[ENG/中文/日本語]HKJPSG final results are out/HKJPSG最終結果出來了/HKJPSG審査結果発表はこちら!🎊🏆🎉

in hkjpsg •  6 years ago  (edited)

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It's @prch on behalf of @orientalhub giving you all final results of the HKJPSG cultural challenge.

@prch 為您提供HKJPSG文化挑戰的最終結果。
@prch よりHKJPSGの文化交流チャレンジの最終審査結果を皆さんにお知らせします。

HK香港 - Judges @travelgirl @prch

Winner @biuiam

Let's talk about Adult Video 香港-日本-新加坡跨區文化挑戰/ HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge

The adult industry is a major industry around the world and Japan is one of the most famous ones in Asia. Biuiam has incorporated his science knowledge to his article which makes it really interesting for the readers. He also reminded people not to be ashamed of watching these as many Asian cultures would find this topic a little bit embarrassing.


アダルト産業は世界の大きな産業であり、アジアの中で日本は最も有名と言えます。 @Biuiam は彼の科学の知識を記事に取り入れました。それは読者にとって、とても興味深いです。 彼はまたアジアの文化の多くがこのトピックを少し恥ずかしいと感じることについて、これは決して恥ずかしいと思わなくてもいい事であると人々に思い出させました。

1st runner-up @aaronli

[ENG/中文/日本語] The HK-JP-SG cultural challenge – Japanese Etiquette and Izakaya/日本禮儀與居酒屋/日本のエチケットと居酒屋

Japan arguably is a country of etiquette where employees are believed to have been trained as extermely courteous staff. Is having too much etiquette over the top? @aaronli explored the possible connection between side effects of etiquette and Izakaya. Izakaya can be a temporary after-work hideaway for people to completely unwind. People may be so uptight at work, some of them go awry after drinking. This is not in parallel with the image of etiquette.


日本は間違いなく、従業員が「丁寧に対応するスタッフ」として訓練されていると信じられている「礼儀」の国です。 でも礼儀を重んじすぎることはないのでしょうか。@aaronliは、礼儀と居酒屋の副作用の可能性について考察しました。 居酒屋は、仕事帰りの人々が完全にくつろいで過ごす一時的な隠れ家のように感じます。 また人々はとてもよく(律儀に)働くかも知れませんが、彼らは飲んだ後に思いがけない失敗をすることもあります。これは「礼儀」の印象とは随分異なります。

2nd runner-up – @tinytaruen

((JP)改變我生命的動漫-香港-日本-新加坡跨區文化挑戰 私の人生を変えたアニメ-香港 - 日本 - シンガポールのクロスコミュニティプラン Anime that changes my life HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge)[https://steemit.com/cn/@tinytaruen/jp-anime-that-changes-my-life-hk-jp-sg-cross-community-challenge]

Do you believe that a foreign culture can reshape one’s life? @tinytaruen gave us her account of how Japanese manga has changed his/her life. Fullmetal Alchemist inspired him/her to be true to him/herself. Being influenced by the manga, @tinytaruen chose Chemistry as his/her Bachelor’s major.

你相信一種外國文化能重塑一個人的生活嗎? @tinytaruen 以他/她的經歷、和他/她的漫畫,給了我們一個活生生的例子。鋼之煉金術士成為了他/她的激勵,激勵他/她忠於自己,受漫畫的影響,@tinytaruen最後選擇了化學作為他/她大學的主修科目。

外国の文化が人生を変えると信じていますか? @ tinytaruen は、日本の漫画がどのように人生を変えたのかを紹介しました。 「鋼の錬金術師」は彼/彼女が自分自身に忠実であるように促しました。 マンガの影響を受けて、@tinytaruen は彼/彼女の学士の専攻として化学を選びました。

Japan/日本 Judge - @moromaro

Winner @cafelate

[EN/JA] Japanese love cherry blossoms / 日本人は桜が大好きです/ HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge

With the theme "Sakura" which is also a symbol of Japanese culture, from @ cafelate's own perspective. It is a great article written about "Sakura" while holding original storyboards. A particularly interesting point is the "How to enjoy cherry blossoms" part. It is an article that is very helpful as it is described in interesting contents such as "How to eat" that Japanese people do not even know.

@cafelate 以個人的視角,來向我們介紹日本文化的象徵 – 櫻花。 立在「櫻花」的主題上,這是一篇十分出色的原創文章。文章最有趣的絕對是「如何享受櫻花」的部份。它更是一篇實用的文章,帶給我們很多有趣的內容,例如「如何吃櫻花」,相信很多日本本地人都不知道!

日本文化の象徴でもある「sakura」をテーマに、@cafelate の独自の視点で
特に面白い点は、「How to enjoy cherry blossoms」の部分。

1st runner-up @sumi

(JP/EN)日本のお菓子『練り切り』/Japanese Seasonal Sweets『Nerikiri

Based on the actual experience of @ sumi, while holding many pictures about Japanese sweets.It is an article that will entertain the viewer once written. Particularly wonderful is that the work process is explained by taking photos. By doing this, you can see how Japanese sweets are and how they are made I understand it is a valuable article to be very helpful.

@sumi 帶給了我們日本糖果的實際體驗,還有很多日本糖果的照片。相信这篇文意能夠吸引很多的讀者觀看。

@sumi の実体験をもとに、Japanese sweetsについて多くの写真を交えながら
これによって、みる方はJapanese sweetsがどんなもので、どのような作り方をされているのかがわかる、とても参考になる貴重な記事となっています。

2nd runner-up @masami69

【JPN/ENG】日本独特のバー文化~丸氷~/Japan's unique bar culture "Round ice" (HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge)

This article is very unique. It is a wonderful article to understand the delicacy of the Japanese from the culture called bartender. Probably many Japanese are interested. @ masami 69 is an article drawn with easy-to-understand touch based on his own experience It is an interesting article.

這是一篇很獨特的文章。 從日本的酒保文化,讓我們了解日本人的味道,很棒的文章! 相信很多日本朋友都會對這篇文章感興趣! @masami 以他的實際經驗寫下了這一篇容易理解的文章。 這篇文章十分有趣!

@masami69 が自身の体験をもとにしたわかりやすいタッチで描かれた記事で面白い記事となっています。

Singapore 新加坡 シンガポール Judge - @culgin

Winner @iammegankylie

Travelog 05 | Japan Series: Distinct and Grounded Way of Life.

Firstly, this is one of the few articles from Singapore that focuses on culture. In addition, I prefer posts that talks about the culture of another community. This post by @iammegankylie talks about the Japanese culture of being polite and respectful to others. Through her beautifully taken pictures, she also shared some of the Japanese traditions such as wearing kimonos, doing Temizu and practicing Yabusame.


まず、これはシンガポールからの「文化」に焦点を合わせた数少ない記事の1つです。 私は他のコミュニティの文化について紹介する記事を選びました。 @iammegankylieさんのこの投稿は、他人を礼儀正しく敬う日本の文化について語っています。 彼女は美しい写真を撮り、着物を着て、手水をしたり、流鏑馬(やぶさめ)を練習したりするなどして、日本の伝統の一部を共有しました。

1st runner-up @seandeanayao

[EN/中文/日本語] Train | Subway | 地下鉄 | 列車 (HKxJPxSG Vol.1.0)

This article by @seandeanayao is interesting because it talks about the subway systems of each community and through that, it helped readers understand the culture. For instance, the spelt out Japanese etiquettes showed their politeness and respect for others, the design of the Hong Kong's MTR showed the value for efficiency and their fast pace of life.


@seandeanayaoによるこの記事は、各コミュニティの地下鉄システムについて紹介し、この記事によって読者が文化を理解することを助けた点で興味深いです。 例えば、紹介された日本の礼儀は、他人に対する敬意を表し、香港のMTRの設計は、効率性と「速いペースの人生」について表しています。

2nd runner-up @taco.cat

[HK-JP-SG Cross Community Challenge] Uniquely Singaporean: Hawker Centres! 小販中心! ホーカーセンター!

Finally, in 3rd place is this article by @taco.cat. The article is not discussing culture of another community, but it brought out the important Singaporean food culture. Particularly, our unique hawker centre culture which I personally have not seen in any other cities. The diverse and broad choices, the affordability and the quality of hawker centre food are the very reasons why I always recommend my foreign friends to experience our hawker centres.

最後,我們的第三名來到了 @taco.cat。這篇文章不是任何社區的文化討論,但它帶出了新加坡重要的飲食文化,尤其是那獨特的小販中心文化,這也是我本人在其他城市從未見過的,我本人也經常向外國朋友去體驗新加坡的小販中心,亦是因為其食品的多樣選擇和質量!

最後に、3位は@ taco.catの記事です。 この記事では別のコミュニティの文化については書かれていませんが、シンガポールの重要な食文化について紹介しました。 特に、私が個人的に他の都市では見たことがないユニークなホーカーセンター(屋台村)の文化です。 様々で幅広い選択肢、手頃な価格、そして品質の高いホーカーセンターの食事は、いつも外国の友人にこの店を経験することを勧めている理由です。


HK 香港

@biuiam - 2SBD from @elizacheng of @teammalaysia (special support from Malaysia) and 3SBD from @orientalhub*
@aaronli - 2SBD from @orientalhub*
@tinytaruen - 1SBD from @orientalhub*

@elizacheng, please transfer 2SBD to @biuiam

Japan 日本

@cafelate - 2SBD from @elizacheng of @teammalaysia (special support from Malaysia) and 3SBD from @fukako
@sumi - 2SBD from @fukako
@masami69 - 1SBD from @fukako

@fukako san, please transfer 3SBD to @cafelate, 2SBD to @sumi, and 1SBD to @masami69 direct.
@elizacheng, please transfer 2SBD to @cafelate

Singapore 新加坡 シンガポール

@iammegankylie - 2SBD from @elizacheng of @teammalaysia (special support from Malaysia) and 3SBD from @jrvacation
@seandeanayao - 2SBD from @jrvacation
@taco.cat - 1SBD from @jrvacation

@jrvacation san, please transfer 3SBD to @iammegankylie, 2SBD to @seandeanayao, and 1SBD to @taco.cat direct.
@elizacheng, please transfer 2SBD to @iammegankylie

Attention please: those who cannot make it to the winner podium, don't feel discouraged. @elizacheng of @teammalaysia will be doing a consolation lucky draw for you. A shared lucky draw pool of 6SBD!

請注意:那些不能到達冠軍領獎台的人,不要感到失望。 @teammalaysia@elizacheng將為你做一個安慰幸運抽獎。共享6SBD抽獎池!

ご案内です:残念ながら表彰されなかった皆さんも、がっかりしないでください。 @teammalaysia@elizachengはあなたのために追加のラッキー賞を予定しています。 6SBDが贈られるラッキー賞です!

@elizacheng, these are non-winning entries, please include them into the consolation lucky draw
HK: @nanosesame @jojoga @nahaha @kona @hktraveler @victorier @livinguktaiwan @sweetdisaster @tydebbie @honoru

JPN: @eggpon @sakura-sakura @nonono @sallyfun @hiradate @nota69 @yadamaniart @crypto.hack @ytrphoto @yo-yo @aitommylr @kinakomochi @hidemi @aoni @sho-t @nadeshiko @afukichi @kyosuke @amblog @argon

SG: @janicechua @seanytan @ryanng @jessie901220 @rockysmarties

Once again, thank you ALL! Without you, the cultural challenge wouldn't have been possible! We are bidding farewell to the challenge and I will see you until next time! Good night!



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  ·  6 years ago 

Congrats to all the winner! Thanks @prch for the reminder. Here's the first part of the prize for the winners. Second part for the lucky draw, I will record the random picker result tomorrow when I am on laptop.

Thank you for your support 🇲🇾🇲🇾

Had fun doing this with all of you. Cheerio.

  ·  6 years ago 

You are most welcome!!! Awesome challenge!!!

Cheers for everything your team and you have done all along!

  ·  6 years ago 

Glad to be able to do this with you all! Looking forward to more collaborations in the future!

Big congrats to all winners

Thanks for the input.

Wow...congrat. to all winners!

Thanks for the input.

  ·  6 years ago 

Congrats to the winners! Great job! 👏👏👏

My honour to have your post, I know you've been always busy with work and family.

OMG, I am so surprise that I got selected!! I was struggling to write AV or anime. Seems more people are interested in the topic too.

Big congratz to other winners too~ And big thank you for everyone who made this challenge happened and supported it~ Steem on!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yes!!! You got it.

This may probably overthrow the theory of 'winning at the starting point'?

Congratulations to all winners!
Awesome event with interesting articles by everyone!

Had fun doing that with you. Best of luck.

Congrats to all! Thanks for all Judges too!

Pleasure is always ours.


Congratulations to all winners😁!!

Thanks for your post.

Wow! I'm very happy that my post was chosen.
Through my post, it was enough reward to just start a new communication.
Congratulations to all the other winners too. XD
Thanks to everyone who supported this challenge!

You must be a wonderful graphic designer. I really like your drawings.

Congratulations to all winners! Good work everyone!

Thanks for the hard work you put in.


It was a wonderful project!
Congratulations to all the winners!

Thanks for your participation.


Thanks for your post.

Waaaa! Thanks so much for the appreciation! Congrats to all participants as well!♥

Pleasure is always ours.


Hokkaido, number 1.

゚・.✿Thank you.✿.・゚

Congrats to all the winners. I had so much fun reading the articles! and well done to @prch for all the hard work you have put in and the rest of the crew for this whole project.

Pleasure is mine, pretty mom.


Domo arigato. sushi next year :-)


Congratulations to all the winners!
I feel love in each comment sent to the award-winning article from the administrator.

Okinawa, number 1!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in this cultural challenge and thank you for your efforts! 👍


Thanks for your post!

  ·  6 years ago 

Congrats to the winners! Great job! 👏👏👏

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Oh yay! Thank you so much for selecting my post. Congratulations to the other winners as well! And thank you to all those who organised this challenge! Looking forward to another one in the future (:

I personally bookmarked your post and know where I should go for some good foods :-)

Wow! Aww thank you so much 😊

Glad to be one of the participants representing #teamsingapore in the challenge and became the first runner up. Hope to have more different collaboration in near future to boost cross-community relationship.

This is going be great. I'm looking forward to a brand new education.