I Am Hoping To Get Cured For Tuberculosis Soon And I Am Halfway Through It Already

in hive-123046 •  4 years ago 

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I think that I am permanently put in the first set of the patients to get treated for dialysis in our center, I was given the clearance by the pulmunologist to get reverted back to my original schedule which was early at dawn.

I do not mind it though even if I would be put in midnight scheduling, it is just I am accompanied by my parents and they should not be given a trouble in going so far deep in the night time because my parents are already old and should not be stressed-out with a late schedule that I had before.

My mother's sleeping habit is very early as she goes to bed at around 8:00 PM then my father also have some trouble driving at night and it is dangerous for the three of us to be in the road at night time even though for me it is enjoyable to go home at night, not much cars and it is cooler.

Also, being scheduled in the third or last set means that we have to pay extra because the hospital says that it is a charge paid for the equipment that is used to prepare and sanitize the treatment area, for nurse's PPEs, and alcohol and such considering they said that the cost of those materials had gone up too because of CoViD-19 and the demand for it had gone up.


I Am Already Taking This Anti-Tuberculosis Medicine For About Three Months Now

So I have to endure paying extra hospital bills for more than two months until I got cleared-up by the Pulmunologist. I just hope that if I am really positive for the Tuberculosis that the doctor told me that I have that I would get healed so that it can make me feel much well and maybe I could gain weight or gain some strength that I lost over the years, only God knows what my fate would be but I am doing the best that I can to feel well.

Tuberculosis drug therapy is done continuously in six months. A patient should complete the taking of the medicine and should not skip otherwise therapy will be in vain and possibly the patient will have to take stronger medicines.

That is why I keep it a point to take it first thing in the morning, about a few hours before my meal time as prescribed by the doctor. I am also keep it sure that I will eat even though I have still an appetite issue that I am enduring for almost three years now.

I am still optimistic about the future even though often I feel so overly frustrated and depressed, I just have to man-up because there are still people around even in the ends of the earth that cares about my welfare, so I just do not want to disappoint them which is why my fight is still on until my own physical body gives-up and from that point I could say that I am already rested and for God to take my spirit away.

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