in hive-139765 •  3 years ago 

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Who is a child molester?

A molester is anyone who uses children to satisfy sexual desires,so it can be a man or a woman, there are two types of child molester, the first set are easy to avoid but the second set of child molesters are very difficult to avoid because you will never believe that they can do it.

The first set of child molesters

These are people who like to sit inside their cars at the entrance of church or school to shower children with gifts, this type of people,it is very easy for parents to detect them and warn their children not go close to them.

The second set of child molesters

They are people who have gain the trus of parents,they are:

  • your Priest
  • your childrenTeachers
  • Their Choach
  • Their good uncle
  • That Auntie that love them so much
  • Your driver
  • Your gate man
  • The good neighbor
    These are people that parents trust so much that they will protect their child,but reality is the opposite, instead of them to protect these kids they turn back to moles and abuse this kids sexually, the news and stories of this is becoming daily news which promet me write this post,am not going but to tell you how to detect this molesters around us.

How to Identify or detect this molesters

This second set of people are difficult to understand because they don't act quickly, they will take their time to groom this kids until they become friendly, they have toys in their house, they have biscuits in their houses,they can help your kids to do their homework, they are ready to do everything to make a child happy,they are single, they don't have interest of keeping adult friend,they are on their own, they like children coming to them and play with them, some times they will show then beautiful pictures,sing for them,put toy movies for them, something you will not suspect but they are targeting a lonely day, they don't live in a particular place for a long time so that you will not find out their evil act.

Parents follow your instincts

Parents, Guidance, sisters, brothers follow your instincts, anytime you suspect anyone for that act,act immediately, withdrew your kids from such a person, check how your female maid, sister is playing with your male child, check how their uncle is helping them to do everything in the house, protect your kids by Educating them about sex and what it is meant for and to report to you if anyone try to touch their private parts, help them to know that it is a part of body that belongs to them alone and nobody should share it by touching it, with this they will be alert and ready to report it to you.


Child abuse is everywhere now is no longer story, they are living with us, let us do are best to educate our kids on time from early stagy so that they can avoid them on time

thank you @steemkids,@ngoenyi, for your support.

Written by @ijelady

Here in my introduction link

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Yes child molesters deserve to be punishment, thanks for telling us how to identify them. Keep sharing quality content with us