Morotai as ancient Museum of World War II

in history •  7 years ago  (edited)

image Jakarta, Morotai is identical with the world war (World War), especially World War II. The nation of Japan for the first time using the Morotai as bases the region Asia-Pacific power. Any such with the Allied forces with the United States as a command.

"The strategic location of the islands of Morotai into a menjadkan the right choice to create a stronghold. Various strategies and tactics to overwhelm the island become important, "Azis Momanda shot.
Observer history from Ternate it says United States origin warlord, General Douglas Mac Arthur chose Morotai as a base while strategic locations in winning the battle of World War II in the Asia Pasfik.

Lastly, then Indonesia's fight to reclaim Irian Jaya to the bosom of mother earth, Morotai was made a strategic military base.

A variety of heroic story comes from the island. Starting from Mac Atrthur to Teruo Nakamura even Herlina Kasim, the Pending release of Irian Jaya fighters Gold. A wide range of infrastructure to be witness of the war as well as his supporters menyesaki Morotai area.

Predictably, many artifacts relics once the war in this region, both on land and at sea. Small to large artifacts can still be found becomes the witness of the fierce World War II.

Any Adventurous companions experience searching for "treasure" (treasure hunt experience) in the American forest area in the village of Daruba, Morotai. Interestingly, there is a local community of seekers of treasure relics of World War II and are still using traditional tools in the form of a metal stick along the 1-meter and a crowbar to dig.

"Remnants of World War II are still widely spread in the region. Monasteries such as bottles, dogtag, coins, to the combat equipment is still found. It's just that with regard to the older ammunition should not be arbitrary in doing the digging, "shot Muchlis Eso, owner of mini partikelir museum of World War II.

Results are collected in a small museum at Morotai. Knick knacks and completeness of the tools of war is here. Call it the bullet, bottles, ceramic, steel helmet to the bike kependuduk Japan times. This collection can be accessed publicly and voluntary admission.

The Museum was not alpa was built of local government and the Centre. Even designate updated with central museum, World War 2 and Trikora plan would manage established and by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia. ||

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