Choices and Priorities: It's All a Matter of Time!

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 

It's impossible hard to get everything done, all the time!

Most of us live these very busy lives, filled with activities and things we feel "must" be done... regardless of whether that's the actual truth or just our perception.


I "have to" get our income tax return prepared. Because I "have to" file an application for property tax abatement. Meanwhile, I also "have to" keep making a living... which I barely have time for, to begin with. I also "have to" keep up with house maintenance and planning for our 2022 homestead garden. I also "have to" help Mrs. Denmarkguy with her Kickstarter campaign so we can afford to get her new deck of Tarot cards printed. Although the project is fully funded, we need to "overfund" by $1,000 in order to also be able to get custom boxes printed.

But that's a whole different story...

Most of the time, we have to make difficult choices, as to what is most important... even while we know that all the things on our plate are important.


Often, the difficult choice we must make is to simply accept that something important to us will only get "halfway" done, because there is simply not enough time to go around.

Because there is a time crunch, I am coming to terms with accepting that I will only be able to complete a "pretty accurate" tax return. I will choose to "overguess" in a few places, so if we do ever get audited by the tax department, all they'll discover is that we actually could have taken more expense deductions than we actually did.

The thing is. I know there are some additional business receipts in my paperwork jungle, but I just don't have the luxury of the time to completely organize my office into perfect tidiness. I have to make do with what is in front of me.


You might wonder how one gets into such a predicament, and it is mostly the result of perpetually living near the poverty line while also being self-employed. Organization can be very time consuming... and I have chosen not to make it a big priority because "my time could be better spent doing something else."

There's almost always a trade-off, when it comes to allocating time. "If I do THIS, there won't be time to do THAT," and vice-versa.

So I'm just going to keep plugging forward... and occasionally I will "steal" a little time to create a blog post!

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the rest of your week!

How about YOU? Are you a good time manager? Do you feel like you generally have "enough time" to get everything done? Or are you often sacrificing projects because you can't justify spending the time they demand? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220210 01:02 PST

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