Great Era to be Alive!

in history •  7 years ago  (edited)

Secrets revealed. The words that will be defining this, and maybe the next, decade. It takes a decade a few years to get its feel across. Humans have a tendency to project the current now-feeling forward in their perception of time. What will this decade be known by? “Secrets revealed” may be making its bid for decadal title over this, and next year. The currently rising wave of secrets revealed will not reach it's peak for another two years.
Storms, upon the earth, or within humanity, drive all ahead of the rage and fury of nature unleashed as change. Change writ large proportionate to the storm is arriving now. The confluence of events as this year ends with 'secrets revealed' dam being breached, and 2018 opens to a flood of secrets, most dark, is part of the propulsive mix of emotions that will be in control of the unfolding of the 'new view of the future' that will begin to emerge even as the flames are flickering within the fiat currencies littering the planet. Will the wave of secrets revealed break us into the next decade as an echo, albeit technologies oriented, of last centuries roaring twenties?
Trends have seemingly offered up this view for a number of years. The consistently tied elements of blockage within the political/financial system of the corruption pollution ending has always been temporally conjunct with eruption of new businesses, new talent, new technologies, new understandings. The old, fiscally constipated, emotionally coagulated system is dying; freedom to see reality is emerging.
The freedom to imagine a realistic, unbound future for humanity has been characterized as 'the far look', and it is also associated with a certain facial expression, a certain depth to the eyes, that must be earned and burned. Those who will wear the Far Look are being so molded even now. These younger generations are to be Change embodied for humanity in nations all across the planet, in fact, they will make the nation state irrelevant. They are taking us to Space.
They are out there now. If you are discreet, and learn to see it, you can recognize them now. The Far Look has arrived.

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