More reasons to Home-School your Kids, because Schools = Profit, not education.

in home-schooling •  7 years ago  (edited)

Screenshot-2018-1-4 Petition · Justine Greening Stop penalising children with medical conditions for their attendance · Cha[...].png

What a disgraceful way to raise funds and tax the vulnerable. I can only assume that this spiteful act was done because the School wanted to recoup money, lost from employing 'Special needs' Teaching assistants.

It stinks of Schools being ran by accountants and not the Head-Teacher who we can go to, if we have any issues.
Heads of Schools now just tend to use the "Sorry, it's out of my hands" approach. And then who are you left to deal with? An unsympathetic voice who knows nothing about you and has probably been employed for their business acumen, rather than their upstanding morals.

Well it seems this particular school is totally void of any morals at all and after reading this, it begins to support the theory that public Schools(not teachers) have no intention of allowing our Children to reach their true potentials.

Schools are the property of the Government and they are a business ran for profit, ergo, so is the School. It is nothing more that a profit generating ASSET.

This article proves just that...
Screenshot-2018-1-4 Petition · Justine Greening Stop penalising children with medical conditions for their attendance · Cha[...](1).png
Screenshot-2018-1-4 Petition · Justine Greening Stop penalising children with medical conditions for their attendance · Cha[...](2).png

Even though I am eligible to apply for my child to have free School meals, my Daughter prefers to takes a pack-lunch to School every day.

The food served at most Schools is provided by a private company, who have share-holders that must see returns, if the business wants to keep it's investors.

My Daughter has mentioned on many occasions how bad the food looks and even said that, one day every week, they have Cheese and Crackers, as a dessert?? Hmmm, sounds very cheap....

Luckily, we can both laugh about this and use it as a reason to make an even healthier pack lunch, in the hope it will tease other kids into asking their Parents to do the same and dump the School dinners.

It has not passed me by, that many families do not have the money to afford to make pack lunches for their Children and many are unaware of the trap set by the Government, to force people to have to depend on Free-School-meals. This allows the Schools to supply a prediction of how many children will need to be catered for. Therefor, giving a potential earnings forecast, for the various companies bidding for the rights to supply the School with hot meals.
In short, a business plan.


The more I read and learn about the way schools work for profit, the more I am considering 'Home-Schooling'

To look at our society from the out-side, it must appear very dark and cruel, when things like this appear.

To check out the whole article and support the petition it promotes, follow this link -

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Rebel Dan

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It's not about punishing the student it's about doing away with the Christmas/Christian holiday. There's a war on for freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and so on. I remember life in school with chronic awful asthma. I still suffer from terrible asthma. I have only one child left in school now, the others are grown. If I had things my way, he wouldn't be in public school. Public schools are awful, basically just government paid babysitting with a hint of learning. I honestly don't know how teachers put up with the nonsense. My wife taught for a while until the school's policies changed. They were looking for reasons to get rid of teachers under the guise of something else. She could barely teach the students anyway as the parents were never on the teacher's side. This is a hot button issue with me. So, she quit teaching. Teaching is her passion, she teaches mathematics and is degreed. At this point, with the way schools are failing students and parents being apathetic, I'm about one incident away from pulling my student out to learn more at home. Fortunately I raised him right and he is wise, intelligent, and wiley. So he will tell me when he has had enough, he says. Ooh, the whole situation with schools nowadays is awful! Thank you for sharing and keep on posting.
Much love and light,

Thank you for your comment it was very insightful. I hope your wife manages to find an outlet for her passion for teaching. Can't agree more with your comments. Thank you for your support.

Anytime. Well, The Lord works in mysterious ways and He has taken one thing from her, but given her many other things to take its place, as He has with me. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, Lol! We try to keep positive about these things, and it's true that she has been given New more important tasks. I see His handiwork in our lives, but I try not say much about it in case it jinxes us.
Much love and light,

$700 Billion a year and they can't even give kids a nutritious meal... Thank you Michelle Obama (and ketchup is not a vegetable)! HOMESCHOOL!!!

Damn right bro. They gave Schools in the UK a grant when Solar-panels were the big thing and now the Gov have slapped a business tax on any profits gained by using them. Comfirms 2 things. Gov doesn't give a shit about schools and Schools ARE a business, as much as they would deny it. Hey I have found another article about Oz and UK trafficking scandal. One strange thing about it though, it's from an interview with. suspected pedophile, Gordon Brown....Work that one out, because I'm baffled. here it is anyway -

Thanks! I read the first few paragraphs... It looks huge!!! I think the govt cares about the schools- it's just the kids they don't give a shit about. "The best government money can buy!"

lol, I stand corrected.

George Lucas sold the rights to Star Wars and donated most of his earnings to education. I forget how much that was, but it was in the low billions. Throwing money at the problem is not going to make things better.

America spends in excess of $800 billion a year- more than any other country, yet standardized test scores keep going down (even though they keep dumbing the tests down)

Education has never been about money, but being able to carry on a decent conversation and an exchange of ideas with other people. Some people gave up on the masses and instead of educating them have decided to enslave them. Their policies have held us all back for decades now. People learn best through strife and struggle and the new leaders have taken that away from kids making them spoiled and rotten idiots. What do I know though? I know that I enjoyed your post.
Much love and light,

Good article and I agree about homeschooling ...
but could you please remove the familyprotection tag from posts that aren't about exposing CPS abuses?
Thanks and have a great day!

Thank you and yes I will do it straight away, sorry.

All done, will pay more attention in future :)

People like Albert Einstein that changed the world was home schooled by his mother. Public school put limitations to learning, telling a child what to learn each grade. Home schooling gives the child a chance to accumulate vast knowledge. I believe we can achieve more by teaching our kids at home.

Yes it appears the school system is about holding them back and narrowing their opportunities and perceptions. Thanks for your comments and support.

Thank you, @steemiteducation :) Much appreciated.