Assalamualaikum Alaikum
I am @kamal11 from Bangladesh.
Today I will share with all about the fair on the occasion of Pahela Baisakh of Bengali New Year. Today is 04-05-2024. Today was Khulna University's Boishakhi fair and culture program. I will tell you the details today.
Morning Fair
Today morning was busy time for students. Because everyone had decorated the fair shops before the market at 10 am. There are 29 departments in this university. Each department had one shop. The shops were beautifully decorated. Everyone worked very hard to decorate their own shops very beautifully. I mean Creative work to say the least. They have arranged this work very nicely. I took pictures of every shop in the morning.
Afternoon Fair
Each shop was decorated in a different way. They did the decoration work very beautifully and picked up various goods in the shops. Such as pita, ice cream, fuska, soft water, flowers, cosmetics, many more food menu. Each shop had different food and products.
I also took pictures of some of the shops that had different flower plants.
Around 20000 people were present in today's fair. A city flag was brought around this fair. Everyone was having a lot of fun in the fair.
Evening Fair
I was preparing the stage for the cultural program which is centered around the fair and photographed the main event. There were various dances, songs and entertaining dances.
One of the interesting things of today's fair was the lottery, the price of each lottery was 20 taka. There were 29 prizes in the lottery. The first prize was an air cooler, the second prize was a fan, and the third prize was an ironing machine.
The last fair ended around 8 o'clock. Thank you very much everyone for reading my post. I am very happy to share with you.