Not a Handsome Face, This Is Apparently Can Enchant Women

in history •  7 years ago 


Men, if you think a combination of personality, looks and a bit of good fortune can make you get a dream woman, then think again.
Who you attract, according to some scientists, has actually been determined since you are still in the womb. It all depends on how your ring finger grows.
Pay attention to your hands, if your ring finger has a high like a finger, then this possibility is caused by a surge of male hormone testosterone while in the womb.

And also, it seems that this can affect the type of woman you attract.
A number of scientists from Jagiellonian University Medical College in Krakow, Poland, found that men with high ring fingers, have a four times greater chance of finding a partner with a classic ideal body shape like an hourglass.
Quoted from the page, this study says that exposure to more testosterone in the womb translates into other attributes, especially the more 'male' in the future.
The researchers looked at the hands of 50 young men who already had long-term relationships, then took vital statistics from their partners.

What they found was a man with a ring finger longer than their index finger and a larger-bodied woman with a small waist, tending to attract each other with each other.
"Our results suggest that the male prenatal environment affects the possibility of having relationships with women who are more attractive and appear more fertile," the study explained.
The study also said that men with higher ring fingers, four times more often paired with women who have both a relatively smaller waist and big breasts.
"Eye tracking studies show that during an evaluation of the attractiveness of a woman's body, men primarily focus on the waist and breast area, which sends out honest signals about women's reproductive status," says Berenika Kuna, the study leader.
He added that a smaller waist linked to a wider stage is a visual representation of health and youth. Big breasts can be a sign of sexual maturity and the ability to nurture.

"However, mostly in Western culture, both are considered a sign of attractiveness," he added.
The higher finger is not the only side effect of excessive exposure to testosterone. Other things include a more muscular and athletic body, and have stronger grip and better spatial ability.

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