graduation majoring in state administration science faculty of social sciences and political science university malikussaleh.

in history •  6 years ago 


Although on my left side is not seen by the camera and invisible, but I am sure from the deepest heart, you (father) are present and witness your youngest child, today has been successful in the world of education.
Gratitude and gratitude alone are not enough to repay you both Mother and father.

May God bestow mercy and grace on you both.
God has put you in heaven.



Meski di samping kiri saya tidak terlihat oleh kamera dan tidak kasat mata, tapi saya yakin dari hati yang paling dalam, engakau (ayah) hadir dan menyaksikan anak bungsu mu ini, pada hari ini telah sukses di dunia pendidikanya.
Ucapan dan rasa terima kasih saja tak cukup membalas jasa engkau berdua Ibu dan ayah.

Semoga Allah melimpahkan rahmat dan karunia kepada engkau berdua.
Semogah Allah menempatkan engakau di jannah.

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