It's T. time!

in homeschooling •  4 years ago 

Heeey, everyone! How are y'all?

I WOULD say I'm back for real this time buuuuuut... You know me.... I tend to not come back for very long at a time... Anywho, 2020 kind of stinks, with Covid-19 and all, but, today was a great day for us! FIRST of all I made a candle for SquishySquid! And my bro made a Spider-Bot. But what I'm REALLY posting about is explaned from the beginning to the end in this story...:
I was grating some beeswax from a large 4lb "beewax-wheel" (For SquishySquids candle). My bro wanted to get the mail, most of me didn't want to let him go without me (We usually get the mail together), but something made me say: "Okay" when he wanted to. after a few minutes, he came back and shouted: "THE TARANTULAS ARE HERE!!" And I must admit, part of me thought he was teasing... But I came over to him anyways, and, he was holding a medium sized white box! IT WAS THE TARANTULAS!! :D Me and my mom (We ordered them) opened it up. We were both quite nervous... We set up the enclosurs first, of course. Then SquishySquid opened up her Carabina Versicolor T. But just before she unwraped the tissue paper, I remembered that we should probably open it up over a small container in case it darts. It did. Luckily, we had the container there and we got it in the enclosure. 😅 It was a pretty blue color, and had long legs. SO CUTE.
Next, I opened mine (Acanthoscurria Geniculata). (My hands were shaking like mad! I was overflowing with excitement and nervousness!) I didn't need to unroll the tissue paper, because he had poked a hole of his own through the tissue paper!! LOL! He started walking out, and luckily SquishySquid was there, otherwise, he would have walked away! He was headed for the OUTside of the enclosure!! 🤣 (I had already named him Acanthos) We then let them get used to there new homes (We kept peeking at them, of course!). My T. was sitting in his new hide I provided, and SquishySquids T. was just chillin' on the wall. ♥
At about mid-day-ish, I decided I wanted to try giving Acanthos a mealworm, I knew he probably wouldn't take it (It's his first day in a new home, after all!), I dropped in a small dead mealworm, and for a minute he did nothing... But just as I was gonna say: "Maybe I should take out the mealworm." He pounced on it! That is when I knew he would be an aggresive eater! 😁 Anyways, SquishySquids T. has been hangin' out on the wall, and mine is still eating.



(Sorry, he's eating. Can't see him TOO well...)

SquishySquids Carabina Versicolor:





Wow! I got WAY more pics of SquishySquids Carabina Versicolor!

Isn't this just the best day ever? I hope y'all have had an amazing day too!


Have a blessed day!
♥ Love, SnekLady ♥


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