The invasions of the Third Reich were the invasions of the international bankers and industrialists.

in history •  4 years ago 


US, British, and German bankers and industrialists invested in German steel and chemical industry after WWI. They financed Adolf Hitler since 1919.

Their hub corporation of German industry was I. G. Farben. The executives of I. G. Farben directly advised Hitler, Göring, and Himmler, and supplied the Wehrmacht with intelligence.

I. G. Farben built and operated the Auschwitz concentration camp system with the help of US corporations, including Rockefeller corporations, General Electric, ITT telephone, and IBM.

Prescott Bush and Averell Harriman used concentration camp labor from Auschwitz in their steel plant in Silesia, in Poland. Their bank bought Hitler a party headquarters building. They lost their directorships at UBC bank in New York for Trading With The Enemy in 1942.

UBC was a branch of a Dutch bank which was secretly owned by Fritz Thyssen, a German industrialist and early supporter of Adolf Hitler.

The Rockefellers financed the Third Reich and supplied it with oil, before and during (through Vichy France) WWII.

Henry Ford was awarded by Hitler for his services to the Third Reich.

They wanted to stop the nationalization of their industry in Poland, end war reparations to France from their industry in Germany, and to oust Stalin from power in the Soviet Union, which they also financed, armed, and supplied with factory machinery, before and during WWII.

Averell Harriman led the Lend Lease program of arming the Soviet Union during the war and became the US Ambassador to the Soviet Union in 1943, after losing his directorship at UBC Bank for safeguarding Fritz Thyssen’s gold in the US during the war in 1942. Harriman later ran for US President.

Forty bankers and industrialists created the CIA from the OSS after WWII. The Rockefellers and Bushes ran it. They recruited former German intelligence officers into the CIA to spy on the Soviets in East Germany.

The Rockefeller man John McCloy founded the OSS after WWI and was behind the Japanese internment camps in the US, as Assistant Secretary of War. McCloy was appointed the (Allied) High Commissioner of Germany after the war and famously saved the German industrialists Seimens (telegraph) and Krupp (arms) from having their industry seized or restricted by the Allies after the war. Seimens and Krupp financed Hitler since 1919.

The Allies did not bomb 85% of the over 100 I. G. Farben industrial plants during the war.

After the war, Americans were taxed to rebuild the industrial infrastructure of the international bankers and industrialists in Germany in the Marshall Plan.

Allen Dulles was the lawyer who did the paperwork that hid the connections of the Dutch bank (that owned UBC) to Fritz Thyssen.

Dulles was put in charge of the Marshall Plan in Germany. Later, he was made Director of the Rockefeller/Bush-run CIA.

The Blitzkrieg rolled on the Rockefellers’ Chevron fuel in trucks with Ford engines and Stuka dive bombers with Chevrolet engines.

After losing his directorship for Trading With The Enemy in 1942, Prescott Bush financed Richard Nixon’s career in Congress and the Eisenhower/Nixon ticket in 1952.

Nelson Rockefeller financed Richard Nixon for President in 1968.

The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Bushes financed and/or advised every single US President since WWII.

The Rockefeller commercial banks, Citi and Chase, were among the top donors to both Obama and McCain in 2008. Obama’s adviser on oil wars in eight nations was Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Polish fascist who was David Rockefeller’s right hand man in the CIA, etc.

The Big Four US Banks gave hundreds of millions of dollars to both Hillary and Jeb Bush during the 2016 primaries.

They are Joe Biden’s top lifetime donors. Biden is a member of the private Rockefeller/Rothschild-run Council on Foreign Relations, which influences US foreign policy, including oil wars.

The Rockefeller and Rothschild oil corporations now control Iraq’s oil. They sell it mostly to China.

Zbigniew Brzezinski stated that the US wars were to control the flow of all of the oil in the world in order to control Eurasia. Russia and China are in Eurasia.

President Trump fired the longtime Bush/Rockefeller man John Bolton for trying to start new oil wars in Venezuela and Iran, saying that Bolton was trying to start WWIII.

Russia and China now protect Syria, Iran, and Venezuela from US oil wars.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds used to control Iran’s oil and the Rockefellers and Mellons used to control Venezuela’s oil, until they were ousted by revolutions.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds want control of this oil back for economic control over the entire planet. Joe Biden is their man.

One of the first things that Biden did as President was to escalate the oil war in Syria, which is for control of the oil flowing through Syria from the Middle East to Europe.

Joe Biden is a member of the private Rockefeller and Rothschild organization, the Council on Foreign Relations.

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