The reverse site of new ideas

in hive-161155 •  3 years ago  (edited)

What is it that make people think they are part of the most intelligent generation?
I remember in some article was stated each generation became more intelligent. I never agreed with that statement. By now most people know it isn't true. Schools hardly invest in intelligent children, the education is lower and lower and if it comes to (handcraft) skills...


Being the most intelligent generation means we easily get fooled. At the same time easily scared and insulted. We cry about everything and lost the will to survive, fight for us, our dreams, rights. Is a coward community intelligent? How come we never learned which viruses cause the common flu?


Shouldn't an intelligent person learn from mistakes, life lessons, history? What happens since 2020 is a sign. A strong sign we ignore because we believe we are better, more intelligent and we never cared about what happened. We do not recognise the signs. Genocide isn't important as long as it doesn't infect us. At the time we figure out they come after us it's sadly enough too late.


A generation claiming to be more intelligent than the one that went before is not interested in stories about the past, the elderly.
The present generation changes history because of different thoughts and ideas. The reverse site is that wars fought for freedom, which gave the present generation more than just a strong voice, and the Nürnberg code became history too. A history that in the eyes of the intelligenter generation is no longer important.

See @mariannewest for the daily prompt. Write 5 minutes with us and find out with what your mind surprises you with.

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