The Pyramid, The Miracle [PART 1]

in history •  7 years ago 


The miracle of the pyramid has been with us for more than 5000 years, it consists of 2 million and 600 thousand stones which are firmly connected without cement, Each stone is huge, weighing from 2.5 to 15 tons.


The Ceiling of the room of the king is made of big granite blocks, each weighing 70 tons. AMAZING! RIGHT? How were these blocks lifted?

The pyramid's height is 149.4 meters, similar to a 48- floor skyscraper. so how were the blocks lifted to that great height? especially there was no equipment such as bulldozers or trailers.

Some mentioned that the ancient Egyptians built a huge bench (mastaba), around the pyramid and this was made of mud bricks, then they moved stone blocks onto the mastaba with wooden pulleys, Surely this is nonsense.

The Question remains : How were the stones lifted? In my Opinion, These legends have no scientific explanation. I assume Pharaonic scientists had certain methods and special knowledge enabling them to control the laws of gravity. They manages to make anti-gravity, or Pharaonic scientists might have created a zone free from gravity. This knowledge has existed since ancient times and the ancient scientists succeeded somehow to control gravity. It was perfection. Doing so might have facilitated lifting the 70-ton blocks, That would end the whole issue.

Another amazing thing about the Pyramid is its geometry: the tunnels, chambers, passageways and the massive granite blocks.

In the chambers you will find granite blocks polished like mirrors, How was that done? What was the means of polishing? we can't find an answer, actually. Besides, the calculations made about the pyramids are amazing!

If the circumference of the pyramid is divided by its height, the result is 3.14 (pi), Even the king's chamber, if the circumference is measured then divided by the chamber's height, the result is also equals to 3.14 (pi), The same ratio applies to sarcophagi as well as all the pyramid's chambers. This is no coincidence, the pyramid architecturally designed this way.

The Pyramid's height is 149.4 meters = the distance between Earth and Sun is 149.4 million kmeters, also coincidence?

The unit of measuring the Pyramids the "Pyramid inch" appears equal to the English inch.


The Pyramid is located exactly is the center of the five continents. The sides of the Pyramid face towards the 4 cardinal directions, east, west, south and north. and not just North side but faces towards the magnetic north. This is not a simple direction to find.

FYI: There are 4 degrees between the geographical and magnetic north.


The entrance passage of the Pyramid points to the North star, while the inner passage points to the star Sirius. It seems the Pyramid is an astronomical observatory.


The Plaster outer layer of the Pyramid was wondrous. But unfortunately much of it fell off during the 1301 earthquake, The rest was stolen and used in building Old Cairo, its fences, mosques and houses.

It was also covered with gold plated engravings, including astronomical timetables, calculations, schedules, secrets, and Pharaonic cartouches.


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Can't wait the next part. Well done :)

Thank you..

Mind blowing! I think the pyramids are incredible!!! Love this post! :)

They really are, Thanks dear.

The next parts are more interesting you will like'em

amazing topic! i believe that the pyramids have lots of mystries that we didn’t discover yet. keep it up :)

Thank you love xx

Lively and engaging. How were the pyramids stones fitted and what measurement devices were employed to get such accurate dimensions?

These secrets are all in the secret chamber of the pyramid that not revealed till now