead into living breathing souls again. And my opinion is that great art should spur change, start conversations, help with healing and open doors to t. Maybe I am naive, but I still believe that art can do this. I have seen people brought to tears by music, and have heard their stories after the shows. Neil Young said in one of his songs "Just singing a song won't save the world", and he might be right. But it can, open the heart, mind, soul and discussion we need to share in. Especially these strange days of technology and digital distraction, when so many don't take the time to look up from their phones to truly "see" the people around and in front of them...That's enough from me for tonight. Peace, love and music, Xx Firegirl

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