Actsofkindness : Sharing Happiness By Supporting Orphans | The Dolphin Challenge

in hive-160196 •  3 years ago 


As an expression of gratitude and in order to interpret the month of Maulid, H. Jakfar, the waqf of the An-Nur Mosque, Kumbang Village, Syamtalira Aron District, gave donations to 50 orphans on Tuesday (11/16/2021) after the evening prayer. 50 orphans came from around the An-Nur Mosque. The donation activity carried out at the An-Nur Mosque provided compensation for 50 orphans.



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After the charity event for orphans was held, it was celebrated with tausiah by Tgk Abdul Majid. An orphan is a child who is left behind by his father before he reaches adulthood. Islam is a religion full of mercy and compassion. Islam also teaches beautiful ways to share, one of which is to those in need such as orphans.


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Criteria for orphans who are entitled to receive compensation include:
Family Condition Weakness
In providing compensation for orphans, it is better to choose orphans whose families belong to underprivileged families. This is so that the compensation we provide can be useful in helping their lives.

A person is said to be an orphan when he has not yet reached adulthood.

The most important form of supporting orphans is by bringing them into the family, then providing for their needs, teaching them and educating them until they are mature. Orphans guarantors are required to treat them like their own family in matters of food, clothing, and education.

There are many ways that we can do to support orphans, for example by giving alms and zakat. Alms can be done easily, one of them is through an orphanage. Furthermore, the orphanage will distribute the alms received fairly and equitably to the orphans. Alms for orphans gives wisdom, rewards that continue to flow, blessed wealth, keeps away from hell fire, and can soothe the heart.



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H. Jakfar said this is not the end but the beginning and will help in the future. H. Jakfar also congratulated the orphans who were present and said that they still had parents and considered all the orphans present as their children. Hopefully the donation activities for orphans can provide benefits and alleviate their needs.

”Happiness is simple. It only takes sincerity and sincerity in living life."




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