in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

Original image by @hojaraskita

"Ethics is nothing more than the rational attempt to find out how to live better."

Image taken from the web

To speak of ethics in these times is like speaking of a lost vocation, diluted in the minds of those of us who, being human, forget the precepts under which we grew up, especially in our country, Venezuela, where it seems to have been diluted in time and to be a distant memory.

Analyzing the etymological concept of ETHICS, which for Rosental and Yudin (S/D) comes from the Greek "ethikos" - custom, habit, character, what we call custom in relation to the behavior and way of being, of the OUGHT to be has changed systematically. Our habits have been modified and the character or essential nature of our being has been molded to the new standards imposed by society itself, perhaps because we have been weak in character and surely because the personality of certain individuals has also been weak, which is why they lend themselves or have allowed themselves to lend themselves to situations that collaborate to the detriment of society itself.

Other authors point out that "the term ethics comes from the Greek word ethos, which originally meant "dwelling", "place where one lives" and which ended up indicating the "character" or the peculiar and acquired "way of being" of someone; the custom (mos-moris: morality). ( Taking this concept as a basis, the dwelling towards which we focus would be the internal one, where our MORAL being lives, since ethics also refers to "the doctrine on morality, morality; the system of norms and rules of conduct of men in their relationship with society and with each other "besides being "one of the forms of social conscience" (Rosental and Yudin (S/D, p.76). Our social conscience which lies in our inner dwelling and which manifests itself in our constant social coexistence is the one that seems to wither every time it is confronted with realities that it does not know how to face and sells out easily.

Unfortunately, tutors have also fallen under this kind of moral decline, selling themselves to their own needs and betting on a kind of "win-win" above anything and anyhow, debasing and dirtying their own internal dwelling, a kind of dehumanization very characteristic of the "positivist sciences" that forget the being, the person and quantifies it, in this case we become only quantifiable numbers inherent to the profits that we can generate to a tutor, a kind of oil well that flows perennially.

Based on the above, a tutor must have a vocation of service and therefore of work without forgetting that this has a value at the level of the knowledge he has, because he cannot be human with others while forgetting about himself. He cannot forget himself but neither can he devalue others, therefore the tutor must be mainly HUMAN but coherent with the reality, and with his own.

In the tutorial action his action must be guided by a vocation of service, to serve to live and to teach to live life, to have the vocation to give of himself, to contribute the knowledge base to build with his tutor the project that is presented. His action is to help, to guide, to collaborate in the learning process, which is part of the moral action itself.

The tutor must have very clear what are the moral norms, which regulate the conduct but in this case the own conduct of every tutor with the tutored that are in his charge to manage according to the situation without losing the perspective of his educational vocation before the range of the possibilities that are presented to him, the main thing is to teach to construct knowledge, not only to give them so that the tutored is defended, not to deny him the possibility to grow, to learn and to construct his experience for comfort of the same one and gain for the tutor. It also plays an important role the force of habit, good habits, since the fact that something is customary does not mean that it is good.

The tutor must be very clear about his role when exercising his tutoring task, since he has a responsibility a
ssumed with his mentee, which is conscious and becomes conscious as he shares and supports the work of his mentee, therefore he must have a level of conscience that rises above any behavior that may be inadequate and unfit for what his investiture represents, Therefore, his actions must be guided by the duty to be, equanimity and emotions that start more from the brain than from what is properly human, he must have love for his work and share it with his mentor, in short, he must be professional above all and not lose control of his emotions.

On the other hand and finally, the tutor must differentiate between the good and the bad of his actions and be aware that although it is true that what we call "values" is part of a set of actions and emotions free to be quantified, they are not perceived by the sense of touch but by their repercussions, by their consequences, whether positive or negative, and it is the presence or absence of values that will provide a clear picture of the professionalism, humanity and morality of the tutor towards the rest of the world.

To strengthen the tutorial action, emphasis should be placed on values, building an ethical profile that is fully complied with and that should be monitored through biannual evaluations by the tutored groups in order to verify if the tutor follows the profile indicated by the university where he/she is working and this can serve as a curricular endorsement to continue working in the different areas of the university or outside of it. The presence of these evaluations should be a requirement in the curriculum of every professor who intends to be a tutor in any university, unless he/she is new to the university, for which he/she should work as an assistant to other tutors before working on his/her own, so that he/she can obtain these evaluations in order to become a tutor and have his/her own group of tutors.

So much for an important aspect of ETHICS that is not addressed regularly but is no less important, on the contrary, everything has turned so much to the material that I look with regret as some tutors in the area of education, which is the area in which I work, have been doing business for some time with theses and degree works. It is reasonable to profit from what we have earned with hard work, studies and experience, but the situation has gone so far out of context that we impose exorbitant prices in dollars that many students see their chances of obtaining a higher degree than the undergraduate degree they have diminished. Food for thought.

Thank you dear friends for reaching this far. If you liked the content support me with your vote and give your opinion on the topic I have shown. See you next time

By @hojaraskita

Image take from the web


“La ética no es más que el intento racional de averiguar cómo vivir mejor.”

Hablar de ética en estos tiempo es como hablar de una vocación perdida, diluida en la mente de aquellos que siendo humanos olvidamos los preceptos bajos los cuales crecimos, sobretodo en nuestro país, Venezuela donde pareciera haberse diluido en el tiempo y ser un recuerdo distante.

Analizando el concepto etimológico de ETICA, que para Rosental y Yudin (S/D) proviene del griego “ethikos”- costumbre, hábito, carácter, lo que llamamos costumbre en relación al comportamiento y manera del ser, del DEBER ser ha cambiado sistemáticamente. Nuestros hábitos se han modificado y el carácter o naturaleza esencial de nuestro ser, se ha amoldado a los nuevos estándares impuestos por la sociedad misma tal vez porque se ha sido débil de carácter y seguramente porque la personalidad de ciertos individuos también lo ha sido, por lo que se prestan o se han permitido prestarse a situaciones que colaboran al menoscabo de la sociedad misma.

Otros autores señalan que “el término ética proviene de la palabra griega ethos, que originariamente significaba “morada”, “lugar donde se vive” y que terminó por señalar el “carácter” o el “modo de ser” peculiar y adquirido de alguien; la costumbre (mos-moris: la moral). ( Tomando este concepto de base, la morada hacia la que nos enfocamos sería la interna, donde hace vida nuestro ser MORAL, ya que la ética de igual forma se refiere a “la doctrina sobre la moral, la moralidad; el sistema de normas y reglas de conducta de los hombres en su relación con la sociedad y entre sí “además de ser “una de las formas de la conciencia social” (Rosental y Yudin (S/D, p.76). Nuestra conciencia social la cual yace en nuestra morada interna y que se manifiesta en nuestro constante convivir social es la que parece marchitarse cada vez que se enfrenta a realidades a las que no sabe afrontar y se vende con facilidad.

Lamentablemente los tutores también han caído bajo esta suerte de bajón moral, vendiéndose a sus propias necesidades y apostando a una especie “ganar-ganar” por encima de lo que sea y como sea, envileciéndose y ensuciando su propia morada interna, una especie de deshumanización muy característico de las “ciencias positivistas” que se olvidan del ser, de la persona y lo cuantifica, en este caso nos convertimos en solo números cuantificables inherentes a las ganancias que podemos generarles a un tutor, una especie de pozo de petróleo que fluye perennemente.
Partiendo de lo anterior un tutor debe tener vocación de servicio y por lo tanto de trabajo sin olvidar justamente que eso tiene un valor a nivel de los conocimientos que ostenta por que no puede ser humano con los demás olvidándose de sí mismo. No puede olvidarse de sí mismo pero tampoco puede desvalorar a los demás por lo tanto el tutor debe ser principalmente HUMANO pero coherente con la realidad, y con la suya propia.

En la acción tutorial su accionar debe estar guiado por una vocación de servicio, de servir para vivir y de enseñar a vivir la vida, tener vocación para dar de sí mismo, aportar el conocimiento base para construir con su tutorado el proyecto que se presenta. Su acción es el de ayudar, orientar, colaborar en el aprendizaje lo cual es parte de la acción moral propiamente dicha.

El tutor debe tener muy en claro lo que son las normas morales, las cuales regulan la conducta pero en este caso la propia conducta de todo tutor con los tutorados que están a su cargo para manejarse acorde a la situación sin perder la perspectiva de su vocación educativa ante la gama las posibilidades que se le presentan, lo principal es enseñar a construir conocimientos, no solo darlos para que el tutorado se defienda, no negarle la posibilidad de crecer, aprender y construir su experiencia por comodidad del mismo y ganancia para el tutor. También juega un papel importante la fuerza de la costumbre, las buenas costumbres ya que el que algo sea costumbre no quiere decir que sea bueno.
El tutor debe tener bien claro cuál es su papel a la hora de ejercer su labor de tutorar ya que tiene una responsabilidad asumida con sus tutorados la cual es consiente y se hace consiente a medida que comparte y apoya el trabajo de su tutorado por lo tanto debe tener un nivel de conciencia que se eleve por encima de cualquier comportamiento que pueda ser inadecuado y poco apto para lo que su investidura representa, por lo que sus acciones deben estar guiadas por el deber ser, la ecuanimidad y emociones que partan más de lo cerebral que de lo propiamente humano, debe tener amor hacia su trabajo y compartirlo con su tutorado, en pocas palabras, se debe ser profesional ante todo y no perder el control de las emociones.

Por otro lado y para finalizar, el tutor debe diferenciar entre lo bueno y lo malo de sus acciones y ser consciente de que si bien es cierto que lo que llamamos “valores” forma parte de un conjunto de acciones y emociones libres de ser cuantificados no se perciben por el sentido del tacto si no por su repercusiones, por sus consecuencias bien sean positivas y negativas y es la presencia o ausencia de valores lo que proporcionaran una imagen clara de la profesionalidad, humanidad y moral de este para con el resto del mundo.

Para fortalecer la acción tutorial se debe hacer énfasis en los valores, construir un perfil ético que se cumpla a cabalidad y que se debe monitorear a través de evaluaciones semestrales por parte de los grupos tutorados a fin de verificar si el tutor se rige por el perfil señalado por la universidad donde se encuentre laborando y este puede servir de aval curricular para continuar trabajando en las diferentes áreas de la universidad o fuera de la misma. La presencia de estas evaluaciones debe ser exigencia en el currículo de cada profesor que pretenda ser tutor en cualquier universidad a menos que sea nuevo en la misma para lo que debería en principio trabajar como asistente de otros tutores antes de trabajar por su cuenta de modo que pueda hacerse de dichas evaluaciones para optar a ser tutor y tener su propio grupo de tutorados.

Hasta aquí un aspecto importante de la ETICA que no se aborda con regularidad pero no es de menos importancia, por lo contrario, todo se ha volcado tanto a lo material que miro con pesar como algunos tutores en el área de educación, que es el área en que me manejo, hacen comercio desde hace tiempo con las tesis y trabajos de grado. Es razonable sacarle ganancias a lo que con esfuerzo nos hemos ganado con estudios y experiencia pero la situación se ha salido tanto de contexto que imponemos precios exorbitantes en dólares que muchos estudiantes ven mermadas sus posibilidades de sacar un grado superior al pregrado que poseen. Algo para reflexionar.

Gracias queridos amigos por llegar hasta aquí. Si te ha gustado el contenido apóyame con tu voto y da tu opinión sobre el tema que he mostrado. Hasta la próxima
By @hojaraskita


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Greetings @hojaraskita, it is certainly a valuable topic that you share with us, of which I will keep the fact that it is "the rational attempt to discover how to live better". How valuable is this word, if we all apply them and more in these times so changing and so difficult in the economic and social sphere. May it be well.

Thank you very much for reading me and taking the time to give your opinion, I appreciate it.

By @hojaraskita

Hello @hojaraskita
Whenever I read about ethics, I unfortunately think of something that in a way seems utopia in applied reality, because the life of the human being finally depends on many factors, not only on the should be.
But, it is interesting to always be able to keep in mind that things can be better.

By the way, one of the images you use in the post is watermarked, that is, the camera as a stamp, that means it is a copyrighted image. There is a page, which is where you can get almost two million copyright free images, as a fact.

Good my life, thank you for your opinion in relation to the subject of ETHICS, which as it is well said is very controversial. In relation to the images of the flags (the others are mine) it is recognized that they are taken from the WEB so I do not incur in any lack of professional ETHICS, (I say it because it comes to the subject, hahaha) I use them to indicate the change from one language to another and they are images that I like very much. I will look where you tell me to see if I find some that fill me in the same way and I will make the changes, but I do not violate the LAW if I recognize that they are not mine. Thank you and very kind. :)

Hi @hojaraskita

I like this topic that today you decide to share in the community, for any teacher the role of tutor is a great responsibility, which involves not only commitment to complete an academic advice to a particular student, because it goes beyond that, because being a tutor is like being the parent who educates his son to face life with the best tools.

Best regards, be well.

Exactly!! very true what you say my friend, the tutor should not lose perspective, the way; that although it is true that money is necessary, it should not be the flag that guides our actions. Thanks for your opinion. :)