Islam I love most

in history •  6 years ago 

We must have often heard the word love, even the frequency is not counted by a row of numbers. It feels, never ends love we describe, from the easily implied to the definition that is difficult to explain. However, for sure, everyone can feel love. All of them need love, from the baby to the highest age.

There are many meanings of love, depending on what and to whom love is attributed. The question is, where does love come from? Yes. Allah SWT. The most loving and compassionate One who has grown love. Love in every body that has soul.

The real love is a holy love. However, people often abuse the word love. Humans often borrow the word love to cover the lust.

Then, what about love of Islam? We often hear people say that he loves Islam? Is it true? Like love of Islam?

  1. The Love of Islam ....

Love is ... like the water of wudu: holy and sanctify. If there is a dating and bermaksiat with various forms, in fact it is not love, but the game of lust that hides behind the word love.

Love it ... its nature thayyiban thing. If any human beings scoop or seize property, property, and any material form that is not his right with the excuse to please whomever he loves, it is not love, but stunted soul masked soul.

Love is ... peace and reconciliation. If there are fellow Muslims who quarrel about furu'iyah with reason for love religion, it is not love. Islam itself is the initiator of peace throughout the universe.

Love is ... honorable and respectful. If anyone thinks to spoil the calm because of differences of opinion by reason of upholding love, it is not love, but the ego demanding to be deified.

The real love is ... a sacrifice to gain His pleasure. If anyone repents of sinners, he has indeed sacrificed all his lusts to be cleansed in order to be forgiven by him. If anyone is willing to sacrifice wealth, mind, soul, and body to fight in the way of Allah, he has prepared himself for the glory of the All-Giver.

It is the essential love ... when the created man faces the Creating Subcontinently.

  1. Love Islam as a Form of Your Obedience to Him

As a human being who is grateful for having been granted all blessings, grace, and grace by Him, it is fitting for us to love the religion which He approves wholeheartedly and full of sincerity. As a good Muslim, surely we should reply to His love with obedience.

God has explained to His servant the way to his love through the following word.

Say, "If you (really) love God, follow me, Allah will love and forgive your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. "Say:" Obey Allah and His Messenger. If you turn away, Allah does not like the unbelievers. "(Surah Ali Imron: 31-32)

Following Allah means following the Messenger of Allah and following the Messenger of Allah means following a perfect religion. Right. Islam is a religion that is rahmatan lill'alamin. The religion that governs the world and its all this is to always be in good. Therefore, Islam is present not only in mosques. The rules that exist in Islam reach out to all aspects, ranging from things that clearly form to the invisible, among them the matter of love. This is because the universe is also created on the basis of his love. In other words, obeying the rules that exist in Islam is a reflection that we love Islam. If we love Islam, the only perfect religion, we love this Owner of the universe.

If it is true we already love Islam, let us live the usual songs sung by the children of early childhood following

I, the righteous son

Diligent salat, diligent ngaji

Love Islam to death

Lailaha illallah muhammadar-rasulullah

Follow me @mustafakamal94

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