A hundred years ago - 2/4/1922

in history •  3 years ago 

Hi Friends,

every day I will try to provide the most important events of the day a hundred years ago.
If I forgot something that should be mentioned, let me know.
Have a great day.



  • The Hugenberg Group brings out the "Berlin Illustrated Night Expense".At the same time, the "Berlin evening post" goes into the "Berliner General Zeitung", and the "world in the evening" is founded.The latter will take over Willi Münzenberg and thus lays the foundation for a communist media group.

  • In Argentina, the country's former ambassador in Paris, Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear, is elected new President.He enters his office on October 12th.

  • In Frankfurt am Main, the spring trade fair lasting until 8 April is solemnly opened.
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