HK-JP-SG cross community challenge!
I'm sorry I could not write reflected article of cross community challenge.
I would like to write about the situation to participate, the impression of participation, and the articles I personally like.
①About the situation to participate
I thought that I wanted to join because I saw the challenge introduction article by @syo-t and @yo-yo in my feed.
Although I hesitated at the beginning at first, I decided to participate after @yo-yo 's writing ingenuity about English translation.
Back then, since I was writing about the bartender era, I thought about posting a story about that experience.
That is the posting of that round ice.
【JPN/ENG】日本独特のバー文化~丸氷~/Japan's unique bar culture "Round ice" (HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge)
②About the impression of participation
I wanted to test English ability, so I was very happy when I received English comments.I think that it is a good thing to tell the details such as why it is necessary to round ice.
When I read overseas posts, there were lots of things written about Japan, so I was happy to be able to read them.
③About the articles I personally like
@nota69 's posting was my favorite thing, in various articles.From the beginning I was a fan of his writing.
【EN/JP】HK-JP-SG cultural challenge - "ITADAKIMASU" , a wonderful Japanese culture
He wrote a spiritual thing about the "ITADAKIMASU" word, I was deeply moved.
In Japan, the beauty of nature and art are wonderful, but I feel strongly that the spirituality is the most proud of it.
From a number of postings, I think that it was very difficult to narrow down to three.
I would like to participate if I have such opportunity again.Thank you for your valuable experience!
I'm grateful that I won the 3 rd place.
@syo-t さんと @yo-yo さんの紹介記事をフィードで知ったのがきっかけです。最初は参加しようか迷っていましたが、@yo-yo さんが英訳の工夫などを色々記事で書いて下さっていて、私にも出来るかも知れないと思ったことが参加へと繋がりました。
【JPN/ENG】日本独特のバー文化~丸氷~/Japan's unique bar culture "Round ice" (HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge)
色んな人の記事を読んで、個人的に気に入ったのが @nota69 さんの投稿でした。そもそも彼の文章力には一目置いていて、作家@nota69 の一ファンでしたので(笑)、日本人の精神面のことに触れていた記事を読んで、じんわり感動している自分がいました。
【EN/JP】HK-JP-SG cultural challenge - "ITADAKIMASU" , a wonderful Japanese culture
なので、@nota69 さんの投稿を読んだ時には正直、「あっ負けたわ!」って思いました(笑)私自身、入賞を狙ってはいましたが、彼を差し置いて自分だけが入賞していたことを知った時は本当に驚きました!!
Please participate in this project! まだ参加受け付けています!
【ENG/JPN】Let's get steemit omikuji!/steemitオリジナルおみくじを引きませんか?
ホロスコープ鑑定受付中です!(有料)※鑑定のボ リュームは有名人シリーズが目安です☆