
in holyspirit •  4 years ago 

Alex Jones says he is giving himself up to the Holy Spirit to overcome his drinking problem. He says Satan comes to you, the world comes to control your life regardless whether you asked for it or not, we have to ask for Christ to transform us from the inside out.

Guy takes Covid Vaccine and then had liver failure. 35 year old woman dies of a brain hemorrhage just days after taking a J&J Covid Vaccine. Another took one and then got a heart attack and died.

Thousands of people are being PAID MONEY to FLAG POSTS as FAKE NEWS.

They've activated Black Lives Matter terrorists globally as Covid Vaccines murder people.

Black Lives Matters members commit crimes, they're arrested but charges are dropped. Meanwhile American patriots were arrested simply for attending a Trump Rally in DC on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021. THey're being falsely accused of invoking an insurrection. They should be arresting Trump under that kind of faulty logic.

I didn't want Grace to die in Fear The Walking Dead and it looked like they were going to let her die from radiation. In the real world, people are exposed to radiation. You treat radiation like you treat cancer and Covid Vaccines, you have to kill the cells that are damaged. There is hope but it takes a lot of work and some people may not survive. But you try your best and you fast. Covid vaccines are killing people in the real world.

Covid Vaccines are allegedly like patented, copyrighted, trademarked, protect under laws and such, meaning Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and other Satanists, attempt to sue anybody who tries to buy these vaccines which are untested and such. People are dying. The good news is people are suing governments for violating the Nuremberg Code which is international law which Covid Vaccines violate.

Fire fighters are getting bribed money by the government to push Covid Vaccines onto people which is KILLING TOO MANY PEOPLE, they're getting paid overtime pay and more for giving very BAD ADVICE which LEADS TO DEATH FOR MANY while others slowly die over the course of years.

Reporter asked Fake-President Biden why he wears masks so much even after getting a Covid Vaccine, Biden responded, "Because I'm worried about you. No, it's a joke, it's a joke. Why, why am I wearing a mask? Because when we're inside, it's still good policy to wear the mask."

Muslims are burning down Christian churches weekly all over the place and governments let them.

MK-Ultra evolved into Monarch, Disney is all about mind control.

Climate change should be recorded on death certificates, doctors argue

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-05-07 - Friday | Published in May of 2021

Covid Vaccine Form Will Not Comply 173780373_110121614523581_2697591604235268935_n.jpg

Covid Vaccine Form, Will Not Comply

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Home | Directory | Accounts | Oatmeal Brother | Oatmeal English | Oatmeal Health | Oatmeal Joey | Topics | Timeline

Thousands of people are being PAID MONEY to FLAG POSTS as FAKE NEWS.

Robots having babies, I mean choosing who you date and not date to control the world. 1


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

11:54 AM
The April 2021 Arizona Forensic Audit found many ballots lacking signatures, many ballots were scanned multiple times, no wonder the Puppet Biden Tyranny, AKA the alleged federal government, is trying to interfere with the investigation.

Violating International Law

2021-05-07 - Friday - 06:42 PM - Globalism Log

When you mandate Covid Vaccines, you actively violate international Nuremberg Code (which was established in 1947) law meaning many governments are actively violating this code of ethics.

I don't know if we can get the United Nations to facilitate global courts to put governments on trial for violating international law.

But I do know we can at least educate people on the violation of international laws that the globalists and others are actively engaged in. That is a step in the right direction.

Covid Log

Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links

2004 WOLBI Hangers Joey.png

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Learning English

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

I was teaching English in Vietnam

My Internet

2021-05-07 - Friday - 12:25 AM

I tested my Internet speed via a website called Speed Check.

Download 59 mbps, upload at 20 mbps, via Comcast, through DSL, on average. Well, not DSL but a phone wire through the wall from the router. The fastest DSL could go might be 100 mbps. Not sure exactly.

Oatmeal Health

Join the Health Community

2021-05-07 - Friday - 01:14 AM LMS - Account created

Just kidding.
They said they don't allow Proton Mail when I was trying to create an account.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

12:54 AM
Do you really think we want this to be true? About a million people marched in the UK & protested, yet not one Mainstream Media source covered it... This woman explains it perfectly.

11:54 AM
Thousands of people are being PAID MONEY to FLAG POSTS as FAKE NEWS.

Biden Masks

2021-05-07 - Friday - 03:08 PM - Facebook Log

I'm going to share a quote here but I'm going to have to redact George Orwellian Verbiage.

Reporter asks Guy-Den why he wears you know da thing even after getting that other thing, and Joe Pro said, "Because I'm worried about you. No, it's a joke, it's a joke. Why, why am I wearing a [REDACTED]? Because when we're inside, it's still good policy to wear the [CENSORED ON FACEBOOK]."

End of quote. Too bad I can't share the uncensored version of this quote which I just saw on Twitter in a video and which I shared on Gab and Hive unedited. Hey folks, I'm just trying not to get thrown in the Facebook Timeout for another week or month or forever. Oh don't worry, Facebook will likely go after you too.

Unedited version:
Reporter asked Fake-President Biden why he wears masks so much even after getting a Covid Vaccine, Biden responded, "Because I'm worried about you. No, it's a joke, it's a joke. Why, why am I wearing a mask? Because when we're inside, it's still good policy to wear the mask."

Covid Insert 95% Blank

2021-05-07 - Friday - 03:46 PM - Facebook Log | Gab

OVER 95% of the in-sert is blank for the bo-fid fixer thing which they are required to provide by law, I was just watching a video of a lady showing this and you can try it yourself and go somewhere, anywhere, and you can ask for one and they are required by law to provide the thing BY FREAKING LAW and you will find over 95% of the many pages and pages worth of documents that they HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO provide upon request is BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK. This post here might get banned and removed off Facebook, Twitter, etc. So, blink twice and look at the Men In Black (MIB) pen and wait for a big flash and you might forget you ever ever saw this post and then you can wake up in a few years wondering what happened but it will be too late at that point and you will regret the pen.

Sharon Hundley, see the photos I recently posted. There is a video of a lady looking at an insert of the thing they stick inside people and the insert is mostly blank. I don't know if the Facebook algorithm has the word "INSERT" on their ban list of things you cannot say without being thrown in Facebook Prison or not but I do know the list is growing by the day and they hired thousands of people to manually flag posts which spreads disinformation, fake news, anything they don't like, and that is why I am trying to say things that are not allowed to be said on Facebook but in a sneaky roundabout way. Well, it's possible one of those fact checkers will be reading this comment and I hope they enjoy their job I guess. And in that case, I'll likely be back inside the Facebook Dungeon unable to post for another week or month or maybe forever. So until next time.

My Wall is Your Wall

2021-05-07 - Friday - 09:22 PM - Facebook Log | Gab

Feel free to tag me, to post on my wall anything you want at any time without question, to invite me to things, to add me as a friend, to follow me, to share my content which you may also find on other websites, other places both online and offline. Feel free to steal anything you want, everything here is copy-left.


I believe sharing is caring, that's why I try to give back to the community as much as I can. Feel free to join my Facebook pages, groups, events, accounts. Feel free to promote and plug your things there and here and everywhere.


You can find my videos, photos, memes, articles, posts, comments, threads, GIFS, websites, links, content, autobiographies, logs, questions, debates, music videos, podcasts, covers, sound bites, ideas, emails, screenshots, scans, sermons, documents, files, collections, thoughts, feedback, concerns, commentary, illustrations, diagrams, etc, etc, etc, [you can find them] both offline and online on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, the larger big tech ghetto networks like those, you can find me on Gab, Minds, etc, etc, and also alternative tech blockchain networks like Hive, Steemit, etc, and the list goes on and on, just Google my name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold Joeyarnoldvn or better yet use Duck Duck Go or other search engines.


Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, banned many dozens of my accounts, channels, profiles, pages, etc, etc; thousands of videos have been deleted, etc. I'm often thrown in FACEBOOK PRISON for a week or a month at random times going back to like 2014 or in some cases going back even farther than that. So, someday, you may not be able to find me on some websites like Facebook. When that day comes, you can still try to find me at other places and I encourage you to share my stuff to Facebook when that day comes or do it now, like why wait?


I will continue to do what I do and all I do as much as I can both online and offline, that is my mission and I encourage you do the same to follow your heart and trust your gut and do what is right no matter what.


Please share my stuff or share stuff on my Facebook wall or timeline or whatever you call it. You don't have to ever ask me for permission to do something. Just do it, no questions asked.


My house is your house.


My wall is your wall.


Just kidding about the my house thing.


But the wall thing, no joke.


My Facebook wall is your Facebook wall.

Please write on MY WALL any time you want, anything, I do NOT care.

30 Years Early

09:48 PM - Facebook | Bantom Joe

"We cannot lose, because WE MUST WIN!"
We have no other choice.
"Consumer protection trial lawyer working in Germany and California, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, is currently preparing the largest class action lawsuit in history, a kind of “Nuremberg 2.0”.
Reiner Fuellmich: “We’re about to reach the tipping point, I think, because they’re making so many mistakes. I don’t think that all these adverse reactions to the vaccines are part of the plan. And that’s because they’re trying to rush this thing through. And we have a whistleblower that told us that the original game-plan was to roll this out in 2050. But then those who were involved in this got greedy, and pulled this forward, to 2030, and then to 2020.
The thing is: we have the evidence. We have been speaking to all these scientists, and other people, over a hundred at this time, and these very same people that testified before our committee, can testify before the courts of law…”
Here’s the takeaway:

  • We’re in an invisible war for our sovereignty.
  • Lockdowns, masks, social distancing, etc, have nothing to do with a virus.
  • COVID-19 – if it even exists – is as mild as flu.
  • Flawed PCR tests are the foundation of this fake pandemic.
  • The vaccine should be avoided.
  • Stop complying as much as possible.
  • Tell others to stop complying as much as possible.
  • Ignore the mainstream media.
  • Don’t give up."

1000 lawyers?

09:54 PM - Facebook

This is the case being bought against the CDC, WHO and Davos Group, by a team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical professionals.
I'll say that again, so the people in the back can hear.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

11:49 AM
Life has a 100 Percent Morality, go live it.

02:57 PM
Reporter asked Fake-President Biden why he wears masks so much even after getting a Covid Vaccine, Biden responded, "Because I'm worried about you. No, it's a joke, it's a joke. Why, why am I wearing a mask? Because when we're inside, it's still good policy to wear the mask."

White House press sec deflects questions on why NIH funded Wuhan Virology Lab.

06:59 PM
CNN person Kaitlan Collins, "The Trump Justice Department secretly obtained Washington Post journalists’ phone records and tried to obtain their email records over reporting they did in the early months of the Trump administration on Russia’s role in the 2016 election."

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

2004 Pocketball Mr. Hoeft Sanding

2021-05-07 - Friday - 02:11 PM - Scan Log - 2pics or copies of 2004 Pocketball Mr. Hoeft

2004 - Mr Hoeft as we were building my Pocketball Table for my Senior Project, sanding, the sander - 2pics scanned or 1pic scanned twice, full and cropped

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Disclosure Library


MK-Ultra evolved into Monarch, Disney is all about mind control.

Walt Disney was working undercover for the FBI around the time of the second world war. Some believe he was a Freemason as well. Some of the cartoons were funded by the U.S. government to attack Hitler and others in order to get Americans to want to join the military.

Play Boy may be a lot like Epstein involving sex trafficking of women, girls, and boys; and also involved in blackmailing people and such.

Fear The Walking Dead

2021-05-07 - Friday - 03:12 AM - 04:13 AM - FTWD 612

She is in the future. Morgan is old. The girl is a teenager. Wait. No. It is not the future. She is there but unconscious. The teen girl is not fake, she is the baby inside her, they are connected. The episode was called In Dreams. Grace thought she was living her last moments of life but it was actually Athena's last seconds of life as she is stillborn. I didn't want Grace to die and it looked like they were going to let her die from radiation. In the real world, people are exposed to radiation. You treat radiation like you treat cancer and Covid Vaccines, you have to kill the cells that are damaged. There is hope but it takes a lot of work and some people may not survive. But you try your best and you fast.

Health Ranger

11:14 AM - Situation Update, May 7th, 2021 - Salk Institute reveals the spike protein IS the weapon... and it's in all the vaccines

Black Lives Matters members commit crimes, they're arrested but charges are dropped. Meanwhile American patriots were arrested simply for attending a Trump Rally in DC on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021. THey're being falsely accused of invoking an insurrection. They should be arresting Trump under that kind of faulty logic.

Patriots should not get out of their truck to talk to a crowd of angry BLM members. Know the laws of your county and state.

Ron Gibson


They've activated Black Lives Matter terrorists globally as Covid Vaccines murder people.

Thousands of people are being PAID MONEY to FLAG POSTS as FAKE NEWS.

In blue cities, police are being ordered to act like street thugs similar to what you find in communist China or an evil authoritarian empire.

11:54 AM
The April 2021 Arizona Forensic Audit found many ballots lacking signatures, many ballots were scanned multiple times, no wonder the Puppet Biden Tyranny, AKA the alleged federal government, is trying to interfere with the investigation.

Ron Gibson


05:55 PM
Guy takes Covid Vaccine and then had liver failure.

35 year old woman dies of a brain hemorrhage just days after taking a J&J Covid Vaccine.

06:15 PM
Alex Jones says he is giving himself up to the Holy Spirit to overcome his drinking problem. He says Satan comes to you, the world comes to control your life regardless whether you asked for it or not, we have to ask for Christ to transform us from the inside out.

Ron Gibson


Muslims are burning down Christian churches weekly all over the place and governments let them.

The Resistance 1776


Covid Vaccines are allegedly like patented, copyrighted, trademarked, protect under laws and such, meaning Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and other Satanists, attempt to sue anybody who tries to buy these vaccines which are untested and such. People are dying. The good news is people are suing governments for violating the Nuremberg Code which is international law which Covid Vaccines violate.

Covid Vaccines create giant holes inside lungs.

1986 Injury Act

Covid Vaccines

2021-05-07 - Friday - 06:55 PM - Covid Log

Mandating Covid Vaccines violate certain laws like the 4th amendment (U.S. constitution) regarding privacy, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) laws, and especially the Nuremberg Code. It's funny China is refusing to take these Bill Gates Covid Vaccines and other countries are running away from the Vaccines to end all other vaccines, the vaccines of death.

But Americans have to be forced to take these KILLER VACCINES which are NOT VACCINES. Funny the inserts are mostly blank. These vaccines patent your genes which means you become property of Bill Gates who is also buying up all the land.

Fire fighters are getting bribed money by the government to push Covid Vaccines onto people which is KILLING TOO MANY PEOPLE, they're getting paid overtime pay and more for giving very BAD ADVICE which LEADS TO DEATH FOR MANY while others slowly die over the course of years.

The Resistance 1776


Discloser Library


Mickey mirrored upside is wicked in Disney fonts as seen in a cartoon.
Peter Pan Shadow Dick or part of costume. Well, the Bible says you should avoid the appearance of evil.
Little Mermaid Dick on the castle or coincidental design.
Walt Disney 666 in the design of the fonts, the hand signature.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Disclosure Library

12:05 AM - THE 3 LIONS

Fear The Walking Dead

2021-05-07 - Friday - 03:12 AM - 04:13 AM - FTWD 612

Health Ranger

11:14 AM - Situation Update, May 7th, 2021 - Salk Institute reveals the spike protein IS the weapon... and it's in all the vaccines

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


The Resistance 1776


Dear diary, got up at 11:10 AM. Slight headache, not a migraine. Took 2 magnesiums. Breakfast. Chores, dishes, vacuum, washing my bed sheets, pillow cases, laundry, first time since like December of 2020 maybe, which was six months ago, it is like a biannual kind of thing for some people but not sure exactly when I last did it but it was some months ago and this is probably the first time for this year, 2021. It's currently Friday, the 7th of May of 2021, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Also, vacuum. Front garage vacuum to be weekly. Compost. Recycling. 2 slugs found in the tumbler, I put them in a whit round container and mom dumped salt on them; she is watching A Handmaiden's Tale which illustrated a contemporary applied version of 1800s slavery and ownership of people as property and such, she said she already watched that Good Doctor episode, and now it's Manifest which has science fiction mixed with the fringes of real life science and such. All of this in the afternoon. Lunch. Sunny day today. VHS to DVD project around 7 to 8 PM, see those logs for more info. Was putting together a VHS which was broken, a tape of my brother's high school graduation and after party. I kind of played in one VCR but not the other. Was not able to copy to DVD. Maybe tomorrow. But need to clean one VCR or other VCR too or not sure about the other VCR which appeared to be better working but did not play the tape. But the first one does but dirty. Closed out my day around ten to midnight on my newest laptop testing it and customizing and such. Oh, 1:21 AM Saturday now. Need to bring down resolution I think to make appearances more smooth. Had my bed made around 5 PM on Friday. SOmething like that. Looks good, blue on top.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, banana nut bread from yesterday, 11:14 AM.
Lunch: apple, soup, 02:40 PM.
Dinner: soup, bagel, 05:30 PM to 06:30 PM.

Cat tags dog to activate turbo dog

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2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn 307a soffie Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA Ojawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp cruz gb 32 Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube 5 3 Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg

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The value in telling the truth in a world of lies

Do you really think we want this to be true? About a million people marched in the UK & protested, yet not one Mainstream Media source covered it... This woman explains it perfectly.

EXCLUSIVE: 'Your doggy chain necklace is waiting for you.' Flirty messages from Hunter Biden's Chinese-American secretary, 29, who worked for him when he partnered with the 'spy chief of China' are revealed.

Rumble.com - Parent RAGES at "Woke" School Board for Indoctrinating Students and Anti-Asian Policies

Reporter asked Fake-President Biden why he wears masks so much even after getting a Covid Vaccine, Biden responded, "Because I'm worried about you. No, it's a joke, it's a joke. Why, why am I wearing a mask? Because when we're inside, it's still good policy to wear the mask."

THIS IS SICKENING! — BREAKING NEWS: For The First Time In United States, Bill Gates-Funded Company Releases Genetically Modified Mosquitoes - WorthyPolitics.com.

What will central London look like in 100 years? Terrible.

Breitbert.com - Exclusive — Mike Cernovich: ‘I’ve Definitely Been Considering’ Running for California Governor to ‘Push the Issues’

Trump-phobia surges! Twitter suspends OTHERS quoting former president - WND.com.

BREAKING: Ohio Trump Republicans Vote to CENSOR and KICK OUT RINO Republican that Voted to Impeach! - Gab.com.

Michelle Obama: Black Lives Matter 'Taking to the Streets Because They Have To' - Breightbart.com.

New Internet Speed World Record: 178 Terabits a Second

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