The open letter I sent last time has shown my view: bridge to bridge, road to road!. In order to support the development of hive community, the concept account of hive was auctioned.
中文版本: 给 steem/hive 社区的公开信:桥归桥,路归路! | hive
English Edition: open letter both to steem/hive:Bridge is bridge, road is road! | hive
In addition to following the rules of hive community, keeping praising and posting on hive, I don't have more ideas on hive at present, so I specifically put the concept account of hive before the hard fork out for auction.
This auction does not limit any buyers, no matter what, including the accounts that may have personal grudges with me at steem / hive.
拍卖流程很简单 | The auction process is simple
1)转账 1 HIVE 到 @huaren.news, memo 标注要购买的账号,每次转账视为1次购买报价(不累计),低于1 HIVE的转账被视为无偿捐赠;
- Transfer 1 HIVE to @huaren.news , memo indicates the account name to be purchased, each transfer is regarded as one purchase quotation (not accumulated), and transfers below 1 HIVE are regarded as free donation;
- The auction period is one month. As of June 28, UTC 00:00:00, the higher bidder of each account will be automatically obtained;
- Since it is not the highest bid purchase behavior (transfer 1 HIVE and above), the HIVE of bid will be refunded to where is from.
直接买断 | Direct buyout
如果你是某个账号购买者中第一个转账金额为100 HIVE 的,即可立即获得该账号的所有权。
If you are the first buyer of an account whose transfer amount is 100 HIVE, you can immediately obtain the ownership of the account.
账号安全移交 | Account security handover
1) 账号的所有密钥,通过向购买者账号转账加密 memo 传递;
- All keys of the account shall be transferred to the buyer's account by encrypted memo;
2) 购买者获得密码后,要修改两次密码,才能保证其他人无法控制该账号。
- After the buyer obtains the keys, it needs to change the keys twice to ensure that other people cannot control the account.
账号列表 | account list
@justinsunhive, @hiveadmin, @hivefaq, @hivepower, @hive.power, @hpbank, @hbdbank, @hive.news, @hiveup, @hivedown, @steem.hive, @hive.steem, @shive, @ahive, @bhive, @fhive, @hhive, @ihive, @jhive, @khive, @lhive, @mhive, @nhive, @ohive, @phive, @qhive, @rhive, @thive, @vhive, @xhive, @yhive, @zhive, @hbd.bank, @hivenews, @hivefund, @hivekeychain, @busy.hive, @busyhive, @dlikehive, @dlike.hive, @hivegame, @hive.game, @hivetool, @hivetools, @hive.tool, @hive1o, @hivio, @like.land, @hiveproject, @hproject, @app.hive, @apphive, @hivenewbie, @hive.newbie, @hiveclean, @hivespam, @hive.spam, @hivezzan, @hivebusy, @hive.busy, @hive.peak, @hivetrade, @hivedapp, @hivewitness, @hive.witness, @hwitness, @hivetipu, @hive.tipu, @hive.king, @hivepress, @hive.press, @hivejs, @hjs, @hivepython, @hivepy, @hive.node, @hivenodes, @hiveconnect, @hconnect, @hive.wallet, @hive-python, @hive.python, @hive-js, @hivevedio, @hive.vedio, @hive-vedio, @h-tube, @hivebox, @hiveplus, @hive.plus, @hive-plus, @hplus, @h-plus, @hive.bot, @hive-bot, @hivebots, @hivereport, @hive.report, @hive-report, @hreport, @hive-keychain, @hive.keychain, @hkeychain, @key.chain
HIVE witness: @gtg @blocktrades @yabapmatt @steempeak @roelandp @themarkymark @gtg @someguy123 @good-karma @therealwolf @anyx @ausbitbank @aggroed @thecryptodrive @cervantes @ocd-witness @steempress @drakos @arcange @pharesim @followbtcnews @netuoso @curie @emrebeyler @lukestokes.mhth @abit
拍卖hive概念账号! Hive Concept account on bid! | hive
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- 晴雨表
- 刚说完STEEM,STEEM就暴涨10%,但离HIVE的爆啦还是太远
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- HIVE什么样的走势,更有利于steem未来的发展?
- HIVE火币开盘交易惨淡,恐无操盘计划
- 火币上线HIVE交易,充值送1000HIVE

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