in hive-147599 •  last year  (edited)

Greetings to all my beautiful people.I would like to take part in the ContestThe Stigma Of Adopted Child organized by @okere-blessing

edited by canva

Who do you think should represent the family as the first son.?

I think that both can be represented as a first son in the family whether he is an adopted child or an biological child.because adoption doesn't matter what does matter while representing the family is love support and living by the family's value.What matter's most is the qualities of child not how they became a part of family.So the adopted child should also be considered the part of family just like a biological child considered because a decision of adopting a child is entirely up to the family's choice so the question of making distinction doesn't arise.

Do you think an adopted child has equal right with the biological child.?


Off course an Adopted Child has equal right with biological child. If a family can't give equal rights to both child I think they should not adopt a child. Because They make a decision of adopting child by their own choice. So it will be very wrong with the child if he or she will not get equal right. Just because of his/her adoption. adopted child has equal rights with the biological child.An adopted child is a part of family and deserve everything which the other family members get.The most important is love and bond of the family rather than the adoption or anything else.

what can make a mother to change her love on her once loved child.?

A mother always love her children and all children are equal to her. But sometimes some situations come in mother life that can change her love towards her once loved child Sometimes many external factors can be a cause of it Sometimes a mother is going through tough time and feeling can also be affected by things like not getting along with others .or a lot of conflicts and misunderstandings . Love is a huge feeling which can be influenced by many things.But a mother loves her children which can never end but ups and downs and good and bad days are part of life where she can also feel fed up.

Have you encountered any problem as an adopted child or have you seen an unfair love on adopted child before. Feel free to let us know.?


I myself is an Adopted child after the death of my parents my aunt adopted me i was just 5 years old when my parents died and my aunt adopted me from that day till now i have never felt that i am adopted she never made me feel like this .She also have one daughter her husband has died but she is a working woman she never discriminated between her daughter and me always supported me in every way possible always did best for me always treated me equally with love care and support.i always get whatever i ask for her daughter she is my sister.She always treated me like her own sister not just a sister she always treat me like a baby and i feel free to share everything with her and my aunt she is just like my mother . I think it depends upon th family how they treat the child.When a child is treated with love care and equality he never face any problem in his/ her life while living in a family .But when a family always make a child to feel that he or she is an Adopted child and not a part of family and do not give equal rights to the child equal love and support that is the point where things get worse for the child mental health his her progress in life self confidence and personality. He or she will not be able to share his/her problems openly he will always feel alone and it will make him/her disturbed all the time.It is important to treat an Adopted child equally and never make them feel that they are not from them because it is not their fault that they has been adopted by a family it was family's own choice.

I would like to invite
to take part in the Contest

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Yeah, you have a point here, It should be stated clearly and made known to everyone that if you are not ready to treat an adopted child as your own child then you should back off from the adoption.

In your case of been treated nice maybe based on their relationship with you and family because is just like union but i have seen cases where biological parents treat their own biological children as slaves which is very bad. Wish you all the best in your contest. One love 💙🌹✌️

U are absolutely right that's why i said it depends on the families how they treat the child . Thanku very much❤️🤗

You are welcome my sister 💙🌹✌️

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Peace & Love!

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