The Emerald Tablets of Thoth: The Key to Freedom of Space

in history •  6 years ago 

Tablet 9 opens much like the last few, we are told we are light and must seek light and Order. We are bound to these bodies only by our own doing, born of the stars, meant for space, yet tied in bondage in these bodies. The bodies are nothing more than vessels and the soul is everything. Not long after, we are shown that the number 9 has some serious significance.
"Nine are the interlocked dimensions,
and Nine are the cycles of space.
Nine are the diffusions of consciousness,
and Nine are the worlds within worlds.
Aye, Nine are the Lords of the cycles
that come from above and below."
Nine is a very significant number. Biblically, it is judgement and God's perfection. In numerology, it is wisdom, spirituality and holds a path to mystic knowledge. There is a lot to the number 9, but I'd like to get into the contents before I speak about what stood out the most to me in this tablet.


List ye, O man, hear ye my voice,
teaching of Wisdom and Light in this cycle;
teaching ye how to banish the darkness,
teaching ye how to bring Light in thy life.
Seek ye, O man, to find the great pathway
that leads to eternal LIFE as a SUN.
Draw ye away from the veil of the darkness.
Seek to become a Light in the world.
Make of thyself a vessel for Light,
a focus for the Sun of this space.
Lift thou thine eyes to the Cosmos.
Lift thou thine eyes to the Light.
Speak in the words of the Dweller,
the chant that calls down the Light.
Sing thou the song of freedom.
Sing thou the song of the Soul.
Create the high vibration
that will make thee One with the Whole.
Blend all thyself with the Cosmos.
Grow into ONE with the Light.
Be thou a channel of order,
a pathway of LAW to the world.
Thy LIGHT, O man, is the great LIGHT,
shining through the shadow of flesh.
Free must thou rise from the darkness
before thou art One with the LIGHT.
Shadows of darkness surround thee.
Life fills thee with its flow.
But know, O man, thou must arise
and forth thy body go
far to the planes that surround thee
and yet are One with thee, too.
Look all around thee, O man.
See thine own light reflected.
Aye, even in the darkness around thee,
thine own Light pours forth through the veil.
Seek thou for wisdom always.
Let not thine body betray.
Keep in the path of the Light wave.
Shun thou the darkened way.
Know thee that wisdom is lasting.
Existing since the ALL-SOUL began,
creating harmony from by the
Law that exists in the WAY.
List ye, o man, to the teachings of wisdom.
List to the voice that speaks of the past-time.
Aye, I shall tell thee knowledge forgotten,
tell ye of wisdom hidden in past-time,
lost in the midst of darkness around me.
Know ye, man,
ye are the ultimate of all things.
Only the knowledge of this is forgotten,
lost when man was cast into bondage,
bound and fettered
by the chains of the darkness.
Long, long ago, I cast off my body.
Wandered I free
through the vastness of ether,
circled the angles
that hold man in bondage.
Know ye, O man, ye are only a spirit.
The body is nothing.
The Soul is ALL.
Let not your body be a fetter.
Cast off the darkness and travel in Light.
Cast off your body, O man, and be free,
truly a Light that is ONE with the Light.
When ye are free from the fetters of darkness
and travel in space as the SUN of the LIGHT,
then ye shall know that space in not boundless
but truly bounded by angles and curves.
Know ye, O man, that all that exists
is only an aspect of greater things yet to come.
Matter is fluid and flows like a stream,
constantly changing from one thing to another.
All through the ages has knowledge existed;
never been changed, though buried in darkness;
never been lost, though forgotten by man.
Know ye that throughout the space
that ye dwell in
are others as great as your own,
interlaced through the heart of your matter
yet separate in space of their own.
Once in a time long forgotten,
I THOTH, opened the doorway,
penetrated into other spaces
and learned of the secrets concealed.
Deep in the essence of matter
are many mysteries concealed.
Nine are the interlocked dimensions,
and Nine are the cycles of space.
Nine are the diffusions of consciousness,
and Nine are the worlds within worlds.
Aye, Nine are the Lords of the cycles
that come from above and below.
Space is filled with concealed ones,
for space is divided by time.
Seek ye the key to the time-space,
and ye shall unlock the gate.
Know ye that throughout the time-space
consciousness surely exist.
Though from our knowledge it is hidden,
yet still forever exists.
The key to worlds within thee
are found only within.
For man is the gateway of mystery
and the key that is One with the One.
Seek ye within the circle.
Use the WORD I shall give.
Open the gateway within thee,
and surely thou, too, shall live.
Man, ye think that ye liveth,
but know it is life within death.
For as sure as ye are bound to your body,
for you no life exists.
Only the Soul is space-free,
has life that is really a life.
All else is only a bondage,
a fetter from which to be free.
Think not that man is earth-born,
though come from the earth he may be.
Man is light-born spirit.
But, without knowing, he can never be free.
Darkness surrounds the light-born.
Darkness fetters the Soul.
Only the one who is seeking
may ever hope to be free.
Shadows around thee are falling
darkness fills all the space
Shine forth, O LIGHT of the man-soul.
Fill thou the darkness of space.
Ye are son of the GREAT LIGHT
Remember and ye shall be free.
Stay not thou in the shadows.
Spring forth from the darkness of night
Light, let thy Soul be, O SUN-BORN,
fill with glory of Light,
Freed from the bonds of the darkness,
a Soul that is One with the Light.
Thou art the key to all wisdom.
Within thee is all time and space.
Live not in bondage to darkness.
Free thou, thy Light-form from night.
Great Light that fills all the Cosmos,
flow thou fully to man.
Make of his body a light-torch
that shall never be quenched among men.
Long in the past, sought I wisdom,
knowledge not known to man.
Far to the past, I traveled
into the space where time began.
Sought I ever knew knowledge
to add to the wisdom I knew.
Yet only, I found, did the future
hold the key to the wisdom I thought.
Down, to the HOLES of AMENTI
I journeyed, the greater knowledge to seek.
Ask of thee, LORDS of the CYCLES,
they way to the wisdom I sought.
Asked the LORDS this question:
Where is the source of ALL?
Answered, in tones that were mighty,
the voice of the LORD of the NINE:
Free thou thy soul from thy body
and come forth with me to the LIGHT.
Forth I came from my body,
a glittering flame in the night.
Stood I before the LORD,
bathed in the fire of LIFE.
Seized was I then by a force,
great beyond knowledge of man.
Cast was I to the Abyss
through spaces unknown to man.
Saw I the moldings of Order
from the chaos and angles of night.
Saw I the LIGHT, spring from Order
and heard the voice of the Light.
Saw I the flame of the Abyss,
casting forth Order and Light.
Saw Order spring out of chaos.
Saw Light giving forth Life.
Then heard I the voice.
Hear thou and understand.
The flame is the source of all things,
containing all things in potentiality.
The Order that sent forth light
is the WORD and from the WORD,
COME LIFE and the existence of all.
And again spoke the voice saying:
THE LIFE in thee is the WORD.
Find thou the LIFE within thee
and have powers to use of the WORD.
Long I watched the Light-flame,
pouring forth from the Essence of Fire,
realizing that LIFE but Order
and that man is one with the fire.
Back I came to my body
stood again with the Nine,
listened to the voice of the Cycles,
vibrate with powers they spoke:
Know ye, O Thoth, that LIFE
is but thee WORD of the FIRE.
The LIFE forth ye seek before thee
is but the WORD in the World as a fire.
Seek ye the path to the WORD and Powers

shall surely be thine.
Then asked I of the Nine:
O Lord, show me the path.
Give the path to the wisdom.
Show me the way to the WORD.
Answered, me then,
Through ORDER, ye shall find the way.
Saw ye that the WORD came from Chaos?
Saw ye not that LIGHT came from FIRE?
Look in thy life for this order.
Balance and order thy life.
Quell all the Chaos of the emotions
and thou shalt have order in LIFE.
ORDER brought forth from Chaos
will bring thee the WORD of the SOURCE,
will thee the power of CYCLES,
and make of thy Soul a force that
freewill extend through the ages,
a perfect SUN from the Source.
Listened I to the voice
and deep thanked the words in my heart.
Forever have I sought for order
that I might draw on the WORD.
Know ye that he who attains it
must ever in ORDER be for use
of the WORD though this order
has never and can never be.
Take ye these words, O man.
As part of thy life, let them be.
Seek thee to conquer this order
and One with the WORD thou shalt be.
Put forth thy effort in gaining LIGHT
on the pathway of Life.
Seek to be One with the SUN/state.
Seek to be solely the LIGHT.
Hold thou thy thought on the Oneness
of Light with the body of man.
Know that all is Order from Chaos
born into light.


We are told that life is the WORD of FIRE. From the WORD comes ALL LIFE. Any Bible-goer has to see the significance to this as in the Bible we're told that in the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was GOD and the WORD was with GOD and all things were made by Him. The Flame or the Fire have been given great importance in every tablet so far and from what we're told here, is that this flame holds the WORD. This Word created existence and the power of words, the VIBRATION they can give can change a person's mood and more. Words are extremely powerful and with the right vibration, it does seem like anything could be possible. What do you think about this? Coming way before the Bible, the validation of the Word in a much more ancient text must have some huge significance with people. Leave your thoughts below!!

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So much information to take in

I really don't know how I would have ever agreed to come back here, but it will be interesting to see how that happened...

Great connection to the Bible!


I agree

Great information and well put together.