STEEMALIVE PRESENT ProWritersHub-w4/ Drug Abuse- Causes, Effects And Prevention by @princesshope, 10% payout 1/08/2022.

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago  (edited)




My able steemians, how are you all doing today hope you enjoyed your weekend and also having a great new week?,am glad to present to you my second entry in this amazing contest and I will be talking about drugs abuse and it's effects.

What Is Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is the excessive intake or consumption of drugs without the prescription of the doctor. Drug abuse also the process of taking drugs for the wrong purpose for example Some of the boys nowadays take drugs for the wrong purpose like using excess of cater medicine to get high.

Types Of Drugs Abused

  • Heroin÷ Heroin is a highly addictive drugs that people get addicted to most especially the young boys of today that can't even stay an hour with taking it because it has been a great part of them which takes only the grace of God to get over it.

  • Cocaine÷ cocaine is also one of the most dangerous drugs that even if it's taken in small dose is very dangerous to an individual and it could lead to mental disorder.

  • Crack ÷ This is the most dangerous of them all that even just inhale it will automatically demage the brain. It's not something you can just find anywhere because it's very very expensive and difficult to get as well.

  • Marijuana ÷ this drug is gotten from a dry leave,flower, steam and seed from the hemp plant.its one of the drugs you can find easily in your community because those are the ones some of the young boys can afford.



Causes Of Drug Abuse

  • Addiction÷ some people usually get easily addicted to something most especially something they are not use to in the past, once they try it and they liked it they will want to continue it over and over again which will result to addiction.

  • Mental health disorder÷ some people that suffer from illness use drugs to clam there self down but sometimes they tend to use it in excess so as to completely kill the pain they are passing through.

  • Peer pressure÷ pressure is one of the most effective cause of drug abuse because they are some people that can not stand pressure from there peer group because they don't want to be called mummy boy or daddy's girl so they will easily fall into the pressure.

  • Lack of family involvement÷ lack of parental guidance also lead the young ones into drug abuse because they are not though on the effects of drug abuse and they also don't keep an eye on the type of company they keep be it good or bad.

  • Early use÷ some cases of drug abuse is that the young ones are exposed to drugs at a very tender age like when a man is a smoker and always send his son to get some for him and also smoking it in the percence of the child the child with automatically want to try it some day and as he grows the aurge for more will also grow with him.

Effects Of Drug Abuse

  • Stroke
  • Mental confusion and brain demage
  • Lungs disease
  • Loss of memory
  • Loss of self-esteem

How To Prevent Drug Abuse

  • Renforcement of anti-drug attitude
  • Strenthing of personal commitment against drug abuse.

*Schools and family should educate the young children on the effect and danger of drug abuse.

  • The government should create job opportunities for the youths so that they attention will be deviated from drug because it is said that an idol man is the devil workshop.

  • The government should also put a band on all the hard drugs and also make sure to check the borders so that no one to enter into the country.


Drug abuse is a very dangerous thing and it has distoryed so many people and the scoity at large so please stay away from drugs. Thank you.


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@princesshope, you're on point when you say👇

The government should also put a band on all the hard drugs and also make sure to check the borders so that no one to enter into the country.

If the government should ban the producers, I think, that will definitely put a stop to such non-sense. But, since they themselves can't live without it, how then do we think they will say stop to the producers? Nothing but futility!

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Schools and families should educate their children on drug abuse.
You know our schools is lacking a lot of things to teach. Government should include it in the school subject.

Yes I think you are right ma because such topic usually come once in awhile in the scheme of work so teachers don't put much effort in it.

You're on point ma @ijelady. I think this topic should be in line with sex education because, drug abuse leads to immorality. Maybe, during PTA meeting, you parents should voice out.

Yes dear,it is advisible that schools and government should address people on the consequences of drug abuse as any one found doing it should be punished.

Hahaha, let's stop dreaming!!!. Who bans who, and who punishes who? Does it not sound crazy? Is our government themselves not the initiator of drug abuse. Let's fight it by ourselves

Insincerity on the part of government is a major contributor to the drug abuse. The laws are often don't enforced or selectively done.

The laws are there to deter both peddlers and consumers of these unwholesome products, but you are only punished if you do not buy your freedom with money, both from the law enforcement agencies and the judiciary respectively.

Some youths in our society today are so addicted to drugs and have finally destroyed their future.

Schools should always teach children about drug abuse and it's dangers at a very tender age. This will help them stay away from it even when they are being pressured by friends.

Images from shutterstock, iStock, Pinterest and dreamstime are considered to be plagiarism. The image of cocaine is indicting you. Kindly remove it or risk been labelled.

written by @samuel20

Drugs abuse is very bad and not adviceable to anyone so let's try and avoid it

Thank you very much the correction has been made.


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Drug abuse has killed and kept many in a pitiable condition. I pray government should be very strict on drug addicts.

Drugs abuse is widely cause indeed by those peer pressure who so much deepening into . The use of drugs for their personal purposes rather than , what is being meant for . Lacking sense on the formal consequences drugs addiction can brought about.