Part 2 (2/3) How to drive away visitors to your site?

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steemit Community

This is the second part of the yesterday article. Hope you like it, and enjoying reading it.

5 A site under constant construction

Even if you are in a hurry to launch your site, avoid pages under construction and incomplete or even blank pages. I see too many sites where entire sections lie fallow for months, where several languages ​​are planned but some are barely sketched out. It is disrespectful and gives a poor idea of ​​your professionalism. For the same reason, regularly check the validity of your links and the media that you include on your pages. To end up on a 404 page - not optimized moreover - or to want to watch a video which was taken out of the circuit is really not funny!
Trick: Only publish fully completed pages. Use a test environment to scale your site without disrupting visitors. And regularly check the integrity of your links (with free tools like brokenlinkcheck or Integrity for Mac).


6 Already seen and poorly written content

Nothing more boring than rehashing information from source to source, at the end of a cascade of copy / paste. If, in addition, the syntax and grammar are massacred there ... beware of mass desertions! Likewise, using SMS language, incomprehensible abbreviations, excessive anglicisms or jargon understood only by insiders, are all causes of abandonment.
Tip : In everything, keep it simple and understandable. Be committed to being understood and to sharing valuable content that you have duly picked, sorted, analyzed and compiled into a personal summary that is informative and enjoyable to read.

7 misleading titles

The titles of your pages are the key to search engines. They are the ones who will decide the Internet user to click on a link among all the results displayed and to come and see your site or read your article rather than another. Your titles must therefore be representative of the content of the article or page.
Tip : Give each page and each post a unique, (relatively) short and punchy title, summarizing the point you are going to develop. Google displays titles of 65 to 70 characters, take that into account! And remember to insert the keyword that will guide Internet users to your site.

8 aggressive colors and looks

Avoid outrageous graphics and garish color palettes. Why? Because you risk putting off your visitors of course, but also and above all you risk tiring them by making reading more painful! Have you ever tried reading green text on an orange background or blue text on a black background? Or to decipher a legend on an overloaded graphic? It is painful. And even if all tastes are in nature, certain rules prevail when it comes to readability on the web.
Trick : There are many free tools on the net to harmonize colors. Prefer light backgrounds and green or blue colors: they are restful for the eye. Keep up to date with the evolution of graphic trends: they change regularly. You can easily date a site by its graphics.

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Visitors on website is like customer on the shop so if there is no visitor than it does not fulfill the need of a website and it is an integral part of the portal. united we share the step to bring more user base and with the on the side which is a kind of great valuation. nice post