Hello Steemians located in Indonesia and In Neighboring Countries
- The notion of the New Order and the history of the New Order is one of history that is likely to be taught in every level of education, from the basic to the top. Not surprisingly, the story is part of Indonesian history that everyone needs to know and learn. The New Order, or commonly abbreviated as the New Order, refers to the Indonesian period under President Suharto as Indonesia's second president. The term is a continuation of the reign of Sukarno called the Old Order or Orla that lasted from 1945 on the proclamation of Indonesian independence until 1965 when the G30 S PKI rebellion.
The understanding of the New Order and the history of the New Order must be related to a brief description of the New Order itself. The New Order period lasted from 1966 which was marked by the birth of a Letter of Command 11 March 1966 or Supersemar until 1998 which was marked by a large demonstration in Jakarta that resulted in riots in Jakarta. The New Order period was marked by a number of events that had a massive impact, among them the cessation of the PKI G30 S rebellion, the massacre of PKI members and other elements, and Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism or massive KKN.
History and Background of the New Order:
The understanding of the New Order and the history of the New Order is further characterized by the actions taken by President Suharto after the March 11 Order was issued. Responding to the letter, President Suharto took immediate action to stop the insurgency perpetrated by the PKI. On March 12, 1966, President Suharto issued a letter declaring the dissolution of the PKI and its mass organizations under it and securing a number of ministers deemed to be involved in the PKI-masterminded uprising. In addition, all PKI members and their mass organizations were executed on the basis of the intensity of their involvement. Some of them were killed by the community and exiled to a number of islands outside Java and were subjected to political prisoners or political prisoners.
In addition, President Suharto also formed a new cabinet called the Ampera Cabinet which has the task of restoring Indonesia's political and economic stability as it was then led by Sukarno who still has power. However, the power gradually diminished which then led to the Special Session of the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly or MPRS held on 7-12 March 1967 in Jakarta which decided to appoint Suharto as the second president of Indonesia.
The notion of the New Order and the history of the later New Order were marked by the policies Suharto took as president. In order to fix Indonesia's chaotic economy, Suharto implemented a Five-Year Development Plan or Repelita policy that focuses on the development of labor-intensive industries or those that absorb a lot of labor, export commodity industries and so on. During his reign, Suharto succeeded in implementing rice self-sufficiency and increasing development.
However, the success of economic development must be redeemed by the high level of corruption in Indonesia and the decline of democracy in the aspect of Indonesian society. The Government of Indonesia, which includes all government bureaucrats and their families, enjoys wealth in the midst of a declining welfare society. All government bureaucrats get privileges not shared by the common people. In addition, the freedom to voice opinion through print and electronic media is limited, which then led to a large demonstration in Jakarta that led to the fall of Suharto from government in 1998.
The new order is a term used to refer to the reign of the Soeharto regime,
Namely the period of leadership of the second president of the Republic of Indonesia after replacing Sukarno as the first president of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The new order is a rule that is applied to the life of the people, the nation and the state of the Republic of Indonesia which is put back on the ideology of the nation, namely Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution absolutely.
Historically, the ideology of the Indonesian state was threatened by the spread of communism in the late Soekarno government. Communism is the ideology of rejecting everything private but belonging together. Communist understanding is often interpreted as atheist ideology or does not believe in the existence of a god.
After the uprising of the G30S PKI by the Indonesian Communist Party against the spread of communism in Indonesia, finally during the Soeharto era, it was emphasized to restore the ideology of the state which was threatened by the Indonesian Communist Party to the implementation of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution purely and consequently. The New Order period began in 1966 and ended in 1998 marked by the fall of the second President of the Republic of Indonesia Soeharto after serving for more than 30 years. The new order was born when Soekarno signed a treaty known as supersemar containing about the mandate given by Soekarno to Soeharto to succeed him as president.
Background of the New Order
The background of the new order is due to the massive coup by the Indonesian Communist Party against government policy. The incidents of kidnapping, torture and killing of the generals of the Indonesian Armed Forces and some of the important people that occurred in this 1965 septemper brought the country into a state of chaos.
The massacres of members of the Indonesian Communist Party and riots were ubiquitous which made the state's security level unstable and uncontrollable. The president's power became weakened. Massive demonstrations were also made by the people of Indonesia to the PKI to be dissolved. At that time, there were three popular demands put forward, namely the dissolution of the Communist Party of Indonesia, Clean cabinet from the elements of the PKI, and the latter lower the price of basic food.
President Soekarno responded to the demands of the Rakyattersebut by reshuffling the Dwikora cabinet.
But the reshuffle is considered unsatisfactory and disappointing because there is still a communist element in it. At that time, the country was in a crisis and a critical moment. Finally on 11 March 1966 Soekarno signed a letter appointing Soeharto as president of the Republic of Indonesia to replace himself at that time. Since the promulgation of Soekarno signed March, Soeharto was appointed the 2nd President of the Republic of Indonesia on 22 February 1967, officially, through the MPRS Decree no. XV / MPRS / 1966 and the special session of the MPRS (Assembly of the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly) on 7 - 12 March 1967.
In general, the government of Berde aims to correct any irregularities that occurred during the previous government, namely the old order. Reorganization of all aspects of life of the nation and state. To carry out the ideology of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, and the last is to restructure the power of the state in fostering national stability with the aim of accelerating national development.
- During the reign of Soeharto or the New Order period, the State of Indonesia Experienced various advances, especially in the field of Economics. Unstable economic conditions since independence during this period began to stabilize and improve. But the achievement in the economic field is also accompanied by authoritarian presidential powers, namely the power of the president is above the 1945 Constitution.
- In addition, during the New Order era there are also various kinds of political deviations such as economic policies that are too aligned with foreign, authoritarian powers and the rampant corruption of Nepotism collusion committed by Soeharto and his cronies. The number of corruption and popular discontent is also the cause of the collapse of this new order. The chronology of the fall of the New Order period was marked by unbalanced political competition. This happens because of the simplification of the party and an indication of the occurrence of electoral fraud. Freedom of opinion at that time was also suppressed, anyone who disagreed or disagreed with the government would have been "silenced". This was done to maintain the power of Soeharto at that time as president of the Republic of Indonesia.
This is what triggers community anger, especially students. Monetary crisis also occurred and increasing the people's anxiety that occurred in 1997 - 1998. State security situation becomes unstable.
Historical events in Indonesia is very interesting to be discussed, in addition to remember the services of the Hero it also can make us more love of the land of Air. Therefore you can read some of the history or events that occurred in Indonesia before and after the following independence.
10 National History Events Before and After Independence: Proclamation of August 17, 1945
This event is the most important event in Indonesian history. This is because with the proclamation read by the President of Indonesia Ir.Soekarno as the gate of independence of the Republic of Indonesia from the colonies of other countries that have befall us more than 350 years.
Establishment of Budi Utomo
Apparently, with the organization Budi Utomo this became one of the causes of Indonesia's independence faster on August 17, 1945. This organization is also the first national unity organization that fight for independence. Therefore, this incident becomes one of the 10 historical events in Indonesia that you must know.
Congress of Youth Pledges
The youths have an incredible fighting spirit to achieve the word of independence in the colonial era. As such, they joined several youth organizations and sparked ideas about the identity of the nation. In the end there was a Congress of Youth Pledge 1 and 2 which is always remembered by the people of Indonesia. In this incident also the first Indonesia Raya song played.
Events G30s / PKI 1965
The events of the September 30th Movement by the Communist Party of Indonesia became one of the 10 unforgettable historical events in Indonesia. Many victims who died in this event for example is the hero of Indonesia's own revolution. Even from this incident also led to the new order of President Soeharto.
The loss of East Timor
During the period under President Habibie there was a political upheaval that occurred in the Fretilin group that tried to separate one of Indonesia's territory from East Timor. In the end the province also established its own country which is currently called Timor Leste in 1999.
Conference Round Table
After Indonesia achieved independence, the Dutch returned to Indonesia so that our country needs to fight to maintain its independence. Therefore, a Round Table Conference was held to gain recognition of the sovereignty of the Indonesian state by the UN.
Presidential Decree 1959
On July 5, 1959, President Ir. Soekarni issued a decision or better known as Presidential Decree. The contents of this decision is to re-enact the 1945 Constitution, dissolve the Constituent Assembly and the existence of DPAS and MPRS.
Trisakti Event
10 historical events in Indonesia that one of them is Trisakti event. This incident occurred in 1998 which started from the death of four students in Indonesia because of being shot. Therefore, there is a rebellion because of it and other things like the economy of the citizens and the high criminality that exists.
First Elections 1955
Another historic event in Indonesia was the first election that took place in 1955. Indonesia could elect its own Constituent Assembly and members of the People's Legislative Assembly which would be the first time after ten years of proclamation.
Event 10 November
This incident occurred in 1945 due to the lack of recognition from the allied forces regarding the independence of Indonesia. Thus causing a lot of bloodshed from the citizens of Surabaya to defend the homeland.
10 Historical Events in Indonesia we summarize based on the famous. But actually the history of Indonesia is very much, ranging from the struggle of the Hero against the invaders to the current reform era. May be useful.
Japanese Heritage in Indonesia Goa Weapon and Tugu Building
Japan became one of the countries that once colonized Indonesia. Although only colonize only about 3.5 years, but the relics of Japan in Indonesia leave a wound that will not be forgotten. This can be seen from the stories of previous fighters about how cruel they are to the nation of Indonesia.
Some of the atrocities that have been perpetrated include torture, forced labor to kill. It was in this way that the Japanese treated the Indonesians during colonial times. Not only that, cruelty and torture in those times can be seen from the four places they left behind. For example, a relic in the form of a cave in Indonesia. To find out more about what Japanese heritage in Indonesia can be visited, see the explanation below.
Japanese Heritage Buildings in Indonesia:
Monument of Peace and Meaning of Symbolic.
- Japan's relics in Balikpapan
In World War II history, Balikpapan became the city of oil discovery as its main commodity. No wonder that the city is now a city of industrial development is quite rapid. Around 1942, Balikpapan became a Japanese city after the city of Tarakan. Being the second city in Indonesia to stop, make Japan ambitious to control the oil-producing region that started with occupying a strategic area in Balikpapan.
The existence of this certainly makes some point in Balikpapan of course there are Japanese heritage buildings in Indonesia. Some of these historical sites are protected by the Law No. 11 of 2010 on Cultural Heritage and are under the supervision of the Youth, Sport and Tourism Office of Balikpapan City Youth. Because the historic site is more functioned as education then the supervision is taken over to the Education Department of Balikpapan City.
Monument of Peace and Meaning of Symbolic
Monument Peace To get to this place you can visit it on the road Soekarno Hatta Km 13, Balikpapan. Both of Japan's legacy in Indonesia is located in the forest that must be reached by foot when entering the first gate. Although you can only access on foot you need not worry. To go to the place there are small stairs, but you still have to be careful because there are many moss that make the road becomes slippery.
This historic site does look like it is neglected. In addition to its location is in the forest also because the guard or caretaker is reportedly reportedly ill. The establishment of this monument of peace and symbolic tomb to commemorate the fall of Japanese, Australian and Indonesian troops during the period of World War II.
In the monument, there is a writing of kanji written by Mr. Towa Kai on August 15, 1990 and his statement reads "Peace and Friendship Monument to Memorize the Japanese, Indonesians, Australians Who Fall In Balikpapan During World War II." For his own grave, allegedly containing a Japanese soldier killed in World War II. Even so, there is also mention that the tomb is only symbolic.
Japanese cannon
There are two Japanese guns in Kampung Baru Ilir, Sidodadi Balikpapan. The legacy of the Japanese colonial period in Indonesia which has another name of Mount Meriam is located on the hill, as evidence that during World War II Japanese troops succeeded in destroying their enemies through cannon fire from above evidence in order to reach in all directions.
Keep in mind that the two cannon is a cannon owned by the Japanese Navy named Kaigun. At that time was trying to seize the oil well in Balikpapan. And the two guns are the mute witnesses to the oil scramble held in Balikpapan between Japan and Australia that left hundreds of Australian soldiers dead.
Leaving the island of Borneo, it turns out there are caves of Japanese heritage in Indonesia which is located in Bali or more precisely located in Klungkung regency. The location is indeed very strategic especially to be the base of war. Created on the cliff wall on the outskirts of Jalan Denpasar to Semarapura on the top there is a river named Tukad Bubuh.
When the Japanese troops entered the area of Bali, made Klungkung Cave is useful for the refuge of the Japanese army troops in an effort to defend themselves from enemy attacks and Indonesian nationalist fighters. Has 16 branch holes with a depth of about 14 meters and 2 branch holes again but not related to each other. One fruit is at the southern end and then the other is at the northern end, while the other hole is connected by a passageway extending to the direction of the south and direction.
It is said that there are many soldiers killed in the place among them are civilians, prisoners of war, and soldiers who were accused incompetent in carrying out their duties will also be executed. Due to the many atrocities committed during that time, local residents admitted to hearing voices, simultaneous footsteps and headless banyangan.
- The Japanese Cave of Bukittinggi, North Sumatra
Japanese Cave in Bukit Tinggi Sumatera
Location of the Japanese heritage in Indonesia this one is inside the Panorama Park is still located in the area Guguk Panjang, Bukittinggi City. If you want to see the Clock Tower, then access to this one cave is also very easy because the location is quite close and can only be reached by foot alone.
There are about 21 holes to deliver visitors to a certain room with the function of each love connected to each other. In addition to the torture chamber used to interrogate the enemy, there is also a prison space that is used as a mass grave. There is also a room that is considered the most horrible named Kitchen.
Unlike with the cooking pads in general, but the kitchen contained in Japanese relics in Indonesia is a place of human slaughter. Formerly the Romusha workers who are sickly or dying will be sent to the Kitchen for further mutilation. The bodies and their mutilated bodies were thrown through one of the holes connected to a river in Bukittinggi, Sianok gorge. The existence of these horrible events would make the atmosphere around the Cave of Bukittinggi still thick will feel mystical, horror and gripping. Some mystical experiences are often experienced by the visitors.
Well, that's some Japanese relics in Indonesia that you can sambangi to fill your vacation time with family and also add insight into the history of the Japanese occupation.