in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 


Hi sahabat Steemian, saya menulis tugas untuk Prestasi 1 untuk peekenalan diri
Dibawah ini adalah rekaman singkat tentang saya ya teman,

Nama dan Umur : Muhammad Nur / 37 Th

Alamat lengkap : Desa Cibrek Kecamatan Tanah Luas Kabupaten Aceh Utara Propinsi Aceh negara Indonesia

Pekerjaan : Wiraswasta pendidikan : Strata Satu

Hobi dan minat : Volly Ball, Travelling, Operasi Komputer, Pecinta Alam, dan hal yang tidak saya sukai : Main Domino dan scutter / chip
Postingan seperti apa yang ditulis oleh orang lain yang saya cari tentang Pembelajaran Sofware dan Hardware komputer, photoshop dan fotografer unik

Jenis postingan apa yang menurutmu akan saya buat tentang infrastruktur dan lingkungan sekitarnya, dan fotogafer

Bagaimana kamu menemukan Steemit dan apa yang ingin kamu capai di sini :
Saya menemukan steemit dari @waterjoe dan @klen.civil

Demikian rangkuman singkat tentang perkenalan diri saya ini. Harapannya adalah bantuan dan saran, komentar untuk saya perbaikan pada tulisan-tulisan saya

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Selamat datang di platform steemit

Selamat bergabung di platform steemit saudara

Hi @mnurrangkayafc,

Welcome to steemit.

I invite you to Complete Your Achievement Tasks in Newcomer's Community, published by @cryptokannon. This course will enable you to improve your writing skills as well as you will be able to present your content in an organized manner.

You can also join Steemit Crypto Academy and participate in Introductory Courses which will help you to improve your knowledge about the crypto world.

There are many other communities that you can join and some of these communities are listed below:

and many more communities that you can join.

If you are new and your steem power is under 30sp you can apply for Steemit User Support Program

If you need any help feel free to contact with me.

Have a nice Day...

Greeter Fairy.gif

Selamat datang di platform Steemit

Welcome to steemit @mnurrangkayafc! This is a platform where you can write, interact with people and be part of different initiatives, projects and contests. To get a better understanding of how the platform works, it is recommended that new users take part in the newcomers' community achievement program. I will leave you a link in which you can review the teaching material for each achievement and the requirements needed to complete it.

Lists of Achievement Tasks, Resources & Materials : Newcomers Resources

If you are interested in cryptocurrency topics, you can join the Crypto academy and start with the introductory courses they are offering:

The Beginners Level Introductory Courses

You can opt for the 30 SP delegation program for newcomers.

If you need help, just let me know and I will do my best to clear your doubts.

Have a great day!

#affable #venezuela

Hai @mnurrangkayafc
Selamat datang di Komunitas Steemit ♨️ Tugas Anda telah di periksa dan di verifikasi oleh Tim Greeter Indonesia🇮🇩 Anda dapat melanjutkan ke tugas Achivement 2. Untuk panduan penulisan Achivement 2 dapat Anda lihat di sini 👉 Panduan Penulisan Achievement 2

Greeting @heriadi

Curators Note : Rate 2

Gunakan #tag baru, baca Attention : Penggunaan Tagar (tag) Khusus Untuk Newcomers Indonesia

Hi, @mnurrangkayafc,

Your post has been supported by @heriadi from the Steem Greeter Team.