Hi Dears Steemians
On Monday we celebrate the International Day of non-violence in honor of one of the most influential people in the whole world Mahatma Gandhi and this week I think it is necessary to give honor to whom honor deserves showing his life and his legacy to the whole community as it is a A great example to follow as a person, thinker, leader and politician.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Porbandar, Deli on October 2, 1869. He was a visionary man with pacifist ideas, the greatest leader of the Indian independence movement with which he liberated his people from slavery to which he was subjected by the British colony. This pacifist, politician, thinker and Hindu lawyer received from Rabindranath Tagore the honorific name of Mahatma that in Sanskrit means Large Soul (maha: Large and Atma: Alma). In India It was also called Bapu, Father in Gujarati language.

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Son of Karamchand Gandhi, the prime Minister of Porbandar and Putlibai, the fourth wife of his father, a fervently religious woman who had a great influence in his life, taught him with his example to believe in God and fasting sometimes waiting for the sunrise in Rainy Times, of it Gandhi learned since child not to hurt any living being, to be vegetarian, to fast to purify itself, and to be tolerant with other religious creeds. He married at the age of 13 with Kasturba, a woman of her caste and had 4 children with her, studied law in London and travelled back to India to practise her profession without being very successful, in 1893 she traveled for a job offer in an Indian company in South Africa.

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The series of experiences he lived in this country began to change his life. Two months after arriving in South Africa in the first class of the train in which he was traveling, a white man complained of his presence only for his race and asked to give him the job and go to 3rd class, though he had his ticket in hand and was recalled to Moving to the back of the train, was humiliated and kicked off the train, spent a very cold night on the platform and confessed to having had at that time the night more this is how he became interested in the situation of the 150000 Indians who lived in this situation of discrimination and began his struggle for the rights of humanity on earth without god where he knew God as he called it.
He returned to India in 1915 already at this time, had changed his habits and lifestyle by adopting the most traditional in India and rebelling against Western customs. In 1930 he starred in an important non-violent protest, known as the Salt Satiagraha, was based on fighting taxes and restriccines towards the Indians of producing and consuming salt in their own country. This protest would serve as inspiration later to movements like that of the American Martin Luther King.
Gandhi influenced the consciousness of the whole world with his concept of non-violence and became a truly complete and admirable leader, rebelled against everyone and by releasing his people in a war that fought for peace, set the hunger strikes and caught the attention of All in the world to their unarmed struggle against the British Empire. In August 1942 he claimed independence from England by declaring. "Here is a mantra, a short one and I tell you to do it or die, we will liberate India or die in the attempt" spent two years directing the rebellion from prison, until on February 14, 1947 the Indians celebrated their independence.
From their pacifist struggle, phrases like:
"Non-Violence, which is the quality of the heart, cannot come from a resource of the brain"
"Eye for eye and everyone will be blind"
Of his lived tracendental of evolution highlight his Thoughts:
"The winners are made of something that is deep within them, a desire, a dream, a vision"
"The weak can never forgive." Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong "
Gandhi led a simple life and humble, making their own pieces of clothing, (spent an hour of your day weaving his own clothes). Also loved the animals and left us a legacy of social awareness through its messages: "The supremacy of the man on the animal should be demonstrated not only avergonzándonos the barbaric practice of killing them and devouring them but taking care of them, protecting them and loving them. Do not eat meat is without doubt a great help for the development and peace of our spirit."
Of his inspiration creates one of the most beautiful phrases that a man has been able to pronounce on animals and that we use as a symbol the protectionists to bring reason to all the nations in the world:
Mahatma Gandhi is one of the bastions of humanity, left us an immeasurable legacy and with his example showed that we can fight against injustices without violence, with thoughts, revolutionary ideas and with the objectives set in evolution and peace, its Vision and his light will enlighten us through his legacy.