'' La mante''

in hive-166960 •  5 years ago 

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This must-see French suspense thriller focuses on an imprisoned female serial killer, recruited to help solve a string of copycat murders, but only if her son, Damien, now a policeman, works with her on the case. The mother is nicknamed “La Mante”, the praying mantis.

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The levels of tension just increase from the beginning till the end as the viewer watches the stalking and the violent killing. All victims in La Mante are men. Is the serial killer a woman?

Mom–Jeanne Deber (the beautiful Carole Bouquet)–is serving a life term without parole for the brutal murders of eight men. We do not know the motivation for her heinous killings. She has been serving a prison sentence for twenty-five years as La Mante opens, and we flash back to her abandonment of her young ten-year-old son as the police drag her her sobbing little boy away. The viewer will understand the motivation and unhealed wounds Jeanne suffered by the final episode’s thrilling climax.

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Now, some twenty five years later after three very grisly new killings (involving decapitation, emasculation and tons of blood which the French are not shy about showing) Jeanne offers her expertise to the cops on condition that she works only through Damien. Her son is now an undercover cop on a narcotics team.

The twists and turns in each of its six episodes never fail to be compelling. La Mante is certainly not for the weak of heart; if your stomach isn’t the strongest, I’d recommend passing – or watching the more bloody sequences with one hand over your eyes. The suspense and performances at their core, however, make La Mante well worth every hard-to-watch scene. The clever red herrings and false starts at identifying the copycat mantis are tightly woven into the subplot of the mother-son relationship and the son’s own misgivings about ever becoming a parent. Very dark, troublesome, and pathological areas of human relationships are explored–sometimes venomous, toxic and unforgivable.

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La Mante is another success in French cinema–especially well-focused on the mother-son relationship, or the possible murder of a relationship from lying to those we leave behind. As in real life, the criminal mind is traced back to events and backstory in childhood.

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I enjoyed watching this series and was really impressed with the quality of the acting, especially with Carole Bouquet, Fred Teston and Manon Azem. While the plot has some unrealistic elements, the relationship between the mother and son was portrayed with emotion and was compelling to watch. I have seen many thrillers (The Fall, The Killing, The Disappearance), but have not seen this particular mother/son dynamic before. I ended up binge-watching this series, something that I don't normally do. For this reason, I am rating it as a 9/10. I hope that there will be a second season.

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