Based on my own marriage experience, I can say that the foundation of a strong and effective marriage is love. Love is the main thing for a good relationship to flow effectively.
Privacy in marriage is essential. It is necessary that the spouses live separately from third parties so that situations do not occur that harm the good relations of the spouses. In this sense, the marriage should consider the advice of the Lord when he says: "Therefore, the man will leave his father and his mother, and will be united to his wife, and they will be one flesh." Genesis 2:24.

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An effective marriage must allow privacy to strengthen the intimacy of the couple. The advice of parents is not bad, only that the spouses need to live their own experiences, in order to strengthen their relationships and this allows them to get to know each other as a couple.
In an effective marriage, each spouse must speak well of her partner and not give negative opinions in front of other people who have nothing to do with the marital relationship.
By speaking well of his spouse, he is declaring that her marriage is strong and that he firmly loves her partner.
By speaking well of the person you married, you will prevent others from making negative and destructive comments about your spouse. Don't give destructive people room to damage your marriage.
Good communication between the spouses will make the marriage stronger and more effective. Don't keep secrets from your spouse. If you choose him as his partner, have enough confidence in him to speak up about any matter that could harm your marriage. If someone told you something negative about your spouse, discuss it in a good way with him and everything will be solved and this will strengthen your marriage.
There are malicious and envious people who are careful to speak inappropriate things to damage relationships. Do not listen to these people so that your marriage does not weaken.
Be very nice to your spouse. Don't yell at him or make bad gestures at him. Wait for the moment to clear up any misunderstandings. Doing so will make your marriage stronger and more effective.
God continually takes pleasure in marriages that are sustained on his word and strengthened when they put his counsel into practice.