Spiders are invertebrate predators. It is an eight-legged arachnid. Their body is divided into two parts, head and torso, they have eight articulated legs and no wings. Their heads and chests together form the cephalothorax. A special feature of spiders is that they make nets and prey on other insects through the nets.
Hear some picture of Sider
There are many kinds of spiders, some of them catch nets, some of them jump and catch prey. All spiders have a pair of venom glands. Many of these bites are very poisonous. But not everyone is fatal.
Spiders are one of the first terrestrial animals. Relatively ancient spiders are solitary predators, meaning they do not fly nets, but jump and catch prey. The way to recognize them is to stand at the bottom which moves straight up and down.
Jalbona spiders are relatively young.
Some famous venomous spiders:
Tarantula (poison does not harm people)
Black Widow Spider
Fear of spiders is a kind of phobia, arachnidaphobia.
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