ProWritersHub (W-8) : Challenges make us stronger - My story_@sureway044

in hive-167622 •  2 years ago  (edited)



Hello Awesome Steemian's ,


This very life is too big for some body to go through without getting to encountered any thing. Even if you appeared to be the type who often gained or get his or her , desired met stresslessely. In real sense you should know , that there are kind of what you would get to desire . From which you can't get it outrightly without any given obstacle , such obstacle never being given out on plain terms . Because no body would want to take blamed for getting to barrier or hindered someone.

This very occasion can only get to let you note kind of barriers around. Such kind or types of barriers or hindrances , are more likely cunning physical and craftic spiritual factoring by those wicked people around you.

What those wicked people acted within their closet , or association in dark world of wickedness. Determining what you as a person likely would faced .

About Challenges


Personally I don't based my blamed on whatever seems happening, around me on those wicked people. Because some kind things just meant to be , while nothing can get wrong repeatively without evil one's being behind fully.

On a friendly terms challenges can be more like , the actual effect from those types of barriers or hindrances or obstacles . Such as cunning physical and craftic spiritual. On either your health ,material , job , finances ,marriage , academy , career or ministry , and all of that listlessly.

Have now been fetched what challenge could possibly mean , and same time should . As well note that, not all challenges are spiritually factored or anchored from the dark world of wickedness.

But , at times it does . Being a reason even the lone Son from the Creator Himself in person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth . Did have it on this formed , mainly forwarded to His lovely disciples . That they may pray always because , their anniversary is the devil . And so scale on to get added that , the devil is a roaring lion seeking whom to devoured.

The roaring lion never gets tired , always on the watch out to sow tears and pains . Sorrows and mourmoring , mainly because the devil himself is angried . Over things around it's very state of existence and conditioned .

All know that by the help of angel macheal that God used to sent down , the devil or Satan along all fallen angels . If by any means of claimed . Satan is the lord and god of this very earth not any evil human beings who our of personal interest , get acted and getting into real evil and act of wickedness against an innocent human.

Closely evaluating those wicked kind of human , would get fetched that they themselves . Would claimed to be religious in their nature and dealings , truth getting known they don't know God . Not serving the living one and True Creator and Son Jesus Christ but , their respective interest , evil and wickedness is their actual lifestyle covering up.

My Story


After getting through both an introduction and about challenges paragraph integrally , now you would be so knowledgeable about terms of challenges.

Though some might get to have kind of pre - marital , marital , career , academy challenges . Yes , but mind is mainly health , financial and sudden challenges.

Financial Challenge : Truth is bitter , but thing is I so much love truth. Had being the word truth would have been human , there would be kind of serious debate as towards what gender should be the truth.

In terms of love talk and real seasoning , no body in any guy would say to follow I love you.

Added up on my write up , how I love the truth , can only stressed or emphasized on such boned. Very , very vehement and I love truth to such extent.

Truth about me I don't like telling my personal story , it gets some thing I can easily narrate . And there are other things I can't get touch , because it not as if it a bad or worse thing . Instead , it just kind of normal stuff. But due to my kind of person when any thing that touched me terribly occured . I would kind of reasoning and get to observed the situation closely , just if possible I can get figured out the cause from such happening.

To be very truthful and sincere , I wouldn't have known better if I have not came backed to staying around here in my hometown since 2017 November. That basically due to what had happened to my health , which as well get to affect me financially.

Right in this state and town of mine truth is am not quite pleased with myself , for what I do here . Note is being goal oriented while I did work then in Lagos. Reason that I got fully certified then , from IIPS college of part time studies due diligently undergone both academical training of the institute such as PCGM and APCSM , one after another and finished.

Then challenge was mainly on finances , instances of my life while going through NIIT as well my main challenges was an exact same.

So state of lack of money is what comprised my first list of challenge.

Health challenge : The sympathy state which happening to be kind of more threatened state . Instead of any getting to sympathized , while I came backed no body did instead. Was interested on words threatening and kind of protective, due to some parcels of lands mainly .

Not knowing if I was quite okay , I wouldn't had set foot around rather completed my traveled . Of which I personal , and as a person didn't . Have on me clearly when I would come backed to Nigeria.

Even my very step or half brother who have me in their church , for what called counselling and assignment session . Of which after the assignment ,i couldn't even felt better. I decided to traveled down here , and he couldn't extended the tale to his mother and possibly any others of interest.

Making his mother to see me as kind of person who came backed to , fight for so called birthright.

Truth about me money I came home with I got exhausted within two weeks, after getting notice such look and most funny behavior. And my personal state of health getting see each day by special grace. I wouldn't have words to see , not with any how person's . But once things seems to get more worse I only step up to my family head being my father senior brother as well . And the old man seems to understand my state of health more than any others.

Such act only push me to do what I didn't planned while I came backed, because I didn't planned to come backed to sell any parcel of land . But I end up selling two vital land within our compound environs.

One across and another one while getting to enter our compound it right behind , the compound premises and environs.

Not as if my health get better still same , most people who did care when I tell them . About most especially while here I did have frequent fever and malaria. Only that of malaria that they do help telling me some herbs to get used . In which I still do use it whenever I get malaria symptoms.

But my main health challenge am trusting God daily as am kind of okay and well now , by God own grace.

Sudden challenge : The sudden challenges is such of that , that I got served injuction for land that never ever under a dispute. With such planned that because I sold it I would be desperate.

Before I even go to my family head I had to called my step or half brother to inquired, from the land original document. He did assured me that there is a document with him for that land. So after whole thing I need to meet both my family head and the king in charge of my case same day . The king in charge on my case then is known here as (Obong Emem) Mainly King of peace .

Whole things get landed that I should provide the original document for that land , on that day in which my case will be considered.

Myself left straight home relax and called my step brother , he brought up another land issue . Later tell me that very land hast no document . And refused to send me the needed document.

That was how with the help of those involved in the case when I met luckily all of them . Because I want there talked and plead for them to adjourned the case and same time help me to extend the day's. And was quite granted with a price . So this time when got to meet all of those involved in the case , and informed them about my situation for the document.

Final words , one of them asked me do you really want to stand for the case . I said since my step brother refused to sent me the document , I don't have any reason . Then he asked me to go met my family head , any thing he tell me I should let them know .

My family head , when I as well narrated whole thing . He tell me to let it , that he would go and see how things would be.

That was how I escaped such planned death, on land coverage.

How overcoming those challenges help me


Truth is such that financial challenge am still trusting God daily , as for my health I have get to learn such much . Due to my personal observation of an individual , reaction and mainly action . I learnt more of such that human can't believed , that such things can be possible. As for my sudden challenges is being quite stressful and due to what transpired am in debt . So , so far challenges have not help me yet , may be within the nearest future. Such as challenges would get to add to my strength and make me appear more stronger.


Special mention :


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wow indeed challenge in life really hinder ones growth and success you challenge was so much and I believe and only is well now challenges are not good the are only coming either make us great and also hinder or growth you have done well friend

Yes very right and correct . Challenges brings about lots of setback and indeed hinders someone growth .

yeah we all should be careful and also know the can of things we engaged on to avoid mouch challenges in life this life is full of wonders

We do face whole lots of challenges with each having it's own criteria 😝

Yes challenges are based on criteria and indeed an inevitable in nature.

But being careful, swift and wise can ward off some if not all of the challenges

yeah challenge come daily and one thing is certain as long you are living you must pass through challenges we should be careful

That's true, we should learn to be strong and prepare incase of any challenges that may come up


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