A story that invites us to give God the helm of our life
At first I saw God as the one who watched me, like a judge who kept track of what he was doing wrong, as if to see if he deserved heaven or hell when he died.
He was like a president, he recognized his picture when he saw it, but he really did not know it.
But then I recognized my superior power, it seemed as if life was a bicycle trip,
but it was a bike of two, and I noticed that God was traveling back and helping me to pedal.
I do not know when it happened, I did not realize when it was that He suggested that we change places,
but my life has not been the same since then ... my life with God is very exciting.
When I had control, I knew where I was going. It was so boring, but predictable.
It was the shortest distance between two points. But when He took the lead, things changed amazingly, and for the better. He knew other roads, different, beautiful roads, through the mountains, through places with landscapes, incredible speeds.
The only thing I could do was hold myself up, even if it seemed crazy, He just told me: "pedal."
I worried and anxiously asked him: where are you taking me? He just smiled and did not answer me, so I started trusting Him.
I forgot my boring life and I started an adventure, and when I said "I'm scared",
He was leaning back a bit and touching my hand.
He took me to meet people with gifts, gifts of healing and acceptance, of joy. They gave me those gifts to take on my trip. Our trip, of God and mine.
And we'll go there again.
He told me: "share these gifts, give them to the people, they are overweight, a lot of extra weight". And so I did, to the people we met, I found that in giving I received and my burden was light.
I did not trust Him very much at the beginning, in giving him control over my life. I thought that I would spoil it,
but He knew things that I do not know about riding a bike: "secrets".
He knew how to turn around in circles, jump to clear obstacles full of stones,
even fly to avoid horrible roads.
And now I am learning to shut up and pedal through the strangest places, and I am learning to enjoy the sight and the gentle breeze on my face and especially the incredible and delicious company of my God.
And when I'm sure I can not do it anymore, He just smiles and says: "