Hillary Clinton Body Double Saga Recap- 11 Day Media Circus

in hillarysdeath •  8 years ago 

For the past 11 days I've watched what has to be the second biggest media event to occur on 9/11.  It started with Clinton Collapsing at a 9/11 memorial service, speculation about her illness, and then it jumps to the next level.   Hillary Clinton skipped the doctors office and went to Chelsea's apartment, which is on the same floor and same building as a previously licensed state home medical care facility.  When she emerged she looked so young and refreshed that the internet erupted.  Twitter exploded with #hillarysbodydouble almost immediately.    In the aftermath of that not only did a second body double emerge, but the real Hillary Clinton emerged as well.  In fact they go back and forth in their public appearances.  This post is meant to put together what we've seen over the last 11 days and show critics, non-believers, and believers images that show how there are 3 different people that are claiming to be Hillary Clinton in the last 11 days.

Here is Hillary Clinton from her own page.  Note the neck creases, "joker's smile," blue eyes, teeth, cheek wrinkles connect to crows feet, when here eyebrows are raised her forehead is covered in wrinkles, and she has 3 moles on the right side of her mouth.

Here's a little prep to get you ready for what you're about to see.

0. Pre-9/11

Clinton is plagued by coughs

Clinton is plauged by coughs.

Clinton spits out phlegm balls.

Clinton still coughing.

Clinton has a seizure/out of character moment at the convention

Clinton experiences a seizure while talking to reporters.  It was laughed off by the media as a joke, but you can see that during the seizure her eyes stop tracking and her answers are bizarre.

Clinton freezes on the campaign.

Clinton's Handler has a badge indicating he's not actually with the Secret Service since they typically work in teams who know one another and don't wear badges to protect themselves and their security detail.

Clinton is unable to climb stairs on her own and requires two people to lift her up.  

Zerohedge alleges that Hillary Clinton's handler keeps a diazepam pen on hand to treat her seizures.

"Clinton's handler" is known from years before as he was also present after President Clinton's heart surgery.

Hillary Clinton is seen with either a leison or tumor in her mouth that is removed.

Hillary's medical record as written by Dr. Bardack are leaked indicating seizures and dementia.

The "Clinton Handler" is alleged to be neurologist Dr. Okunola.

1.  The collapse of a political icon on 9/11.

Clinton by her vehicle.

Hillary Clinton in the crowd at the 9/11 Memorial Service.

Clinton seen leaving the 9/11 Memorial Service.

Clinton with aide Christine Falvo a campaign aide..

Dr. Bardeck checks for pulse and possibly a neurological exam testing to see if she can squeeze a finger as they exit.

HRC is seen being taken from the 9/11 event.

Here's the video.

Some have criticized that video given the speed of walkers in the background and the fact that the metal grate seems to flow in and out of the steel post during the video.

It's worth noting that the lenses she's likely wearing are not sold in the US and have to be special ordered from Europe.  They are anti-seizure glasses.

She's taken to Chelsea's apartment, which happens to be the same address of formerly state licensed medical facility Metrocare Home Services, INC.  

Clinton emerges several hours later

Twitter explodes with #hillarysbodydouble because the woman is 30-50lbs lighter, wearing different earings, has a different shaped nose, lost her double chin, and seems absent common wrinkles.

You'll notice the distinct difference is nose profile and complete lack of wrinkles or a double chin.

She appears to have lost a significant amount of years, her teeth are different, her nostrils are different, the lines of her face are different.  Many things are very different.

The women don't look terribly alike.

People question her judgement having contagious pneumonia and taking this photo opp with the little girl.  It's also unclear where the rest of her security detail is.

Their hand sizes don't match.

And their hand prints don't match.

Analysis by other another doctor who goes public shares that she has symptoms similar to Parkinson's.

Hillary is taken to Chappequa NY where the Clinton's have a house, but no one was allowed near it.

Medical Speculation-

 Primary evidence includes: 

  • Huma stating she is “often confused.”
  • HRC demonstrates classic Parkinson's Disease hand posturing.
  • HRC demonstrates bizarre head-bobbing
  • HRC demonstrates bizarre wide eyed and open mouthed stare during the balloon drop
  • HRC freezes with wide eyes that are don’t move in the same direction 
  • HRC freezes when protesters interrupt her campaign speech and needs to be talked down by her handler to continue

The symptoms of Parkinson’s can also occur in patients suffering from Meningitis.  One cause of meningitis is syphilitic aseptic meningitis aka syphilis.  This diagnosis can match just about every symptom exhibited by Secretary Clinton that isn’t explained simply by individual diagnosis of parkinson's, pneumonia, dementia, or dehydration.   Another possible contender is cancer.


3 reports come out initially stating that she died on 9/11.  A fourth news report comes out later put out by Benjamin Fulford.

and a tweet I can't find by Chuck Todd.

The campaign says she didn't see a Doctor, but it remains highly suspicious especially because the spokesman exhibits decievers delight immediately after saying it.


She stays in Chappequa and doesn't emerge.  She gives a phone interview on 13 with Anderson Cooper.  You'll note for the first time in months she's able to go 8 minutes without coughing.  I suggest she's using a voice double here because the voice is completely healthy as opposed to extremely horse.

Including her voice double there is a delay between the 11th and when she finally emerges.  She cancels her appearance on Ellen and a California fund raiser.

Bill Clinton screws up the Pnuemonia narrative here.


When Hillary emerges from her campaign hiatus in Greensboro NC on September 15th she looks very different from both HRC and Double-1.  There is also extremely strong evidence of using pre-recorded video consisting of more than 1 layer.  The image below shows her partially disappeared a la Schwarzenegger's Predator.  The fact that the background sticks out so clearly and un-distorted is clear evidence of video manipulation.

The full video is below and the most striking visual mishaps happen after the 20 minute mark.

The woman campaigning in Greensboro is not Hillary Clinton, but another body double.  You'll notice different teeth, a different nose, significantly less neck, cheek, and eye wrinkles.  She also has different color eyes. She's smaller and in video footage is clearly seen moving much more gracefully than the real HRC.

Double 2 holds a brief press conference on her plane on September 17th where she is immediately ridiculed as being drugged, asleep, and/or drunk.

Here's the live footage.  You'll notice she lacks classic Clinton features, appears much younger, and has much less body weight.

On September 19th she responds more formally to the security needs after the New York city bombings.

She also gives a campaign speech at Temple University on the 19th.

You'll notice the general low quality of any videos that emerge where Double-2 is in the footage.  There are other bizarre irregularities that I cover here.

Here are some images that emerge of Double-2

Here are some side by side comparisons- You'll notice Double-2 has different eye color among just about everything else that's different.

The real HRC emerges

So, on the morning of the 19th she makes a campaign appearance as Double-2.  On the evening of the 19th the real HRC is on Jimmy Fallon.

Here are some stills from the show.

Double 2 busted for her Lazy Eye-

Technically she doesn't have a lazy eye.

Here's the speech that Double-2 delivers in philadelphia.

A comparison image of the real HRC in the same top.

Truthkings reports it's possible that [Double-2] is suffering from a vaccine injury.  Others think it may be more Parkinsonism symptoms.

The real Hillary Clinton appears on Face the Nation on CBS on September 20th.

Here are some still shots from that event.

Double-2 Returns in Orlando Florida on 9/21

Here is a comparison of who was there.

You'lll notice an odd mole on her hand.

and now she's quite spritely in her movement.

Here's the real Hillary.  You'll notice especially with the head wound and the glasses her eyes have been incredibly scrutinized and with the lone exception of the seizure the actual Clinton has not been routinely photographed with the Lazy Eye.

Especially with the low quality footage it's roughly here that I'm beginning to suspect that Hillary's team is using rotoscoping to compile images together.  Here's a random example from the internet.

After her campaign speech she gives a followup interview in Orlando as well.  This is the first clean footage of Double-2 to date, except now she has blue eyes.  I mostly think it's Double-2, but I'm still entertaining the idea that it's not.

Here are some still from that


The Real HRC shows up again on Between two ferns- September 22nd.

While most of the HRC events are painful to watch here's at least one example that's just plain hilarious.  In what appears to be an attempt to get millenial votes she decides to go on Between Two Ferns a well known satirical interview setup.  She's subsequently "pwnt."  That said.  It's the real HRC again.

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Some of those photos have been really photo shopped. Still, I am enjoying the Hillary conspiracy/truth seeking.