You have to wonder what's going to happen in November. The establishment Russia narrative is still completely devoid of any hard evidence that the Russian government interfered in America's 2016 elections in any meaningful way, and we're being told with steadily increasing shrillness that Russia is also definitely guilty of future meddling in this year's midterm elections as well.
We need to ask ourselves: is there in fact anything that Russia can do to avoid being accused of election meddling in November by a power establishment that has an extensive history of using lies, propaganda and false flags to manufacture support for aggressions against a target of the empire? If Russia stays as far away from that election as possible, will we still receive as we did in 2016 completely unsubstantiated reports from the lying, torturing, surveilling, coup-staging US intelligence community that the Russians meddled in the election anyway?
If so, what then?
I'm going to write about Hillary Clinton again. Not because I want to, but because I have to.
Whenever I write anything about the evil things that Clinton has done and continues to do, I aways get a mad rush of Democratic party sycophants falling all over themselves to inform me that Hillary isn't president and asking why I pick on this poor powerless old woman when a schizophrenic Kremlin agent/literal Nazi is sitting in the White House. I've long ago stopped wasting my energy showing my detractors how I do in fact criticize the actions of the current administration constantly, but I would like to point out that Clinton's tweet demanding more escalations against Russia from the Trump administration received over 14,000 shares in just seven hours. Articles focused solely on this one tweet have been published by CNN, The Independent, the New York Post, AOL, Fox News, and many other outlets as of this writing. Clinton remains the single most influential voice in the Democratic party, and to pretend otherwise is willful ignorance.
When Clinton comes out and makes a decree, she is helping to shape a narrative and advance an agenda favored by the Democratic party. When she comes out and says Trump needs to escalate tensions even further with Russia than he already has, it matters.
"I say this as a former Secretary of State and as an American: the Russians are still coming," Clinton tweeted. "Our intelligence professionals are imploring Trump to act. Will he continue to ignore & surrender, or protect our country?"
Clinton tweeted this with a Washington Post article about comments made by Michael S. Rogers, the NSA Director who infamously insisted that the Russian government had hacked French election infrastructure despite France's own cybersecurity chief stating that the evidence shows it "could have been practically anyone," adding that he was "absolutely baffled" by Rogers' testimony.
The article linked by Clinton focuses on comments made by Rogers in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee that the US is "probably not doing enough" to deter the alleged future cyberattacks by Russia, on the grounds that President Trump has given him no new authorities or capabilities to strike at Russian cyber-operations ahead of the midterms. Rogers testified that he believes Trump's refusal to grant preemptive cyberattack authorization against Russian cyber-operations has led Vladimir Putin to "come to the conclusion that ‘there’s little price to pay here and therefore I can continue this activity.’”
The Russians are coming. They just come right out and say it now.
These articles are always a hard sell because they point out the omnicidal warmongering of both the Democrats and the Trump administration, so I can't play on people's partisan loyalties to get this message out circulating, but this needs to be said, so let's go through this once again:
This administration has already killed Russians in Syria, greatly escalated nuclear tensions with Russia, allowed the sale of arms to Ukraine (a move Obama refused for fear of angering Moscow), established a permanent military presence in Syria with the goal of effecting regime change, forced RT and Sputnik to register as foreign agents, expanded NATO with the addition of Montenegro, assigned Russia hawk Kurt Volker as special representative to Ukraine, shut down a Russian consulate in San Francisco and thrown out Russian diplomats as part of continued back-and-forth hostile diplomatic exchanges, all while keeping the troops on Russia's border placed there at the end of the Obama administration.
On top of all this, this administration has recently increased US Navy presence in the Black Sea "to counter Russia's increased presence there". For perspective:
Can you imagine Russia bringing war ships into the Gulf of Mexico to counter America's presence there? How do you think the hysterical cold war climate of today would react to that? What do you think Hillary Clinton would be saying to increase public pressure on Trump to aggressively confront Russia for such a bold move? Trump is marching us closer and closer to a third and final World War, and these psychos are saying he's not hawkish enough.
Speaking of which, not enough accolades have gone to US-Russian relations expert Stephen Cohen for accurately predicting every step toward doomsday exactly as it has unfolded. Way back in April of 2017 Cohen was on Democracy Now forecasting the way Russiagate would be used to pressure Trump into constantly advancing toward direct military confrontation with a nuclear superpower without ever backing down. In order to fight the politically damaging accusation of being an actual Kremlin puppet, Trump has already just 13 months into his administration escalated tensions with Russia far, far beyond anything his recent predecessors would have ever dreamed of allowing.
Since that time Cohen has remained steadfast in pointing out every step of this march toward Armageddon and how it has been unfolding exactly as predicted, with any inertia toward dangerous escalations with a nuclear superpower being attacked as treason by Democrats like Hillary Clinton and their allied media outlets.
The man has been absolutely prophetic, and it's time we started listening to him.
We are being dragged into something horrific and unthinkable by blinkered Democrats and myopic Republicans. There are no adults in the room to slam on the brakes. We must all wake up and cry out in one voice to stop this nonsense before we pass the point of no return, in a very real and literal sense.
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In a word... No!
This bullshit narrative has been peddled for so long now it has become a truth to many in the US. I have just returned from the States and the amount of people I spoke to that believe that Russia meddled with election is frightening, it just goes to show the power of the MSM propaganda machine and the gullibility of the electorate. Hardly anyone saw the irony of the meme when confronted with the fact that the US is the ‘Daddy’ of election meddling!
I don’t believe Hitlary will ever win the presidency however we should still all pray she doesn’t, she is a stone cold psychopath controlled by evil forces determined to force through an insipid NWO agenda. If she got in it’s over for the world as we know it!
Both sides of the bullshit political divide are moronic and folks need to wake up to it before they vote for their own enslavement, economic storm clouds are on the horizon and both sides will use them as a pretext for more draconian local actions and international war.
Buckle up, it’s going to be a fierce ride!
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Looks to me like Hillary is still desperate to become president. I think she's gonna run again, no matter how unpopular she is. The sure sign of a tyrannical dictator. She refuses to take responsibility for her disastrous political history, and keeps pointing the finger elsewhere to deflect her crap onto others.
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It'd be kind of funny to see the Democrats rig it for her again only to have her lose again.
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I'm glad I found this. I'll be sure to follow you on twitter.
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Every time Hillary speaks now, it feels like one of those 80s slasher flicks on it's 10th sequel when the previous 5 sequels all promised that the monster really was dead this time. And yet, every so often, the monster springs back to life to kill again. Only, with this particular psycho, instead of killing a bunch of dumbass teenagers who don't know you shouldn't run upstairs when being chased by a knife-wielding maniac, Hillary Voorhes Krueger is trying to kill us all with thermonuclear war because the petulant old woman child is not mentally capable of accepting that she will never be president.
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Twiter will soon be obsolete, it's got more bots than government statues and codes. The fact that Trump is a fool with respects to his foreign policy by still sending billions daily to Israel and spitting on Russian soil in hopes to provoke the final cleansing of the great work is troubling, "The Russians are coming" is retardedAF but the only reason Israel isn't disarmed is because America still hasn't stood up to the Zionist Rothschild Bought and Paid for Military and Government, least of all those shills that joystick people daily on behalf of the zionist agenda, not realizing that what they are doing is iliciting constant hate from the rest of the world, the perfect set up to a patsy to blame all the problems on. America is not it's US military, or its Rogue Government, the drums of war are paid for by the French UN corporation, owned by Nathan Rothschild. The blockchain will seal all these feeling and sentiments for the record of all, I piss on your Georgia Guidestones Agenda 21 globalist scumbags, and if you still think that flouride in the water is for your benefit and that they would never spray you like a science experiment you ought to get your seasonal flu shot next year.
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Spot on Caitlin. I just wish we really were one voice. Got called a paid Russian shill just yesterday for reservedly casting my doubts and pointing a finger at Clinton hawkishness and evasiveness for her failings...
And here we are :(
Urgh. In lighter news, I bought your book for my best friend. Hope I can give it to her to enjoy before the world burns. :)
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Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
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The only mounting concern for Hillary is the unraveling of her and her parties involvement in the Russian scheme against the Trump administration to try and swing a presidential election in her favor. Deflection is all she has left as everyone seems to be abandoning ship. Sounds like Stephen Cohen's going to go down fighting, the elections over Stephen, you can stop the fear mongering now.
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At this point, the only goal of Hillary and the Democrats is to destroy Trump. If they can't get him impeached directly, they will try to humiliate him by destroying his inner circle. If that doesn't work, they will try to destroy his immediate family (see: Jared Kushner). And they will keep pushing this Russia narrative through the 2018 midterm elections in the hopes of re-taking control in Washington so that they can finally impeach him once and for all. And if that doesn't work... well, I think we might see some truly reprehensible Deep State activity.
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How is the Democrats' push on this Russia-gate nonsense any less insane than the old Republican push for Obamas Birth Certificate? Remember when the right was crying that Obama was a Muslim plant meant to usurp our democracy and turn america into a sharia law hell hole? yeah, this leftist crap about Trump being a Russian plant meant to usurp democracy and turn America into the 4th Reich is no less a nonsense conspiracy theory.
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Killary just can't understand that America doesn't like her, That we're wise to her phony grandmother bullshit, That we want actual change and NOT the same old kleptocrat business-as-usual government. Her failure has nothing to do with anything other than herself.
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Yo, Hillary. Loser. Just go away and hide.
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Thanks. MAGA.
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Behold the Russian aggression in their only warm water port.
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