I Smell a Fish............. NW Cascade Wanderings

in hive-150487 •  2 months ago 

……or two or more! Part of our Christmas Eve adventures included a stop at the local fish hatchery! It was quite the operation with lots of tanks housing precious salmon of a couple varieties. We found little babies everywhere!

The creek it was by had a nice view both upstream and downstream.

There were seagulls and crows taking advantage of the fish food that made its way to solid surfaces. Then there were the ducks……

They would fly upstream of a concrete berm and land. Then they’d find themselves downstream rather quickly!

Watch this quick little video on how they have fun!

They did this over and over again! You could tell they were having tons of fun! One little duck flew and landed in the concrete sidewalk really kind of hard, injuring his leg. We were concerned about him as he would walk with a pronounced limp. We lost sight of him, but found out he’d flown over a concrete wall and landed in a fish ladder area. We watched him feed on the fish food floating in the water. I saw him use his injured leg to swim, so I’m thinking water therapy was the best thing for him!

We enjoyed the visit.

Today was back to work for me. It was a busy day, but the end of year rush will soon be over and we will enter the ‘new insurance’ rush, lol! It will prove to be interesting in seeing the new plans and benefits.

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and have a great rest of your day! 🙏🌎🙏


NLT John 1:10-14

He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.
So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH

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