RE: "HoneyBun" Our First Family Cow!!!

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"HoneyBun" Our First Family Cow!!!

in homestead •  8 years ago 

~TexasMom, thanks for this post. I have been thinking on getting a cow. Gives me additional things to consider. So far I'm leaning toward the mini milkers, but haven't made the final decision. Upvoted.

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I considered the mini jerseys too. But after talking to a breeder on the phone...she simply asked me one question..."how many children are in your family?" I replied...5..( 2 of which are babies that drink bottles/sippy cups). She said bluntly..."you don't need a mini need a standard size milk cow." Hope that helps ya.

When a standard size jersey first "freshens" (gives birth) she will give more milk. As time goes on, their milk supply will lessen until, nearing the end of her lactation cycle( which is where we are now with Honey) she will only give between 1-2 gallons a day. Honey has been giving about a gallon and a half with milking her morning and night. I was very intimidated by the amount of milk a standard size cow could produce but now I'm ok with it. There are so many uses for milk around the homestead. We plan to use it for making all of our dairy products, consuming it, and feeding to the animals.