This is what we have to endure everyday in this country. I think hindi speaking people feels some kind of superiority complex over other overly more indian language speaking people.

in hindi •  5 years ago 

This is what we have to endure everyday in this country. I think hindi speaking people feels some kind of superiority complex over other overly more indian language speaking people. This is why only " International English " should be the only compulsory language after local languages to keep this system more democratic, justice more bipartisan and neutral in a multilingual country like ours! Like I said many more times before, Hindi is urdu with devnagari, Like chinese product in a sanskrit package. When mughals came in, they destroyed many ancient Indian languages, made khichuri with urdu and which became hindi. Many sanskrit alike hindi words are basically sn...d (forcefully) taken from various other Ancient languages like Dravidan languages and others. If you do languages research, Dravidan languages are the oldest ancient real Indian languages, How much more Indian do you need? Or things can get?

This situation is exactly like what #Chinese dictatorial government is doing with replacing and extermination processes in their countryside communities.

Why this discrimination with dravidan , bengali people such as us? Same happening with many other language speaking communities. Cultural infiltration is going on by extremists of mid-west india In the name of religion. What a disgrace. A trial is going on of a racist nature to divert and divide by showing people such as Reah Chakraborty , who were never born , never grew up in bengal, never took any education and resided in bengal and thus can't be called a Bengali. This kind of manipulation and racism are absolutely disgraceful. Multiple harrasment against Bengali girls have been happened in the name of this lie and racistic manipulation. Which is absolutely unacceptable and utter injustice. #hindi #India #Bharat #ThisIsMyOpinion . #language #justice #freedom #liberty #year2020 #year12020he #KanimozhiGotHarrasedAtAirportForNotKnowinghindi

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