Soooooo, remember when I said I was going to get lemongrass seeds? Well, I didn't. I got this plant instead. But not necessarily because I didn't want to do seeds. But so I could order this too.....
It's a lemon verbena and the leaves smell so good. I've gotten one of these from this company before. I don't remember why it died. But I've wanted another one ever since. If you rub a leaf, it smells like a minty lemon scent. I know that proably sounds weird. But I so love the smell of it. I will be babying this so it'll grow into a nice healthy bush. Ever time I walk past it I'll run my hand over it and get that lovely smell.
In other news, I got all of the sheep area knocked down but not all of it mowed into smaller pieces. I posted a video on my instagram of what I got done. It won't post the video here so I'll just leave ya the link.
Tomorrow it's supposed to rain so I won't be able to get anything else done outside. So I'll probably get some much needed housecleaning done. Hopefully. I hate housecleaning. I would so much rather be outside building something or doing something with the animals. But this house ain't gonna clean itself. Wish me luck.
Take care everybody.