The Sun Ever Stop

in historians •  7 years ago 


Among histories that have been forgotten by the historians of the world, the story of a prophet who sholih, namely Prophet Yusya 'bin Nun-Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam-.

Historically mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad -Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam-as in the hadith narrated by Imam Al-Bukhoriy in his Shohih and Muslim Imam also in his book of Shohih that when the Prophet Yusya 'wanted to wage jihad against the infidels who controlled the Baitul Maqdis , then he gives advice to all his troops. Then he also traveled in the fight against the infidels. When he saw the war not yet over, the sun was almost drowned, so he asked God to have the sun arrested. Finally, Allah -Azza wa Jalla- held off the sun until Prophet Yusya 'completed the war and defeated the heathen.

Rasulullah -Shallallahu alaihi wa sallam- said,

إن الشمس لم تحبس لبشر إلا ليوشع ليالي سار إلى بيت المقدس
"Surely the sun was never held for any man, except for the Prophet Yusya 'on the day he traveled to Baitul Maqdis". [HR. Ahmad in Al-Musnad (2/325) from Abu Hurairah. This hadith is shihih-kan by Shaykh Al-Albaniy in Ash-Shohihah (No. 202)]

The Hadith Expert of the Jordanian State, Shaykh Muhammad Nashiruddin Al-Albaniy -rahimahullah- said, "In this hadith there is a statement that the sun was never detained (by Allah), other than for Yusya '-lawihis salam-. In this hadith there is a signal about the weakness of something narrated that it also (happened) for other than him ". [See As-Silsilah Ash-Shohihah (No. 202)]

The story of Prophet Yusya 'bin Nun is strong evidence that many of the world's histories are scattered and have been forgotten by humans. Stories that explain the power of God as the only human beings who haq. But because most world historians are from ignorant and atheist people, they are not or are reluctant to mention such stories.

Great history, the sun is restrained by God the All-Creator of all things. Such a being is subordinate to God's provisions.

create :@abunajwa

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