Privateers? Crashes? A Ghost Blimp? Airships Named “Ranger” Had a Difficult Year in 1942

in history •  7 years ago  (edited)


Picture this: You were born as a big fat advertising blimp with an easy life of flying around, showing your Goodyear Tire Company sign for all to see. Instead, when the United States of America entered World War II, you were put into service patrolling the coast for submarines. Worse yet, you were sold to the United States Navy and commissioned as a wartime airship (technically, it lacked a rigid frame, so might be more accurately called a blimp).

They took away your old name, “Ranger” and gave you a new one: “L-2”. And they gave you more work, testing out bombs and so forth. But things were about to get much worse for the blimp formerly known as Ranger. In June 1942, during a practice exercise, another blimp crashed into you five miles off the shore of New Jersey, sending 13 people into the ocean (all but one of them died). That was the end of you.

But there was still hope. Is there such thing as re-incarnation? There was another…Ranger.


Goodyear had another blimp made with the name “Ranger.” Once again, it was sold to the U.S. Navy and re-commissioned, this time with the new name: “L-8”. While ferrying supplies to ships and watching the coastline was not as comfortable as flying around to display the Goodyear logo, protecting the country was a noble occupation for a blimp.



These are two pictures of another L-class blimp. You can see that it was called Resolute in the Goodyear photo, but the second picture shows the U.S. Navy's L-4 designation. And if you look closely there, you can see the old Goodyear "Tireguard" word painted over by the Navy also.

But trouble came in August 1942 when L-8 made a routine trip out over San Francisco to scout the coast. Its bag full of 123,000 cubic feet of helium, the blimp left the base on Treasure Island with an experienced two-man crew. Over the Pacific, L-8’s pilot and co-pilot radioed that they were investigating a suspicious oil slick in the water. They dropped two smoke bombs to mark the location.

This being the Pacific Ocean in 1942, an oil slick might mean a Japanese submarine. These blimps were specifically tasked with investigating such anomalies. In fact, that’s why L-8 was equipped with two bombs known as depth charges (they would only explode after being dropped underwater).

But that radio communication was the last time anyone would ever hear from the crew of L-8.


The crew of a nearby fishing boat saw the smoke bombs and realized the blimp might be about to bomb a sub, so they pulled in their nets. Multiple ships watched it dip as low as 30 feet over the water, taking a close look. But after circling the area for an hour or so, the blimp left and turned back towards San Francisco, rising steadily in altitude. After more than an hour of radio silence, two planes were sent to search for the blimp.

Three hours after its last communication, an airline pilot noticed the blimp flying over the Golden Gate Bridge. It was very high, near its 2,000 foot altitude limit. L-8 was spotted again later, further to the south, and one witness reported that its bag was sagging badly in the middle. Later, five hours after its last radio broadcast, the blimp approached Ocean Beach at the southern end of San Francisco’s Pacific Coast.


The blimp was still flying, but it was drifting. L-8’s bag was bent into a V shape and it came in low, hitting a cliff right near the beach as it made landfall. It dropped one of its bombs, which thankfully did not hurt anyone because depth charges only explode under water pressure. L-8 scraped the top of someone’s house, getting stuck in some utility wires that gave off sparks, finally crash-landing on a street in Daly City, a few blocks south of San Francisco. The blimp was surrounded by onlookers by that point.


The door was open and its cabin was empty.

There was no one aboard. And since then, no one has ever solved the mystery of what happened to the disappearing crew of L-8. In the end, the Navy gave the car (cabin) section of L-8 back to Goodyear. But that was the end of the second Ranger blimp as we know it.

One year. Two blimps named “Ranger”. Two strange accidents. That’s one way to get into the history books.

But you won’t believe where I picked up the trail of these two blimps: under the Wikipedia entry for “Letters of marque.” It seems these L-class blimps have another blip in the history books.

Before being commissioned by the Navy, they may have been privateering. Privateering is piracy with a license. That is where a government authorizes a private party to attack an enemy vessel. Once captured, the privateer usually can claim a share of the prize. One of history’s most famous privateers, for example, was Sir Francis Drake. Under a letter of marque from Queen Elizabeth I, he attacked Spanish sailing vessels and came away with a great deal of their precious cargo. Once he had returned to England, the Queen took her share.

Drake NYPL.jpeg

Letters of marque issued by the U.S. Congress authorized privateering vessels in 1780.

While the Goodyear Tire Company still owned the L-class blimps in the 1940s, they began flying missions for the Navy. They were armed with rifles. Some accused the Goodyear blimps of operating as privateers. However, under the U.S. Constitution, only Congress has the power to grant letters of marque, so the Navy would not have been able to make such an authorization on its own. The issue was resolved when Goodyear sold the blimps to the Navy, which then exercised full control over them during the war.

And lost a couple of the Rangers in 1942.


In subsequent decades, Goodyear blimps became a common sight at sporting events, often providing some aerial camera views of the field and environs. Creative Commons via by Paul Walsh. Other images public domain, except for the Drake image, which is used under a Creative Commons license, courtesy of the New York Public Library.

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My father took this photo in May 1944 of a B-24 Liberator in World War 2 over Germany just before it exploded....That explosion brought down his B-24....His parachute was so damaged by the explosion that he was not able to get it open until he was 200 feet from hitting the ground.....He was captured by the NAZIs and Liberated by Patton's 3rd Army in April 1945....The B-24 is not a BLIMP.....But it is HISTORY.....LOL😺🐾B24_3.jpg

Amazing story! Thanks for sharing.

wow, your dad is so amazing! thanks for sharing!!

Waoow cool broo

Descendant of the brave

The only blimp catastrophe i remember was the one that crashed down in balloon of fire...i believed is called Hindenburg Disaster

Looks similar, but that was a rigid bodied craft full of highly flammable gas.

I see, thanks...I'm always learning something new every day..hehe..

warm greetings from community children steemit aceh and indonesia. and I've followed your post and I've voted. do not forget to follow me back and vote again.

I feel bad for the crews of those ships. They gave their lives in a noble cause, but I had no idea that flying blimps was so hazardous after they were filled with helium. The danger is apparent for blimps filled with hydrogen but my understanding was that helium-filled craft are much safer.

Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed that.

Damn I enjoyed reading every bit of this despite my hatred for history. Used to see this in books but never knew the story behind it. It's unfortunate that there are a lot of mystery behind the blimps as I couldn't wrap my head around why the two crew members were missing.

Mayb they had jumped off when the blimp had an issue and started flying higher than expected. But if the crew were still alive, they would have reported back somehow, even if it took years to.

Anyways, this was very informative. I have learnt something new today. Thanks for sharing @donkeypong

Thanks for the comment. I hated history when it was names and dates, but when I learned more about trends and influences and what was happening, it became fascinating to me. The past is amazing.

Hi everyone! pls do help to upvote this post for my friend's father's heart. They need our support right now..

I'm a huge fan of history, especially history around WW1 and WW2 (I've done only 1 post about war stories but i focus mostly on flags lol) and i've never heard of this story before! In fact i was not even aware the US had used Blimps on their war efforts, i know the Germans used them a lot in WW1 and used some in WW2 though.

I wonder what happened to the crew of the 2nd ranger, maybe they all fell to the sea? did aliens kidnap them to do some probing? Maybe the Blimp had a time machine inside? how do you evapore an entire crew and never find bodies or corpses?

And evaporating the crew without damaging the airship. It's very mysterious, unless they jumped or fell out somehow.

The Goodyear blimp at sporting events was a mainstay for many years/decades. To use a blimp during wartime? Well, that is pretty dangerous as blimps have almost no maneuverability. If they encounter the enemy, they are dead.

A great story - whatever happened to the 2 crewman??

No one knows what happened. Conspiracy theories abound. But they probably fell into the water at some point. Maybe one of them tried something and then the other tried an ill-fated rescue? We'll never know.

Thanks for answering. An unsolved mystery always generates various conspiracy theories. Still very interesting.

What an interesting and unfortunate story for those airships and their crew. When i descover facts like this there is always a philosofical debate in my head about wether these things are mere coincidence or there is some kind of relationship that as a simple human i can't understand.

Well, there must have been an explanation, but we'll never know for sure. Was it aliens or time travel? Probably not. Probably they just fell out for some reason while trying some maneuver. Anyone is welcome to speculate, though!

I really cant imagine myself patrolling in the air with an airship during this time. It moves slow and very prone to missile, very easy target unless it's like the one airship in Red Alert game (Kirov airship), it will be a game changer :D

Yes. They seem so slow, clumsy, and defenseless compared to many other potential aircraft, but for a time, they were made a valuable addition to the fleet.

Indeed sir.

@donkeypong, you given most awesome past history of Ranger's fully story. It's very interesting to read. Pictures most important me coz It was world war period ones. Bu big questions finally had.

The door was open and its cabin was empty. There was no one aboard

It's unbelievable mystery. However every details you found important to me coz I'm history follower.

What a nice history about you airship. 👍👍
It just bad as no one was able to find out the disappearance of the airship... This is the first time I will be hearing about a airship.... That a great history from @donkeypong...kudos 👍👍💪

I had no knowledge about the L-8 whats so ever, and I guess we still don't really know exactly what happened to it or the crew, but I found this very interesting and I have learned something new.
I also didn't know that the Goodyear Tire Company is this old.

Goodyear has been around a long time, but it's quite incredible that they have continued with this blimp tradition for so many decades.

Oh well, that was some history. Am surprised that I never read this part of history given my curiosity for early development of war planes and naval ships. It's a mystery that the crew were never found till today and nothing known about that. Good bye Rangers.

I suspect that blimps were not used for much longer as serious parts of the air fleet.

I guess so. Thanks for digging it out, I'll Google a bit more about them and see what more I can find out.

Wow, this is quite some interesting history here, I really learnt something from this post.
It was quite a unique way for the two blimps named "Ranger" to go into the history books,

One year. Two blimps named “Ranger”. Two strange accidents. That’s one way to get into the history books.

But for the L-8, there's still the unsolved riddle of the missing crew, but if I may ask, is there any place where the names of this missing crew members were mentioned because I believe the crew didn't vanish or evaporate, unless you are thinking what I am thinking, because I am having the taughts that this L-8 blimp might have been unmanned hence the absence of the crew.


Lt. Charles Cody and Ensign Ernest Adams took off with the blimp and made it to their destination at sea, but never returned with the blimp.

Wow, thanks for this additional piece of information too, I've really learnt a lot of history from you today.
In my opinion maybe they jumped out when the blimp started climbing to very high altitudes, just maybe, and considering the technology available back then, it would be very difficult to find them.

Damn... letters of marque, air pirates, action and adventure! You just never know what you're going to get into on Wikipedia! ;) Thanks for sharing another weirdly fascinating obscure history lesson. :)

The longer I live, the more I think that "obscure" and "fascinating" often go together.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Haha, yeah that's probably quite true! What about mysterious...? I should have something both obscure and mysterious, in the days ahead. ;)

I love history and this story about good year airships caught my attention. I have never seen a single real airship all my life. The first time I encounter airship was back when I played Yuri's revenge.

I just love how you simplify the story of airships used by the US Navy.

I also wanted to see a blimp @donkeypong but due to their tremendous and awesome size, blimps just fascinates people who sees them.

Amazing history

Oh man, I love this. One of my favorite things is mysterious events in history! I have to wonder, is there any way that they could have evacuated the crew before too many people gathered... or was there EVER a crew?

Also, the "piracy with a license" made me picture Uncle Sam wearing stereotypical pirate garb and rubbing his hands together with glee. I will treasure this mental image.

Thanks for posting this! I love learning some new stuff and I'm surprised I never came across this before in my wiki and spooky mystery thread surfing!

But, I actually came to your page originally to leave you a comment I've wanted to leave you for a long time but I was a little too shy to do it:

You were my first whale vote when I first started on here and I've never forgotten your name. I wanted to thank you for your generous vote. I am not lying when I say that your one vote was enough to make me feel like maybe I should stay on here. Maybe being recognized isn't so unattainable. Maybe if I kept it up and kept working, that someday I will be somewhere on here.

I've had many ups and downs, and I don't make a ton on my own page, but through cause and effect, you helped in a large portion to shape my life by simply upvoting one post of mine. And I wanted to stop by and let you know, because if one of my votes effected someone as much as yours effected me, I would want to know.

Staying on this platform opened so many doors for me. I've read so many interesting stories, I've learned so much about crypto and computers, and how to cater to a niche. Staying here has given me a large set of skills.
It also gave me the love of my life, @sammosk, and I moved to Australia to be with him.

So in a way, through butterfly effect, I have you to thank for most of this!

Cheers, @donkeypong! I hope your votes, thoughtful comments, and presence on the chain can go on to impact many more people in the amazing way you impacted on me!

(Also, keep posting amazing content! <3)

great post.....upvote and resteem :)

It was like reading a thriller and suspense story- what’s going to happen next. Loved the way you started the blog❤️. I especially, enjoyed reading the story of L-8.
I wasn’t much interested in history in my school times, but I like reading the facts and interesting historical events.
Good luck!

Very usefull and informative article, we learn with history to make more brighter future, thanks for your sharing to us, i like it and have upvote and resteem your post to more than 1470 my follower, greeting friendship from me @abialfatih in aceh indonesia, success always for you @donkeypong

I'm studying not something and it's many thing to me. I have never heard about "Ranger L-8". It used US Navy looks like wartime airship. Many times sold another and other. 1942 was bad year to Ranger and blimp crashed finally. Ant then created mystery story. I guess until this not solve where's final staff there?

this is a nice inspiring and great story that ,thanks for sharing .

It's really interesting history. Thanks for sharing it with us.

I don't know why some people just love to drop comments thats are totally unrelated to the post. First of all, read the post then comment which are related to the post.Some guys even comments one minute after the post has been published. I don't know how do they do it.

Bots and pasta spammers.

Mmmmmmmm, pasta! ;)

this is a very interesting and very amazing history @donkeypong thanks for sharing success for you

This is a great read, thanks. I always enjoyed spotting the good year blimp during sport events.

Good post

I wish I had easy life of flying around.

Privateering is piracy with a license. That is where a government authorizes a private party to attack an enemy vessel. Once captured, the privateer usually can claim a share of the prize.

I am not sure if I got it right but when I read that part, what I have in mind is an activity of a Pirate. They should be related somehow.

It is a good read of history @donkeypong.

very interesting history, may be a motivation for us all. thanks for sharing @donkeypong

Lagend history.. I like it for reading..
Good job brother..
Success is always for you @donkeypong...

a great history to share stories, let our children and grandchildren know about history

This is a lovely bit of educating blog... People just can come up to educate a lot other about there past... In books history is all about dates and days but the new trend has just made it quite amusing. No boring stuff for sure..
Anyways the crew don't think they would have had survived.
Moreover drake view treasure maybe it should be equally distributed on steemit still we will get a lot.... Because its ample lot of gold.

Is there such thing as re-incarnation?

Yes you are right these two are the same. It’s identical blimp. Interesting techniques to spot submarines and interesting to know these blimps being equipped with bombs. I imagine the way they actually dropped these bombs. They opened the bottom and held themself inside of their “cockpit”? I was really surprised to see this “soo damaged blimp” still being able to somehow fly. I wonder what happened to these two, pilot and copilot. Interesting and history informative post.

very interesting post, thanks for sharing ;)

What a cool story of historic proportion! Love it!! My upvote & resteem good sir - thank you

L have heard about Ranger before 04 years. I saw magazine's article in ma country. There no mentioned what was final situation. Probably I felt It's ghost-blimp. It's like as scene of Bermuda Triangle's scenes. But you posted interesting blogging @donkeypong. Thanks a lot for update us.

I remember my father told me about some US airship was blimp crashed those days. But I can't remember what a name he told me. Currently my father no still alive. So I can't ask again. I think he told me about Ranger. Today I most knowledge with your extra historic information. Sometimes Ranger will be re-incarnation. With bad luck history ranger was born and then died. Think difficult come again to track. But unfortunate scene was couldn't found anyone yet. It was bad luck them. Thank you for given amazing history @donkeypong. I'm pretty interesting to follow you.

Nice story @donkeypong, thanks for sharing us and keep sharing, we will wait it. Vote you

It the first hot air balloon?

Amazing story

whenever i heard about all these mysteries ,
i become more curious to know the reality behind,unfortunately it has never been easy to solve these mysteries

So unfortunate for the crew members and the tragedies like that... Thanks for the enlightenment though..

Amazing history and the mystery behind the missing crew. Maybe they really didn't fly after all. ^

great ghost

I really cant imagine myself patrolling in the air with an airship during this time. It moves slow and very prone to missile, very easy target unless it's like the one airship in Red Alert game (Kirov airship), it will be a game changer :D

thanks for great story share ..

amazing story!!

An event that is very dasyat and worth to be remembered. From this event can be a lesson for human beings to develop technology more cangggih and great again in the future.

Because there is a saying that if you want to know how your destiny in the future then learn from the history of past events,

those days were the initial year now man has discovered drones and are also developing passenger planes without pilot

i like this anime

You must like digging into unusual history events like this one. Any more blimp was made or used after Navy took full control? What did Navy use after disused of blimps?

Is wright brother?


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Poor Ranger blimps (and their crews).

The second case sounds like an Alien/UFO story! 😱

@donkeypong have you seen some of the more modern airship designs?

One of the best ideas I've see on the whiteboards lately is to create airship oceanliners in the sky, to create a new sort of leisure cruise for tourism. I think one of the coolest features in modern airships is they do not require traditional airstrips which planes, blimps and zepplins of previous eras required. At some point I'd love to see airships return.

very informative post and also inspiring i have learned lot of things from it it also remind me history so overall very good post keep posting like this

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great post! Thanks for sharing & igniting our curiosity ... It's indeed a mystery which to this day remains unsolved these two men (Cody & Adams) just simply vanished???

Good or bad history must be remembered because history gives us a lesson about what we are going to do now for a better future.
Interesting article.

That was a very enjoyable read. I may be "thesportsguy" but I love history and have two degrees in it. Funny enough, I'd never come across this story before and found it to be very intriguing. I wonder what happened to the crew? Possible that they may have abandoned ship over the ocean, never to be seen again? Or maybe their chutes malfunctioned? Either way what a mystery!

Nice History, I Like It :)

A very nice story about Blimp and very informative too .

I have always been passionate about history, even though at school they do not teach us very well, I have always liked to investigate and learn a little more about the different facets of everything that has happened in the world.
No doubt its publication is 10/10 you have made me concentrate for a few minutes and enjoy the way you write everything. Thank you very much for such a valuable contribution.
You have my vote, and I hope someday have the yours too.
I really enjoyed your publication.

I imagine a hot air balloon with the Steemit and Steem logo on its body floating in space in some countries. This scene will make Steemit better known as the Good Year. Hopefully there are sponsors who will do it.

this blog is the coolest one yet. Nice work!

technology brings great changes

Interesting story, now I really want to know where the crew disappeared!
I am pretty fascinated with privateers and pirates from the Golden Age of piracy, but I didn't know privateers existed in such recent history. Blimp privateers are also news for me, I will have to investigate that topic further :)

Piece of wonderful history. Thank you for your post.

Challenge, where you can win up to 100s $SD!
If you want to, you can try it here:

Can I have one of them? I think taking photos will be very convenient from that height!
Imagine how cool the view should be. And I will share them on steemit...
Everyone will be so jealous, oho-ho-ho! :D

Perhaps the airship was attacked by an allien ships and the crew are abducted.


Wow! I love history and this post which you wrote is amazing. This is something new for me, apriciate it!

Damn I enjoyed reading every bit of this despite my hatred for history. Used to see this in books but never knew the story behind it. It's unfortunate that there are a lot of mystery behind the blimps as I couldn't wrap my head around why the two crew members were missing.

Mayb they had jumped off when the blimp had an issue and started flying higher than expected. But if the crew were still alive, they would have reported back somehow, even if it took years to.

Anyways, this was very informative. I have learnt something new today. Thanks for sharing @donkeypong


Hopefully one day @kevinwong want to look at my post and leave an impression.

Amazing history


Helloo @donkeypong
Me, @menulissejarah (writing history)
I see articles and photos on your post, have a historical, education, and cultural value of an area. This post is certainly very interesting to add insight in the field of history.
If you do not mind, I will resteem this post in my account. Thanks.
Date: March, 25, 2018


Helloo @donkeypong
Saya, @menulissejarah (#menulissejarah)
Saya melihat artikel dan foto pada postingan milikmu, memiliki nilai sejarah, pendidikan, dan budaya suatu daerah. Postingan ini tentunya sangat menarik untuk menambah wawasan di bidang ilmu sejarah.
Jika kamu tidak keberatan, saya akan resteem postingan ini di akun saya. Terima kasih.
Tanggal: 25 Maret 2018

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I like this historicle article.....
Thanks for sharing this.........


I really cant imagine myself patrolling in the air with an airship during this time. It moves slow and very prone to missile, very easy target unless it's like the one airship in Red Alert game (Kirov airship), it will be a game changer :D

Very usefull and informative article, we learn with history to make more brighter future, thanks for your sharing to us, i like it and have upvote and resteem your post to more than 1470 my follower, greeting friendship from me @abialfatih in aceh indonesia, success always for you @donkeypong

Wow Thank you for sharing the history .another leanings for me.

Fantastic post friend

That was an absolutely fascinating read! Blimps are quite interesting and so are mysteries. I wonder where the crew of the second Ranger went.

Hello donkeypong??

a very amazing ship! and became a hugely popular history @donkeypong.😎😎

I am amazed every day, for the good contribution that is made in this steemit community, I hope to continue seeing these publications here ... Congratulations