"SEC | S20W5:"Planting & Care”

in hive-118902 •  6 months ago 


Hi Steemians on Steam-Agro, let me introduce myself, I'm @dederanggayoni from Indonesia, ready to join you here

When I read the contest announcement on Steem-Agro, I felt interested in joining it. So let me join "SEC S20W5" with the theme "Planting & care" to join this contest I invite @asiahaiss @patjewell @m-fdo to enliven this good contest. Of course without further ado I will try to join this contest.

How beautiful this world is with plants. Green plants are a gift from God that are truly very beneficial in the chain of our lives in this world. Why not because these plants are the largest contributors of oxygen that we need to breathe, helping the combustion process in the bodies of living things.


Good “Planting and Care” will create a quality living environment for humans.


One of the activities carried out by humans to maintain the sustainability of this green nature is actually very much, one of which is by maintaining its green environment, reforestation or reforestation of bare forests and opening up plantation land.

In addition to greening barren land, for example, into green land that is very well maintained which not only benefits humans but also nature. Plantations with good maintenance are very important for our interests. Both in the long term and the short term. Both on a large and small scale.

Which season does your region/country falls; and what are the best planting times and why are these times the best?

In tropical climates, the dry season usually occurs from April to September. While the rainy season occurs from October to March. Due to the presence of both seasons, the best planting season in tropical areas is to start in early November to March.

This is done because at the beginning of the rainy season, there is good or high enough water availability so that it becomes the right time to start the planting process, especially for rice plants. Moreover, when the rice fields do not have irrigation, they only rely on rainwater.

In addition, farmers are also expected to plant rice when there is adequate sunlight. For vegetable and fruit farmers, the planting time is also better done at the end of the rainy season, namely in the months around January, February and March because rainfall begins to decrease and will await the beginning of the dry season.


Tropical climates carry out the main planting from November to March.


What is the importance of planting trees in the right place and in which places can trees be planted?

Planting trees in the right place is very important for farmers on a plantation. Because the location of a place affects the growth period of the tree, the pH of the soil varies, the contour of the soil and even the soil material can also differ from one place to another.

For example, durian, jackfruit and longan trees can usually grow well and bear fruit abundantly in tropical areas and have a high humus content. Durian, jackfruit and longan trees grow very well in high and lowland areas with light intensity that tends to be shady.

Planting trees in the right place can produce good fruit.
What kind of fertilizers or organic fertilizers should be used to prepare the soil before planting?

At the time of initial fertilization or commonly called basic fertilization. If the soil where the planting is done has acidic characteristics, then we need to sprinkle dolomite on the land where we plan to plant, in order to increase the acidity level (pH) of the soil.

The types of fertilizers used are manure (animal waste) and urea fertilizer. The estimated time required for processing the land to be planted depends on the area and characteristics of the soil. Usually land processing takes around 17-20 days.

What is the correct method of using pesticides and fungicides for gardening and which pesticides/fungicides can be used?

Pesticides are pesticides that are usually used to eradicate and control pests in plants. While fungicides are pesticides that are used specifically to kill or inhibit fungi or molds that cause disease in plants. Insecticides that are usually mixed with fungicides are insecticides for aphids and for caterpillars.

Insecticides for aphids use the active ingredient abamectin with EC formulation, while insecticides for caterpillars use the active ingredient organophosphate with SP formulation that is soluble in water. Fungicides used usually contain propineb.

What home remedies can be used to protect plants for the roof or back garden?

There are several ways to treat houseplants from various pests and diseases other than using pesticides and fertilizers that contain chemicals that are dangerous if used excessively.

One way is to spray Garlic extract which has natural antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties, making it very suitable for use as an organic pesticide. In addition, by using salt and tobacco soaking water which can repel pests and diseases in plants in our backyard.

Plants in the garden thrive with good care, so they produce good fruit.

That's what I know about "Planting and Care" which I wrote in a contest held by the team in the Steem-Agro Community. I hope this simple writing can be useful for all of us.

How great is God's gift that has created nature and all its contents so perfectly. It remains for us as humans to maintain, preserve and care for this nature wisely. That's all and see you later.


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Welcome to the agro learning challenge season 20 Week-5.

Observations and suggestions:
Climate of Bangladesh and Indonesia is almost similar so I think the time of planting trees comes at the same time in Bangladesh and Indonesia. You are right, one should check the pH value of the soil before planting. Plant growth and yield are generally dependent on the pH value. You covered pesticide use very well. Have you used any pesticides on plants before? You have presented very well how we can control plant pests and fungi at home, especially the insecticides made by mixing salt and tobacco leaves. Your whole post was very informative and presented the antibiotic and antiviral antifungal properties very well.

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Thank you very much for the verification, I am very happy to read your kind comments on my contest post. … I am a plant lover and so is my husband. I know a lot about farming from various sources such as reading books, self-taught experiences and from the farmers themselves, because we do have a garden planted with chilies, vegetables and some fruits. We employ a farmer to take care of it, sometimes my husband and I also directly plant our plants. So more or less I already understand about planting and caring for plants. once again thank you for your kind comments and hopefully I can be successful in this contest😁😊👍

Insha allah.


Curated by : @lirvic

Thank you very much for you support💝👍


Curated by : @lirvic

Thank you so much 💝