About peas

in history •  7 years ago 

Peas cook man learned a very long time. Even in Ancient Egypt, a soup of peas was prescribed to patients with high fever.

The English royal court in the early Middle Ages was eating very simply and monotonously: the king and queen ate pork ham and bread. It was washed down with beer. The only soup that was then served to the royal table in England was pea. It was believed that it gives bodily strength, and cost dearly.

Barley soup by then already turned into the usual oatmeal porridge, and was the daily food of the nobility and commoners. In the Russian army, peas were added where possible.

After all, it did not spoil during storage, and therefore it was very convenient to take it on hikes. True, preference was given to all the same cereals. Peas were bought locally.

After all, the Russian army before Peter the Great did not receive any "boiler allowance" from the state. Hence the famous soldier's "Kasha from the ax." In the Wehrmacht soldiers were given "pea sausage". They were tubas with pea pills. Which was necessary only to pour boiling water, and the soup is ready. This pea sausage saved hundreds of thousands of Germans from starvation, and was very much loved in the army.

Personally, I like fried peas from the childhood, as it was a delicacy in Central Asia. Especially when the peas put a twist-awesome)) But to repeat this dish most satisfactorily does not work, God knows why. In Uzbekistan, it has always been rare. His recipes in the Internet are very simple, and apparently there is not enough of a key factor. And yes, everything seems to be simple: crushed peas are soaked for a day or two, after which it is fried in a cauldron. But it does not come out good for me, not the taste of childhood. And he tried to fry with butter, and without oil. It's like the notorious "Parenaya turnip," whose recipe is now lost. Experienced cooks soak peas for the night with soda, and then it does not lead to increased gas production. And in falafel (popular vegetarian dish in the Middle East) put a large amount of chopped greens, for the same purpose.

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