Is the Turpin family horror story really like the media tells us? A CPS foot in the door for homeschoolers.

in homeschooling •  7 years ago  (edited)

For the record: I am not telling you what to think, neither am I telling you that I’m right. All I want to do is to ask you to consider this information in front of you and then decide what you make of it. Of course, this could just be the one time where the mainstream media actually tells the truth. Or it could be just the opposite. Either way: the story is horrible enough to investigate...


My daughter and her boyfriend were the ones who first told me about the Turpin family and the horrors their children supposed to have been through. I was actually sitting right here, at the computer, working away.
Because I was busy, I only listened with half of my attention when I heard:
" Hey mom, there was this thing in the US and these crazy parents had their 13 children locked inside the house for years and some were even chained to their beds."
My first response to this was what the average person would respond: "How horrible. Those poor children. Bla die bla." However, my first (not so conscious) thought was: “13? Hmmm…” More about the number later.
Like I said, I was doing something, so the penny didn't drop till a bit later.
I recalled the announcement my daughter had made of something the media has said and decided to check the story.

The very first article about the Turpin family had this title:

13 victims, ages 2 to 29, kept shackled in foul Perris home by parents, officials say.

(remember those numbers)

Alright, this title would be the kind of title where you go: WOW, AWE Those poor children! And look at those monsters!

The pictures posted of the parents show two people whose faces could fit the monster profile.

Then, when we read on, we find out that the family in question were homeschooling all of their kids.

When reading that, I could almost hear the majority of readers react with more ‘Oohs and ahhhs...and some even with: “Homeschooled? That explains it.”


When I checked more articles on the subject, I found one headline by The Independent that says:
Turpin family latest: Parents smile in court as judge bans them from contacting 'tortured' children

Now, try to forget why they were in court and just look at the title here. If this doesn’t state:
"Horrible parents", then I’m not sure what does.
These monsters were smiling in court as the judge bans them from contacting their kids.
WOW, only monsters would smile through such a thing, right? RIGHT?
Now, since I know how the mainstream media distort just about anything that is placed in front of them, I decided to look a bit deeper. And guess what?
They didn’t actually smile when the judge banned them from any contact. Their smiles (or at least the mother’s) were for their lawyer. I know, if it were me in court, I’d be crying, but I can’t speak for others, some people smile or even laugh when they're nervous. All I know is that the picture the media paints is one that makes these people look like they just escaped from hell. But is it the right picture? We have to at least wonder about it. As I said: the media is good at distorting the truth. They managed to capture a smile on the faces of the parents and they mix it into another context to paint their picture really ugly and dark. And the thing is, they wouldn't even have to do this, because we all already knew that these were homeschooling, torturing, anti-social parents right? Just to be clear: I homeschool my kids, so this is not to offend anyone, I am trying to get the truth out here. And I don't believe it is what they tell us.

Next, I find the interviews done with the mothers’ sisters.

Walt Disney's Star on the Walk of Fame. Why this is relevant? I will tell you this in the next post.

Sister Elisabeth: There is the mention that the family used to be quite religious (Pentecost) but that they were exploring other religions. According to the sister (Elisabeth) and I quote: "they were looking into witch doctors and ‘stuff’, and then she mentions that Louise (the horror momma) was looking into Mormons, Mennonites and the Catholic church. How these get in the mix together with Witch doctors is a puzzle to me. Maybe they liked to keep their options open? What I find a bit strange too, is how the sister remembers all this so vividly. She was only 19 at the time and I think those different religions are the last thing on a 19 year old’s mind.

She also tells us how they were very strict with the eldest daughter. At the diner table, she would lock eyes with her mother and Louise would then tell her to go ahead and eat.
Not sure what’s so strict about that. I was taught to wait until everyone was seated at the table and we all had food on our plates. Sometimes this could involve us digging in too early and my mother looking at us and raising her eyebrow as a sign that we should wait. My parents were strict, but I never saw that as strict. I really wasn't traumatized by it that's for sure! To be completely honest: It wasn't always fun to grow up in a strict family, especially as a teenager when others were allowed to do so much more than I was. But now, I can actually appreciate their ways. Even though I don't completely raise my kids the same way, I understand where their ways came from and I know that it was out of love for us.

Then there is this: she lived with them for a summer and one day she locked the bathroom door to take a shower when her sister picked the lock open and the two of them come in and wait for her to step out of the shower. Wait! She said what now? And to make things worse: they supposedly did this all the time she was there….But, she states: they never touched her.
Well, I don’t know about you, but if that were me, I would have ran out that door and never come back. And, I probably would have told someone. But yeah, I guess that’s just me, I can’t speak for others…

Are these real tears? Oh, hold on! There are no tears....


Conclusion of this 1st part of the Turpin family story the way I see it

I started writing this and at first thought I could keep it ‘small’. However, once I got going and researched more about this case, I found it was impossible to cram this all into one article.
I’m already close to 2200 words and I am not even done yet, since more and more issues have come to light since I started this. In the next part of this, I will write more about the sisters and other 'witnesses.'
Of course, I always appreciate any comments and ideas other people have on my writings, however, in this case, it might be very hard to see where I am going with this yet.
You will understand it better once I get to my final piece about it and you will also know why I think that this story is the biggest bullshit we’ve heard lately and what kind of agenda is behind it.

I hope to open some people’s eyes to this. In the beginning of this post, I mentioned the numbers that come up throughout the whole story and that they are important. I will elaborate a little more about them later, but for now just remember those numbers. I will refresh your memory about them in the next post.



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I dunno, it all sounds pretty horrible to me. I don't see a way that you can positively (or even not-negatively) spin it even if you explain away a few things. People can be serious psychopaths. And no, I'm not against homeschooling at all. I'm a tutor and I think one on one instruction is actually the most effective kind of education (in my experience), so I'm all for homeschooling. If the media is making that relevant then that is of course wrong.

Well, I will explain more than a few things and won't spin anything. My point is that this story is fake as can be and this will be explained in detail later. There is so much not right about this story, but I actually have proof, because they made some mistakes. From the first moment I thought this is all planned out to vilify homeschooling and have more control over homeschooling families...and it's already happening now. They want to make a new legislation so CPS will be able to enter homeschooling family's homes and interrogate the children.

I'm undecided so far though I can definitely see why you have grown suspicious of the veracity of this story. I really appreciate your skepticism. It's a sad state of affairs but it is something that is needed when consuming any information in a world of deceptions such as this.

Though I am curious about this now, I will wait for you to post the next two parts.

Don't take too long though..

@son-of-satire: thank you for reading. No I will post the second part this evening. It gets crazier...and more inconsistent. In cases like these, people throw money at 'the victims', also in this case. Now, of course, if this were real it would be needed and just an act of kindness. But if it's not real, then it's a great cash cow for whomever put this all together since they collected over $750,000 already...There's so many sides here.

There is definitely an agenda! It is crazy if you start looking into this story and other stories! Yes, the shower information is totally weird and sort of unrealistic... I don't even know what to think about this. Thanks for writing an article about it.