Nasi Gurih, have you ever tasted it?

in hive-185836 •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Nasi Guri[h] is a typical Indonesian food. I do not dare to claim it just in the province of Aceh only, because I believe that in the various provinces of Indonesia there is Nasi Gurih, although with different names [Nasi Lemak, Nasi Uduk, etc.] only the terms are different but the taste is slightly different.

In contrast to as usual rice in general, Nasi Gurih does not look like and the rice grains are not sticky with each other. That is because the cooking process Nasi Gurih is first given coconut milk to the rice, bay leaves, orange leaves, laos, and lemongrass, also then steamed until cooked. The result, the taste became savory and aromatic.

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The dishes are usually served with a typical Indonesian menu - Sambalado [a type of chili sauce] both in the form of chopped fish or eggs, and even chicken and beef. Not infrequently also equipped with tofu and tempeh and a little touch, and some crackers.

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In my city, Lhokseumawe, we have one of the well-known Nasi Gurih outlets, Nasi Gurih Simpang Asmi. At first Nasi Gurih was traditionally sold in the Simpang Asmi area of Lhokseumawe city. Because of that, finally, this Nasi Gurih outlet was known as Nasi Gurih Simpang Asmi. Interestingly this outlet has been around since I was a child, and now it is continued by the child of its predecessor seller.

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This Nasi Guri is suitable to be eaten anytime, good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Even so, usually often becomes breakfast in the morning. It has become a necessity for the people, it seems, to eat Nasi Gurih in every morning, I myself often eat it in the morning. Hmmm ... How, have you ever tried it?

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Nasi Gurih adalah makanan khas Indonesia. Saya tidak berani mengklaim di provinsi Aceh saja, karena saya yakin diberbagai daerah di Indonesia ada Nasi Gurih, meskipun dengan nama yang berbeda [Nasi lemak, Nasi uduk, dll] hanya istilahnya saja yang berbeda namun rasanya beda-beda tipis.

Berbeda dengan nasi putih pada umumnya, Nasi Gurih tidak terlihat putih dan butiran nasinya tidak lengket satu sama lain. Hal itu dikarenakan proses memasak Nasi gurih yang terlebih dahulu berasnya diberikan air santan, daun salam, daun jeruk, laos, dan serai, untuk kemudian dikukus hingga matang. Hasilnya, rasanya pun menjadi gurih dan beraroma harum.

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Hidangan ini biasanya disajikan dengan menu khas Indonesia--Sambalado [sejenis saos cabai] baik itu berupa ikan yang disambal maupun telur, bahkan ada juga daging ayam maupun daging sapi. Tidak jarang juga dilengkapi dengan tahu dan tempe serta sedikit toucho, serta beberapa keping kerupuk.

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Di kota saya, Lhokseumawe, kami memiliki salah satu gerai Nasi Gurih yang cukup dikenal, Nasi Gurih Simpang Asmi. Awalnya Nasi Gurih dijual secara tradisional di kawasan simpang asmi kota Lhokseumawe. Karena itu pula akhirnya Nasi Gurih ini dikenal dengan nama Nasi Gurih Simpang Asmi. Menariknya gerai ini sudah ada sejak saya kecil dulu, dan kini dilanjutkan oleh anak dari penjual pendahulunya.

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Nasi Gurih ini cocok dimakan kapan saja, baik untuk sarapan, makan siang, atau pun makan malam. Pun begitu, biasanya sering menjadi sarapan di pagi hari. Sudah jadi keharusan masyarakat sepertinya untuk makan Nasi Gurih setiap paginya, Saya sendiri juga sering menyantapnya di pagi hari. Hmmm... Gimana, sudah pernah mencobanya?

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